OOC post - warning, VERY long
So a while back I found this thread on IMDB titled HIDDEN! Whats under the WIG?! (SPOILER!) (warning, if you click on it, be prepared for a lengthy load time, this has been a heated discussion since July 10 and it's got almost 1k comments on it) and it turns out the creator of the thread is giving us a gift horse about PotC3 -- that there are going to be aliens in it *see my comment below about gift horses*. I've presented my thoughts on it before in the past and I just came across it today. Here is some of what I had to say to responses on the thread. To protect the identity of the idiots, I have changed their screen names. And to protect the identity of the sane people, I did the same. me *returns from a hiatus from mass stupidity* Good lord this thing is still here? This is going to take two posts I think to respond to what I've read. Sane #1 Do you base this on the fact that they both agree? Hey, Dragon, Sane #6. Did you know that you, I and several countless other posters on this board who speak out against Idiot #2 and the other guy are all the same person? Where was I when this memo went out? I must have missed the meeting. Someone apparently lost my e-mail. Yeah, I wanna know what I missed in that meeting.Idiot #1 personally i don't even care about this treasure planet thing. who cares? what does this prove? nothing? who said anything about tresure plnt anyway? i'm tlking about potc3, end of story, the END FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and PS- GO GOO DOLLS SUCK! Treasure Planet (for the love of god if you haven't gone to go look it up, please do so now) was presented as a basis for why Disney will never do a pirate/alien themed movie ever again.Sane #1 ""hypothetically" If this alien movie that you made up DID exist, why wouldn't they do it again. Special "FX" have come a lonnnnnnnnng way since the 1990s when this "film" was supposedly made. They could make it a TRILLION times better, culdn't they? (that is, if this movie ACTUALLY existed, which I kinda still doubt BTW)" Then you are in serious denial. This movie did and does exist. I have watched it. They've run it on the Disney Channel on several occasions. It had David Hyde Pierce from Frasier and Martin Short doing voices. If you claim these actors don't exist, then you are an oxygen theif taking valuable air that the rest of us could be breathing and need to be executed for the survival of the planet and to keep your genes out of the gene pool. More than all ready, I mean. And this movie wasn't made that early into the 1990's. I was still in like, 8th Grade when this came out and I just now started college, so it couldn't have been more than six years ago at most. Possibly seven considering I start my second year at the end of this month. Granted, effects have still come a long way in six years, too. However, one of the first and foremost things that everyone mentioned was how great the aesthetics were. It was the story and writing that killed it because the book Treasure Island on which it is based (and if you claim that the classic work of literature Treasure Island doesn't exist, you deserve fully to die) didn't translate into the new Sci-fi setting in a way that could be reconciled. They wouldn't do it again because Treasure Planet did so terribly at the box office. It's one of the worst flops Disney ever did. They wouldn't do it again, especially not to their biggest power-house movies, because they don't want to lose the money. Amen.Idiot #1 I NEVER CLAIMED THAT IT WASN'T REAL HOT SHOT! WHY DON"T YOU GO BACK IN TIME AS YOUR NAME CLEVERLY SUGGESTS AND SEE WHO IT IS YOU WERE ARGUING WITH! Of COURSE treasure planet is real, i even OWN the damn thing, but what the heck doews this prove? so you're saying Disney, a multi-billion dollar corporation wouldn't try the alien pirate thing again just because it didn;t work ONCE? ok, if history worked like that then we wouldn't have airplanes or cars now would we? i'm sorry, but your argument holds no grounds here, its ALL THEORY when what we need is facts people, FAX! Movies are not like airplanes and cars. The creation of airplanes & cars were for the forward advancement of the human race. Movies are only to inspire the imagination. Humans really do not need movies to get through life but we go anyway to enjoy a good story. If the story is bad, then movie makers aren't going to want to repeat history. And faxes and facts are two diffrent things. For your sake, I ask that you stop proving your stupidity.Sane #2 I can't believe I read the whole thing! Idiot #2 and Idiot #1, are you aware that you are the reason that people think Americans are stupid? Someone should lock you away before you do more damage to your country's credibility! I love how Idiot #1 talks about sci-fi stuff as if it's documented fact...of course we all find it hard to keep our alien bodies inside our smaller human disguises....and Idiot #2....call that research?!?! we all know what a sparrow is you arse! and did it occur to you that his name is connected to his ideas about freedom from being tied down...birds, free etc...not meaning wanting to go back to his home planet!...and I'm afraid you can't really argue anything on the basis of sci-fi lore because it's MADE UP!! And sweeties...sci-fi and mythology are not the same thing. the kraken apperas in 'Clash of the Titans', along with pegasus and and the fates....clearly they were all aliens. and Mackenzie Crook's character even talks about the Kraken's roots in Scandinavian mythology. I suppose '20,000 leagues under the sea' was about aliens too? And by the way Idiot #1....what the hell has the invention of cars and planes to do with history or cinema?! I don't think Disney are trying to invent a new form of transport...but I might be wrong.... and another thing....do you really think they are going to try and incorporate 2 flops into a big hit ...ie treasure planet and Waterworld??!?! I think I just said some of this, but amen. *personally liked waterworld*Idiot #1 well, considering those FLOPS did not star JOHNNY DEPP, i don't understand why you refuse to UNDERSTAND THIS OBVIOUS CONCEPT! Even if a movie has a popular actor, if the moviegoer crowd gives it bad reviews it is still a horrible movie.Sane #3 Whoa whoa whoa whoa The only thing more ridiculous then someone claiming Jack Sparrow will be an alien and therefore making everyone in theaters simultaneously vomit in disgust when it would be revealed is somebody claiming audiences want more Geoffrey Rush then Johnny Depp! Ask any woman in America and 90% of them will prefer Johnny Depp in any role to Rush! I cry foul. If this is proven on many websites, show them! I want to see links. Because that, my friend is ridiculous. I don't care who your buddy in the industry is, let's see some proof! Amen and I am in that 90% for more Depp than Rush.Idiot #2 So let me get this straight, most people on this thread will accept ZOMBIE skeleton crews and UNDEAD monkies as well as CLAM and octopus faced, barnacle encrusted pirates- but you can't fathom a Captain Jack Sparrow that resembles an ET and that is from a planet made entirely of WATER? Does WATER not fit in to your PIRATE lore that you keep referencing? If you hate the idea of an Alien Captain Jack, I've got only one thing to say to all of you- Sometimes bad things happen to great movies. Remeber "JAR JAR BRINKS?" It's really ironic that you you STILL don't believe. Even after the mountain of EVIDENCE and the "insider info" that's been brought to light. #2, zombies are mindless creatures that stagger around with no will of their own nor do they listen to a captian much less talk and worry about wooden eyes. When you compare the crew of the Black Pearl from PotC1 to ANY zombie movie--and I'll let you pick it for the fact that any one I name you'll just claim it doesn't exist--and you'll see there is a diffrence between a skeletal undead crew and zombies.Idiot #2 That's my cousin Kris you are talking about. Calling her a liar is a "low blow." She's a "born again Christian" for christ's sake. THEY DON'T LIE!!! Enough with the quotes! The more you use a quote to your "born again Christian" cousin the more I belive she DOES lie or YOU'RE lying about HER. And even born again Christians lie, they're HUMAN...unless *gasp!* they're aliens too!!! *dramatic music*Idiot #2 I don't understand why you are bringing politics into this. Are you a 'commie?' In the words of Inigo Montoya (from Princess Pride} "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."Sane #4 She means you should learn how to spell. Or do you need me to FAX you the FACTS. Jesus. XDIdiot #2 Listen people. This has become a "free-for-all" that makes little scents. The fact of the matter is, is that we NEED to agree on all the FACTS, evidence and "Insider" info presented, which are, as follows: 1. In POTC3 (Pirates of the Carribean 3), Captain Jack Sparow will be revealled to be an "alien life form" which will explain ALL of his eccentric mannerisms as well as his UNCANNY ability to "cheat" death. 2 We will also learn that "Alien Captain Jack Sparow" will navigate the "Black Pearl" through an "intra-dimensional" vortex(aka The Bermuda Triangle) back to his watery home planet. 3. The "alien" version of Captain Jack will be CGI'ed, yet "played" through facial sensors and such buy the same actor who played the zombie monkey, Gollim, AND Kin Kong, David Circus. 4. Keith Richards will do the voice of the Kraken. So, come on people. This is getting WAYYYY OUTTA HAND. Let's just agree on the facts presented above and give it a rest. Scents is what you smell. Sence is what you think. I've said my bit--repeatedly--on what I think about Captian Jack Sparrow being an alien, but allow me now to expand on the rest of the facts that are presented. 1) I belive I have said this one before, but let's see you get drunk for three days nonstop and see how normal you are. 2) Not even going to go there because that's a whole other debate. 3) First off, see what I said above about zombies versus skeletal crew; secondly, there was no actor who was the basis for Jack the monkey; Jack the monkey was based off the movements of the actual two monkeys that played the critter character. 4) Keith is going to be playing Captian Jack Sparrow's father.Idiot #3 Han Solo was a pirate like Jack Sparrow. Luke Skywalker and Will Turner are both naive young men determined to save feisty young princesses (Leia and Elizabeth). Lando Calrissian betrayed Solo, Barbossa betrayed Jack. At the end of the second movie, the pirate seems doomed (Han frozen in carbonite, Jack eaten by the kraken). Both pirates also got kissed by the princess just before their doom. I could go on, but I think it's obvious by now that Jack is indeed an alien, and POTC is the latest in the Star Wars saga. That's like saying a mountian lion and an African Safari lioness are the same animal. They look the same and they both eat meat, but they are actually two diffrent animals.Idiot #1 ignore me all you want moron. you think just because you listend to the commintary youre a geneeus! you are a stupid lonely man with stupid lonely man things to say and you want to proov over and over how smart yoo are and how dum we ar buit you are the dum one stupid stupid no one likes yoo stupd. you want the world to see how smart you are yet the second a person with a lerning disability proovs you wrong you put them on your ignor list. VERY MATURE OLD MAN. Just when I started having some respect as a fellow debater, you do something like this alpha...you know, you're not acting normal. Are you *gasp* *dramatic music* an alien?! Your typing abilities has degraded considerably since you first began this thread, you must be reverting back to your alien life form.Idiot #4 Why wasn't Bootstrap affected by the curse in POTC I? Why was Bootstrap on Davy Jones' boat in POTC II? Isn't it odd that Bootstrap just suddenly appeared out of the blue? What if the Bootstrap we believe to be Will's father, isn't really Will's father? I'm just saying. If you paid attention, Bootstrap WAS affected by the curse. He sent the medallion off to Will so everyone on the Pearl would remain cursed. Barbossa threw him overboard chained to a cannon. Davey Jones came along and offered Bootstrap a place on his ship and Bootstrap agreed because he was suffering down in the depths of the ocean.Idiot #2 How could that be? i mean if Captain Jack Spaellow grew up in a different galaxy and on an "amphibeous" water-type planet which is basicaly going to be revealed in the third "installment" of the "franhise", how culd they have comic books portraying him as a little human kid, if in faxct he is NOT a human being? That theory makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever. HOWEVER, maybe it could be like in the superman movies where his alien father sends him to earth to be a sort of SAVIOR and HERO for all of mankind. That would be a GREAT orgin comic book for the Captain Jack Sparrow legend as related to his alien orgins and such. and PS: to all of you keep talking about how they would never EVER turn POTC into a paranormal type movie- i got two words for you to ponder and chew on- "Mermaids" and "Leper colonies" Mermaids are folklore, not paranormal. You must be thinking of ghost mermaids. Lepers are not paranormal either, they are actual people who have leprosy--a condition that, for simpler terms, makes their skin rot.Idiot #2 Facades? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Are you making up words now??? No,he's not. American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source new! fa·çade also fa·cade (f-säd) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "facade" [P] n. 1. The face of a building, especially the principal face. 2. An artificial or deceptive front: ideological slogans that were a façade for geopolitical power struggles.Idiot #1 what the hek do bildings have to do with anything?! The false front. Idiot #2's putting on a false front...like you!Idiot #2 MORE PROOF! FROM THE HORSES MOUTH NO LESS. This is taken from "S.A. Magazine" May issue. Verbinski went on, "and aside from completing what we consider to be a traditional trilogy, fans should be prepared for some out of this world twists that will most likely steer the franchise in an entirely new direction, allowing us to open up a new universe for Jack to explore." "out of this world twists?" "new universe?" HMMMMMMMMMMM? There's a saying about gift horses. Don't look them in the mouth.Idiot #2 I am very close with my cousin and she knows that i am a HUGE fan when it comes to ANYTHING rleated to Captain Jack Sparrows OR "potc" in general and so when she read the treatment she told me the twist. So MAYBE it WAS a mistake bringing the facts and research to this "thread' but to tell you the truth- i didn't think fans would react this way. Like i said a "million" times before- you don't shoot the messenger with an arrow when he brings "news" you don't approve of, which is, in essence what you are atually doing. Get mad at disney! Not me! And did you know that "davey jones" was going to be in the second film while you were watching the first???? No you didn't. A "squid headed, seeweed covered monster pirate" is a BIG twist and leap from skeleton pirates in my book and i TRULY don't think anybody saw that coming from a MILE away! and stop cursing at me. Actually, considering the theme of the movie--pirate mythology & oceanic folklore--I saw Davey Jones coming from two miles away.Idiot #2 I am a "little person"- as in "midget." And he thinks it's funny to insult me all the time BUT it's NOT funny. Make up your mind, you told me you were over six feet tall. Last I checked, six feet tall is not exactly little. Since I'm going to guess you're about to throw a temper tantrum about this, allow me to quote your post when you first said it.Idiot #2 (Sun Jul 16 2006 19:36:23) I'm actually 6'2" and I have 37 confirmed "good friends". But thanks for asking. And you will DEFINITELY eat "crow" when POTC3 comes out. "Iwannabadragon", this is "reality". "Reality", meet "Iwannabadragon". Please check the timestamp that I've bolded for you #2. I am not very tall myself--I'm no little person but I am the shortest in my family but I don't let that get to me BECAUSE I KNOW THAT TALL PEOPLE AREN'T PREJEDUCED TO LITTLE PEOPLE.Idiot #2 Whoa! Why'd you have to go there, dude. Are you intent on reeking havoc and "burning bridges"? I thought we were trying to reconsile and understand the facts and evidents "brought to the table" by myself and others and then you and Toast have to go and bite my head off like some kind of "mongoose at a voodoo party." wtf?? I think that with your intolerance AND anger, the only option we REALLY have is to "disagree to disagree" on the fact the Captin Jack will be revealled to be an alien life form- if you understand what i'm saying. COMPRENDE? Hey, YOU asked Sane #5 about what he thought about aliens being in PotC3. He simply responded to what you asked. Don't yell at him for doing exactly what you asked.Idiot #1 hatred?!!!!! HOT HAIR?!!!!!!!! WRONG. this thred is making a lot of love between frends and POSTC fans can gather, be groopie and hang with lik minded pears. Really? All I see as far as friends is you and Idiot #2--who I'm now thinking may be diffrent people because at least Idiot #2's posts resemble the English language a little better than yours--on one side of a fence while countless others are simply stating their thoughts on your gift horse--see my earlier statement about gift horses before you open your mouth please.Idiot #2 Well said, Idiot #1. Now did anyone else catch the VERY telling interview on Entertainment Tonight where johnny Depp "spills the beans" and mentions that there will INDEED be some "out of this world twists" in the upcoming "installment" of the franchise? It was on a couple of days ago and it was when that blonde correspondent is interviewing him at that big Celebrity Silent Auction/benefit out in San Francisco. It was REALLY COOL!!! You're taking Depp's quote waaaaay to literal.Sane #5 IT'S GREEK! The language that supposedly first came up with the idea of an alphabet. You are on the Internet. You can look it up. Just like doing research. Don't ask him to do research. He won't. Trust me.Idiot #1 even if yoo liv in polish, doesnt make turms like "erotrash' off-limits. dont amercans use words lik 'whit-trash" ? No we don't use the term whit-trash. We say "white-trash" there is an "e" in there. And actually, white-trash isn't meant for Southerners, it's meant for those who live in trailer parks.Idiot #1 HEY! i tyhink this thred VERY SUCKSESFUL! i take OFFENDED! Well it definately sucks...like your spelling/grammar skills.Idiot #1 PROOF! why doos evryone need prufe? hard prufe! listen to ME, I NO FROM INSID INFO. THAT IS PROOF ENUFF! And I'm the Queen of England and you have to belive me because my only proof is what I say.Idiot #1 lsten, a goo scupe is lik a fine rannch dreissing, delishus, and taikng at fayce valyoo is reely enjyuble, but wunce yoo srt to diesecked to much adn werry abuot teh calorees and fats yoo wil not engoy it adn hat yerselfs. Are you drunk or is the alien within you making more of an urge to free itself?Idiot #2 http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=7111151 Talk to the hand! you get upset when someone makes a refrence to something that has little or nothing to do with PotC and then you present anime. Kind of holding a double standard there are you?Idiot #1 difrent dose of meds. nomore health ins. so i git cheep meds ovr intrnt, but i donet think there workingh. I still hold to the fact you're either drunk or turning into an alien. Meds have nothing to do with it.Idiot #2 When did i EVER lie? That is so rude to call me an actual liar. I bet you're like 12 years old or something!!! You sir shouldn't throw "rocks when living in a glass house." Welcome to the REAL world! You lied about your height and now you're lying about lying.When I scanned my two posts, I realize there was even more that got cut off that I missed between transferring back and forth from imdb and notepad. But I'm not going to go willingly kill more brain cells trying to find those posts I wanted to comment on.
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