Though her eyes were still shut, voices crept through the haze that surrounded her.
"Varda! Varden! What happened to you two, are you okay?"
"It's him, father. He's managed to track us down."
"Excuse me, when did you have kids!? And for that matter,
why is one a pink dragon and the other a naga?"
"I want to know why the hell our mum looked like that and why she was hellbent on killing us!"
"Enough!" the first person said, cutting over the others. "Araruz, I will answer your question in a bit--we have a bit more pressing matters at hand. Varden, what do you mean he is back?"
"You know who I speak of," the second person replied. "He managed to somehow infuse his powers into the mother of these two children and through her begin to take over the Dynasty clan."
"...Who all does he have control over besides their mother?"
"Lizbeth, Broden, Creighton, a radically changed Xink, the Triplets, and mother."
The arms holding her bridal style tightened a bit when the voice mentioned the Triplets. Yet, for now, she elected to keep her eyes shut though she was alert. Two of the names given were
very important.
"Something got into our mum?" the fourth person asked. "How dangerous is it?"
"Very dangerous," the first voice replied. "Come, we must leave this location."
There was an odd sensation, the closest she could come to describing it was it felt like siding sideways on ice. Soon after, she was gently laid down. Opening her eyes, she looked into the face of a
dark elf with teal hair and eyes.
"Well good morning old friend," he said, smiling. "Or, I should say, new friend? How are you feeling."
"Why did that one," she asked, pointing at a young boy wearing a neon green shirt and sported a emo hair cut covering one of his red eyes, "say my mother's and brother's name?"
"Dragon," a
purple haired and eyed dark elf said, sliding into her field of view. "You're a bit young to accept this but please've been brought forward in time on accident."
"Dragon?!" one of the human children exclaimed. "She doesn't look any older than Ette or I!"
"The Dragon you know is the equivalent of a twenty-seven year old human," the female dark elf said as the male helped the young Dragon sit up. "This one, being the equivalent of a fifteen year old human, was taken forcibly out of the timeline." With a hard look at the male elf, she added, "Apparently on accident."
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