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Six kinds of Attacks
Dragon's Attack

"Halt!" one of the guards yelled, running up to Dragon with a small platoon. "Her majesty, RohoMari, has denied you entrance!"

"Mari will be granting me an audience whether or not she likes it," Dragon said. "If you wish to avoid bloodshed, then it is in your best interest to allow me to pass."

"You shall not p--" the lead guard started to say as he lifted his staff. [1]

"Wrong answer," Dragon growled. In a move too fast to see, Dragon lashed out with a sheet of ice and decapitated the platoon.

Deciding that diplomacy would get her no where, Dragon transformed into her battle form. As she walked through the castle towards the throne room, the ground behind Dragon slowly was covered in ice where she stepped or where dragged her tail. Any time one of the guards attempted to stop Dragon, they were flung backwards--impaled by ice spikes.

Reaching the doors to the throne room, Dragon froze them solid--then shattered the ice with a reverberating roundhouse punch. "MARI!"

There was only one person in the throne room, lounging on a gold and silver throne that was several times too large for her. Glaring impudently at Dragon, she said, "You broke my doors. You'll have to pay to replace them. And, you will address me properly, RohoDragon." [2]

"You'll be doing the paying, Mari," Dragon snarled as she began to carefully release the bonds on her powers in a way that Mari would not sense. "I told you half a century ago that I did not mind giving up my powers to you in payment for destroying your castle--but I also warned you that if you were to harm those that are close to me I would kill you."

"You mean the powers I gleaned from your sisters, RohoNogard and RohoXangord?" Mari asked, looking at her nails then polishing them on her coat. "I know they weren't a part of the bargain--" Mari turned her stare back to Dragon, "--but they ARE a part of you and their powers are rightfully mine."

"You broke your bargain," Dragon said. "You nearly killed Nogard and turned Xangord over to--"

"I have that right!" Mari said, jumping to her feet. "When you nearly destroyed my castle, your sisters were both embedded deep within you and they were just as much as at fault as you!"

"XANGORD NEVER EXISTED INSIDE ME AND NOGARD WAS NOT IN CONTROL!" Dragon shouted. "They had NOTHING to do with what happened that day!"


"Then come, have your chance," Dragon said, unleashing her full power.

Dragon had always hidden the full depths of her power. Though Mari may have stolen her powers a few days ago on Gaia--it was only what Dragon had left unlocked. That which was locked had to remain locked due to requiring magic to release it. Now with her body having been infused with the power of a god, Dragon was over nine-thousand [3] times more powerful.

"I can still defeat you!" Mari said, rushing forward.

At full power, Dragon was able to liquefy parts of her body--or her entire body itself--at will. This made fighting Mari pathetically easy. At first, Dragon only teased with Mari--allowing the dark elf to slash at her, only to find what was once a solid body part was nothing more than water. [4] Then, growing tired of the game, Dragon unleashed a spell so powerful that the entire world and all of its inhabitants were frozen in solid ice.

Transforming back to her inheritance form, Dragon glared at the ice sculpture that was Mari. Locking down 95% of her powers again, Dragon reached over her shoulder with her tail and tapped the ice sculpture and watched with satisfaction as the body crumbled into a thousand pieces.

Sweeping the pieces aside, Dragon cleared a spot in the throne room floor to create a puddle that would take her back home.

Xangord's Attack

"Ruatuga's yours!" Xangord yelled to Nogard.

Increasing her speed, Xangord slammed into Shalimar's side. With her niece caught off guard, Xangord dug her teeth into the base of her niece's neck and threw her over one thousand feet into the air. Flying after her, Xangord released the bonds she had on her powers. Releasing the bonds on her powers was something Xangord had only done one other time in the presence of four others [5]--one of which was now hunting her.

Without the bonds on her, Xangord was able to transform her body into smoke--smoke that could either solidify into ice or flare into orange flames. Also, her new form was over nine thousand times more powerful. [3]

Speeding towards Shalimar, Xangord pummeled her niece with blocks of ice and herded her away from the unconscious Wolf and the terrified Wynn with sheets of flame. Although Shalimar was stronger than her mother--and Dragon was stronger than all the dragon gods combined--Xangord knew she was still stronger than her niece or grandniece Larkin--who was stronger than Shalimar. After a few moments, Xangord caught an unconscious--and back to normal--Shalimar to keep her from falling over twenty thousand feet to the ground. Locking down 95% of her powers again, Xangord returned to her normal form and flew back down to the ground.

Nogard's Attack

"Well I thought we were going to let them get killed," Nogard yelled after Xangord.

Sighing, Nogard instantly released all her bonds on her powers to make herself over none thousand times more powerful. [3] As her Nogard's body increased in power, it exploded into flames until her dragon form was completely made out of fire. Yawning, Nogard allowed the Ruatuga to futilely attack her--wondering just when the creature would learn it would not be able to hurt her without getting seriously burnt.

"LOOK OUT!" Wynn called from behind her.

Having been watching Xangord's fight with Shalimar, Nogard did not realize that the Ruatuga was summoning water out of the air to shoot at her.

"Aw hell," Nogard muttered just before she was blasted with a water jet in the chest.

Enraged, Nogard dug her claws into the ground as the water jet sizzled against her chest and attempted to push her back. Burning her flames hotter, Nogard lept clear of the water jet--which happened to clear a path through the trees as it attempted to follow her--and dove at the Ruatuga. Digging her teeth into the creature, Nogard reached up with her fore-claws to hold it in place while she began to pull her head back. Ripping a chunk out of the Ruatuga's side, Nogard decided the creature tasted exactly like barbecued chicken. Licking her chops, Nogard continued to eat the Ruatuga alive--ignoring it's death cries.

Just as she finished the last piece, Nogard heard Xangord land behind her. "Power down! Now!"

Glancing over her shoulder, Nogard asked, "Xangord, you've fought these before. Where can I find more? They taste really good."

"Just power down," Xangord said, setting Shalimar by Wolf and tying her niece to the cord that bound Wolf to Rose.

"Oh fine," Nogard replied, clamping down 85% of her powers.

"Nogard," Xangord warned. "You know the rules."

"Oh, fine," Nogard sighed, locking down another 10% of her powers. "Happy now?"

"Better," Xangord said. Looking at Wynn, she held out some of the cord she had used to bind Shalimar to Rose and said, "Hold onto this, okay? It will take you home."

"O...okay," Wynn said.

"Are they going to remember this?" Nogard asked, indicating Shalimar and Wynn, as Xangord approached her. "No one outside us triplets and that doddering old fool know about the family's true powers."

"Not until I'm ready for them to," Xangord said.

"What if Dragon says--"

"Dragon respects my opinion on this," Xangord interrupted. "Let's go."

Lord Avondale's and Larkin's Attacks

Suddenly, Lord Avondale turned his attention on Wynn because she was glowing with an aura that faded back and forth between red and purple. Knowing that the auras could only mean one thing, Lord Avondale said, "Larkin. I need you to centralize your power to the maximum you can."

"Where should I focus it?" Larkin asked.

"On Wynn," Lord Avondale replied, focusing his maximum power on his adopted granddaughter. Glancing up at Rose and Chazu, he said, "This is not going to hurt her. We are simply protecting those inside her from prying eyes."

"Why are we protecting those inside Wynn?" Larkin asked, focusing her maximum power on her aunt. She was surprised to see two shades of gold infusing into Wynn's aura and dissolving the red and purple colors.

"That's not for me to answer," Lord Avondale replied. It had been some years since Lord Avondale had used his powers in this way--thirteen centuries to be exact--and the strain was quite visible. "Ask your aunts...when they reemerge."

Glancing at Lord Avondale, Larkin saw liquefied gold forming on the old man's brow--a gold dragon's version of sweat--and various veins popping up beneath his skin. "Are you going to be okay grandfather?"

"I'll be f--okay you can release!" Lord Avondale ordered as he felt Xangord and Nogard's powers dissipate. Releasing his own powers, he slumped forward.

Leaping up as she released her powers, Larkin rushed over to Lord Avondale and pushed him gently back into a sitting position. The old dragon appeared comatose. Feeling Lord Avondale's neck for a pulse, Larkin sighed with relief as she felt three beats in rapid succession every thirty seconds. [6] From behind her, Larkin sensed Nogard and Xangord--and turned to fight Nogard, only to suddenly find Lord Avondale's arm clamped around her waist.

"Let me go!" Larkin snarled.

"Is all well?" Lord Avondale asked Nogard and Xagord.

"Yes," Xangord said. To Rose, she added, "You can pull them out now. Wolf and Shalimar should automatically heal as they're drawn out of Wynn."

Flan's Attack

As Creighton and Lizbeth boarded the ship, Flan leapt over their heads and used her staff to deflect a couple of harpoons. Running down the ramp to fend off some of the braver newbies, Flan said to Taran, <Get to Dragon's house! You need to get Mosquito to Kimba [7] before she wakes up! >

To get her point across, Flan closed the hatch and started the ship with her telekenisis. Seeing through the eyes of the newbies, Flan "saw" that they were coming dangerously close to her. Swinging her staff around her, Flan drove them back. Leaping backwards, Flan landed in a tree. Placing her staff in her teeth, Flan expanded her "vision" to include anything alive so that she could swing from tree to tree to quickly outrun the newbies.

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Dragon student
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Nov 24, 2008 @ 03:06am
[1] Yes, I'm channeling Gandalf today mrgreen I loves Gandalf, but that particular quote just seemed out of place against the fire and shadow demon.
[2] Roho is an honorific--like saying Queen Mari or Princess Dragon. The male honorific is Wimi, which means king or prince.
[3] [link] xd I couldn't resist! xd A couple of times apparently xd
[4] If Dragon was in her dragon form, her entire body would be made out of ice that can be liquefied into water.
[5] You guys know three of them: Riku, ZuchaX III, and Se'Rox. I'm going to be introducing the fourth soon. ninja
[6] A dragon's heart has three valve chambers that fire off one after the other every thirty seconds. Unlike a human's two valved heart, this three rapid beats every thirty seconds is not going to speed up during activity or slow down during rest.
[7] [link], aka Ikkit.

commentCommented on: Mon Nov 24, 2008 @ 03:16am
The thing that worries me the most out of all the attacks is mom's.

She killed a whole planet. eek

Shalimar hatchling
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commentCommented on: Mon Nov 24, 2008 @ 04:16am
... I still stand by my statement that my Grandson couldn't take Nogard, but he sure as ******** could put a hurting on her. Although I'm going to start calling Nogard Birdy-Zee based on the fact that A) She reminds me of Zee and 2) Her firey form reminds me of three different Yu-Gi-Oh cards I have.

Kimba's her name for Ikkit? She should stick with something more devious. Like Pookie. >.>;;

commentCommented on: Mon Nov 24, 2008 @ 04:20am
Oh really? That sounds like a fun fight.

Nogard: Just because your girlfriend and I are both fire elements doesn't make us the same. And the dragons who pose for Yu-Gi-Oh cards are pathetic wimps.

Flan: <Pookie is Kimba's sister. >
Tikki: *eyebrow*

Dragon student
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commentCommented on: Tue Nov 25, 2008 @ 03:25am
Heeeey smokey lady! Dont mess with my evil plans! You dont wanna mess with the Skull Kingdom! >o< I KEEL YOU!

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 25, 2008 @ 03:28am
Xangord: *eyebrow* Shalimar is not ready to control that kind of power.

Dragon student
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commentCommented on: Wed Nov 26, 2008 @ 05:13am
It would, but why would it need to happen?

*cough* None of them are Dragons *cough cough* All Phoenixi. So basically, Nogard, A cross between a cat and a bird. I'm calling you Koopling. XDD

Flan, you are one crazy b***h. sweatdrop In case you didn't know, that's a good thing. ^.^;;

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 28, 2008 @ 07:24am

First off... I am once again impressed by the powers of Dragon and her sisters. (why did she have to kill the whole planet, again?)

Secondly... glad that whole thing is over! Wynn safe, and everyone ready to return? yay.

And lastly... did... Flan just leave herself behind and tell Taran and the others to get the frick outta there??? oiy!

blueaecids rose
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Dragon student
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 28, 2008 @ 01:01pm
I'm not saying it HAS to happen, but it would be cool.

Nogard: Oh, well, that explains it.They're bird-brained. And don't you dare compare me to that psycho!
*stares* Well THAT'S the pot calling the kettle black.

Flan: *bows* <Why thank you! > mrgreen *turns to Rose* <Yep. >

*turns to Rose* Because.

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 28, 2008 @ 02:36pm
Jessie: Hey! Wait! No no no! I'm not going to fight that crazed b***h!

Raise your hands if you think that Koopling is more sane than Nogard? *raises hand*

Kisa, Eria, Zuchax the second and ZuchaX III: *raise hands quickly*

Jessie: >.>;; Koopling's total lost it... at least in my future....

... I want to hug her, but I'd break her if I did this kind of hug....

Also, err... at least you just froze them dead. I sorta did that too, except I did it with my sword, a bit of rage, and of course, motivation.

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