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A documentation of a human's existence.
Several years worth of entries. Not routinely updated.
Anime princess the sequel! part one! finished!
Meowh- avery
Fancy-painted-boats- Jacky
sassyshellyrawr- shelly
cynthiasideways- celeste
AlecHarsh- argyle

PART ONE of 'The anime princess, THE SEQUEL!'
I gave my plan to get back. I could tell none of the were sure about my plan. But, as far as I can tell, it's our only choice.
"Are you sure about this?" Shelly asks "I mean, I can't even move my legs"
"So you THINK " Celeste says "Get up and see!" And so she did. She rolled over to her back with a grunt of pain, and then, with some help, she sat on the edge of the bed.
"Are you ready for this?" Shelly says. We all nod. Meli and I stand next to her, and she uses us for support. She is up, and now she nods, and we step back. She is standing! Standing... Standing? All of a sudden she falls to the floor.
"Oh, Shelly!" Jacky cries "No, how can we do the mission without you!?!?" She starts sobbing for her friend. Shelly starts snickering on the floor. Then giggling. Then laughing.
"Huh?" Jacky looks up from Shellys hospital pillow that she was crying on. "What's so funny?" Shelly laughs some more, while we are all desperatly confused.
"I did know you felt about me that way!" Shelly says when she finally pulls herself together from laughing so hard.
"Wha-?" Jacky starts.
"Okay lets go!" Shelly yells, and then gets up easily. Grabs her coat and exits the room. We all stare at each other then hustle to catch up.
"What just happened?" Meli yells, obviously confused and frustrated.
"You guys have been PRANKED" Shelly says in a sing-song voice.
"Huh?" Celeste says.
"I'm okay!" Shelly says again. "I'm A-OKAY"
"So no paralyzation?" Jacky said, very angry."YOU MADE IT UP!?"
"But the nurse said-" I said.
"I told the nurse to tell you guys that, and you fell for it" Said Shelly snickering...
Will they get shelly pranked back? Will you please help with the sequel? Will The find a way back into the castle?

part 2
anime princess the sequel.
"so we're going back to the casle?" shelly whined.
"yes i suppose we are." i sighed.
what if something else were to happen? another kidnapping? who knows! surely this whole castle thing was a bad idea. but oh well. if thats what they want to do...
"alright everyone come on" i say, taking charge again, we walk down into the garage and then-
”WHERES MY MARSHMELLOW?" i cry, where could it be???
"you left it at the castle, remember?" said avery knowingly.
of course! i had forgotten about that.
"alright everyone i'm totally in on the plan to go back now. i have to get my marshmellow back." i say
everyone nods in agreement. but how are we going to get back to joey's castle now? will we walk? that could take hours!

will jacky get her marshmellow back? tune in next time and find out!
missing my marshmellow,
jacky. XD

part 3 (sequal edition)
"Couldn't we take some horses?" I say.
"I know how to ride!" shouts Avery.
"SHut up, we all know you do!" Shelly snides.
"Well, excuse me, your brideness."
"Guys, a problem," says the princess, "all of our horses are at a show right now, there's none left."
Stupid stupid! Luckily, the obvious strikes me.
"Hey nevermind that, i got a great plan!" I say over the grumbles.
"THere she goes, trying to be leader!" Avery says.
"I saved your life smart one, so let me demonstrate." Even though i really hate blowing up to my giant troll size, this time seemed fit. So i blew up into a giant. THen, giving a great sneeze, i blew backwards a whole quarter mile!
"Ew, that's so gross."
"AAaaaaa, you giant CRETIN!" this was Avery, she was covered in snot and shaking her fist at me.
Everyone else was laughing.
"Hey, good idea, i think i get it." Jackey giggles.
I race back over to them. "So, will you be riding in my hair or my shoe?"
"Hair! please! i'd hate to have to find out what a troll's feet smell like." Meli says disgustedly.

Will everyone be able to hold on in their journey to the castle. Is going back just something stupid that Avery thought up, and everyone foolishly agreed to? What will they find there?
You must find out! Read the next chapter of the anime princess!

We all climb abourd the troll, and grab hold of the grody troll mane.
"You're sick" Said shelly harshly as she grabed a hold of a lock of hair. I did the same. I was just brushing some snot goo off of me when the Celeste-Troll-ie sneezed.
"Ahh!" I said while losing my grip and just about to fall off when Meli grabbed my leg and pulled me back on to the moster.
"Thanks!" I said in relief. After a couple sneezes more, we could see the castle in the distance.
"There it is!" We all cheered. We jumped off and Celeste slinked back into her ventrilaquist self.
"Why did we get off so far from the castle?" Shelly groaned.
"We don't want to be seen, Doofus" I say. I shaked my head and on forward we go. I didn't take long to get there, but there were many tall grasses that kept getting snagged in our clothing. Shelly was having the most difficult time with her wedding dress.
"Are we there yet!?" SHelly whinned constantly. And eventuslly, we were.
"We marshmellow is in the back" Jacky whispers.
"I'm still confused" Celeste says, her troll voice cracking through a bit. "Why do you care about a marshmellow? Can't you buy more at the store?"
"No, I guess you wernt here" Jacky explained. "My marshmellow is this big marshmellow vehicle, and it's quite usefull for long trips when you get hungry. Plus, it's invisible"
"How will we find it!?" I say. Jacky looked stunned. I guess she hadnt thought of that, and didn't want to respond to the question, because she started marching again

Will they find The Marsh-mobile?
How while they get in to the castel!?

" omg we came all the way here for a stupid marshmallow...no cares about it except u jacky!" i said
"shut up shelly..ur just jealous cause ur mom didnt give u a marshmallow for ur sweet 13..!" snickered jacky
"arrgg u selfish little.."
"heys guys look i think i see it..." said meli
"but its by all those guards..and how..?" avery said cutting off herself cause she had an epiphany
"i know wat we can do follow my lead..i distract and u..jacky and meli go get the marshmallow..ok?!" said avery
"umm..sure ok" we said
ok as meli and jacky went behind a bush close to the marshmallow..me celeste and avery all hid in different bushes all spaced out around the guards...
on the cue avery went
"mr.todd" said avery in a deep voice
the guards looked towards avery in the bush and then i said
"RASCAL FLATTS!" in my crazy voice
then they looked towards me in the bush..then outta nowhere celeste goes
"I AM UR GOVENOR!" in her demanding voice
now the guards were confused because we kept on doin the same thing over and over
while they were lookin for us ..meli and jacky were already in the marshmallow goin to the back gate to leave
but then we hear a scream....
" AAHHH..NOO GET AWAY FROM HER U UGLY BEAST!" we hear jacky scream

wat did meli and jacky see...will meli and jacky ever see shelly celeste and avery again
tune in neext time to hear the shockin news...
part 6
I stare up in shock. floating in the air is an EVIL FAIRY! he's grabbed meli's arm and she is dangling there screaming.
"shut up!" the evil fairy yells at her.
"put me dooown!" meli wails.
"I am not letting meli out of my sight! give her back NOW!" i command. The fairy stares at me and then a wicked grin spreads across his face.
"very well then, if you perfer she stayy within your sight then you will be coming with us too." he has a smug look on his face. oh no, i think to myself, wel maybe i can stand letting her out of my sight for a LITTLE while. but no, its too late, he has grabbed my hand and now, i too, am dangling. and off he flies us towards the castle.

will the friends be united again? stay tuned.
hey guys i typed this all using one hand! lol. i was feeding the baby!

Not an evil fairy! I am quick and cunning as I run and grab Jacky's leg. Aha! I yank really hard on jacky's leg. It pulls the fairy down, but it quickly recovers. Sheing my plan, Shelly grabs my leg, and Celeste grabs Meli's.
"ONe, two THREE!" I say, obviously in charge. As I said 'Three', Well three yank down hard.
"Hey! Your yanking on me you know!" Jacky screams at us.
"Too bad! Shelly says as she gives anouther pull. This is weighing down the fairy too much, and is yanked down to the ground. We rush to pin it to the ground. When it finally see's no escaping, It yells and earspliting yell.
"WHO IS YOUR GOVERNER!?" Celeste tries to yell over it. Meli puts her hand on its mouth.
"Who is your governer?" Celeste repeats, "Who are you working for?" At that it has a worried look on your face.
"Not telling" It says in a high pitched raspy voice. "Not telling you it's Joey" Immediatly seeing this mistake, it poofs right from underneath us. A glittering noise and glitter in the air are all that we see, except one thing.
"Hey! Look at this" Jacky says. "Its a bag"
"No duh," Shelly says. "Kinda' obvious". I take the bag, open it, and we all peer inside.
"What is it?" Meli says.
"It's a key!" Shelly says.
"No," Says Jacky, "Its a Drawring of a key..."

Will they find out wht this drawing of a key is usefull for?
What happened o the fairy thing?

part 7
"wat does this key go to..which door?" i say
"im not tellin u..i already told enough" he says
"oohh yea u r gonna tell me!" as i say this im squeezing his hand with all my might
"oooww ok ok i'll tell" he says giving up
"soo where...fairy boy" says meli
"its in the castle..its a door called...THE BLACK PIT!....its filled with people who r filled with...."
"ok...we got it...but where is this BLACK PIT?" says jacky interrupting the fairy
"its in the dungeon underground...u cant miss it..its really big" says the fairy
"hey guys huddle in...we need to decide something" i say
"yea wat is it?" says avery
"im thinkin we should take this fairy guy wit us...i mean he might help us" i say
"well hes really nice..i remember him at the castle..we talk sometimes" says celeste
"ok soo we r gonna keep him?" says jacky
"i think so" i say
"me too" says avery and celeste
"ok we have decided and....HHEEEYY MELI!!" I yell "no kissing the villian!"
"srryy" says the fairy now blushing
"ooh dont mind her shes always mad wen she doesnt get the guy first" says meli annoyingly
"u dirty little bi...wwwooaa look at that !" I SAY
we all look towards the sky and see and llittle firefly..but hes not glowing green hes glowing blue
he whispers something in the fairy's ear
"uumm...shelly..come here plz" says the fairy
"y me..i mean like y do i ha.." i say then gettin interrupted
"JUST GET UR BUTT OVER HERE!" he yells at me
now im mad...i hate wen i get yelled at but i didnt feel like argueing soo i go over to him
then he grabs me closer and puts my hands behind my bac...then..wait wat is he doing...
"get outta my pants..U PERV!" I scream
"just showing u all something u didnt kno about ur friend shelly" he says
"wat is in ur pants shelly that he wants?" says jacky..."eeww sick thought sick thought"
"uumm..well..u kno.." i say not sure wat to say but then its too late he already got it out
"omg" they all scream
it was a tattoo of the evil joey's castle..all workers get that tattoo to be noticed that they work there and mine was on my left hip
"im srry guys i did work there for a while..and..umm..i ju" i say getting interrupted again
"u sneaky girl..how could u..."says meli
"no time for that we gotta get goin..." i say
"hey wait..u fairy guy wats ur name" says jacky
"uumm.. travis" says the fairy
"TRAVIS!" screams meli
"ok lets go" i say rushing them

I really want to delete that really weird and don't forget AWKWARD story you mad. Ugh.

"What's the point of having a tatoo of the castle on your butt?" I say, bickering at the world. "It's not like you can check the map yourself. There is no way to see your own map." I shake my head furiously. I walk on the the back castle door. Because we confused the gaurds so much, they are on the ground, completely dazed. I am just about to enter in there when..
"Don't you want to check the map?" Shelly says.
"No, I DON'T" I say, very angry. "If three of you guys have worked here, and you all have a map tatooed on your rump (PG here!), then we should get places fine without having to look at your BUTT for consultance!" I am out of breathe after this. I give them all angry stare. I fling open the door. One last glance and I turn to go inside.
"Wait!" Celeste says. Too late. I step into some more goo. But this goo hardened the molment I stepped in it, so i was thigh hish in cement like goo.
"We tried to tell you!" Shelly roared!
"It's not her fault!" The fairy says, obviously taking my side because he does NOT like Shelly.

What will we do?
How will I get out?
Will they ever get that tattooed removed from their bottocks?


part 10??
"avery you have to admit its your own fault that your stuck there" i smirked.
"just SHUT IT!" she yells at me
"you had it all wrong anyhow. the tatoo's not on her butt its on her hip! you never listen
do you?" i say smugly
"arrgh!!!" she is getting quite annoyed by now. which i am finding rather amusing. it's a pretty good thing that she's stuck in the cement goo right now otherwise she'd probably already be at my throat.
"so who's going to help avery anyways?" shelly asks
"well i suppose i can get her out" i huff. being a vampire entitles me to certain things, and one of those things is i'm super strong. i walk over to avery who is still glaring at me. i stay careful as not to touch the gooey part. and i break the cement apart and pull her away from it.
"i can feel my toes!" she rejoices
"we need to get that girl a mood ring." i mutter.

part 11
"Why the trap pit?" I think out loud.
"For a laugh," SHelly also thinks out loud. "They probably wait for Doofuses to come along and step in the goo."
"It's not my fault!" Yells Avery, "You were all just to big of babies to follow me inside!"
"I wouldn't follow you anywhere..."
We all stand around ackwardly.
"Well, I should be going," says Travis. Without a nother word of protest he snatches Meli's hand, but his ecapee with the princess is worthless, Jacky had taken hold of Meli's hand in case the little sprite tried anything.
"Not with her you're not!"
"SHe's ours' bozo brains!"
"fairy farts!"
"Wing weenie!"
"Okay, okay!" I say over everybody. "Origonal plan! Remeber it everybody?! Let's get to it!"
"Oh yeah, but the passsage is blocked by that horrible cement sludge," says AVery.
Slyly Travis asks, "Just what are you folks up to?"
"Mind your own buisness!" Avery snaps.
"Why do you want Meli?!" Jacky pushes in his face.
he replies, "No reason...just, you know...hostage stuff."
"Whateve, we know what you're up to, and we won't let you have her!"
"BUNNY SLIPERS!" the fairy spits.
"You wanna help us?" SHelly tries, "With this thing we're up to?"
"I'm not sure trusting him with us is a good idea, he might try to take Meli."
"No, i won't, i'll be glad to help!" Travis says gleefully with a grin a bit to wide.
We all get the eppie creepes form his smile, silently we all agree that this dude can't be one of us. ANd nothing should get in our way to solving the mystery of the "marshmellow."
I whisper to Jacky,"I'll talk him outta it." and she nods at me and confidentialy at our friends.
I take Fairy boy out of earshot.
"Hey Travis, what's up?"
"What's up?!" he practically whisper screams. "Why are you out here wiht theese holigans! It was your job to protect the princess's cage! How could you leave your post?! I thought we were frineds, and frineds tell eachother when they decide to turn traitor!"
"Calm down Travis, as soon as i get Meli alone, i promise, i'll bring her to the king. Nothing's changed, ive just gotten a bit smarter. For now, you need to leave, so that thoose boneheads can let their guard down." I smiled wickedly and we punched fists as he smiled back at me. "We're still buds." I said.

Was Celeste just putting on an act to dump the fairy? Is this chapter too long?! (sorry...) find out!

Part thirteen.
Celeste is back from her talk. Travis is a bit gloomy, but like I care, I wouldnt trust him anyways. I'm a bit TOO trusting I think, I mean, I'm barely into trusting Celeste. Argh, being the leader of this group is hard work.
"I'm leaving.. for now" Travis said, buzzeling away
"What do you think he meant by that?" Jacky said, very suspicious.
"I wouldnt worry about it" Celeste said, sounding mysterious.
Feeling a bit happier to be out of the cement goo, we got out of that room and exited back outside to anouther entrence.
"MORE GAURDS!?" Shelly cried "When will this madness END!?"
"We arnt going over there, we are going through the window doofus." I sneer. Man, does that chick make me angry. Jacky is first through the window I opened useing my special skills (Not nija skills, not vampire skills either, more like... BIRD skills). Then it was meli in the window. Then it was Shelly. Shelly was stuck. Her brideoutfit got her stuck in the window and she couldn't move through. I was laughing. Shelly grunted.
"We could cut the dress" Celeste says thoughfully.
"NO!" Shelly says. "I bought this dress in hope for the right day when my night in-"
"I don't want to hear it. Celeste and I will come in different place and help you pull her through the window." I say, out of breath because I said it so fast.
Celeste and I nod and leave.
Boy, I better get a reward for all this LEADERSHIP

Will they find anouther entrence without gaurds?
Can they face the gaurds with only the three of them if they have to?

part 13
as im waiting there...i see all of a sudden celeste and avery right in front of me
"how did u guys get here soo quickly?" i said
"the guards missed their lunch break and i threw a pieca of steak and they went running" said avery
"wow that was easy" says celeste
as they try to pull me in jacky and meli r sitting there by the wall doin nothing
those lazy bums..aarrgg
"hey jacky and meli come here" i said wit a smile
"yea wat" say mali irritated
"come closer...a little more..oohh..HOW BOUT U HELP ME GET THROUGH THIS WINDOW!" i yell in their ear
"geezz fine.." says jacky
"watever miss know it all" mumbles meli
i hit her in the back of the head and she turns back round and..oohh noo..wat is that
"aaahh wats happening" i say
"wat? im lost" say celeste
"somethings pullin my legs and im not su-" i scream
i slip out further and further..and now all the girl s are pullin on me trying to get me in
and this is very painful for me
"aahh finally" i say
i get through the wall and now the guards r looking at me like "we r gonna get all of u"
but now i shut the window and lock it and they run around to the front
"ok guys we gotta go"says jacky
"yea lets get down to busness to deaf-" says avery
"SHUT UP!" we all yell

"You're the saddest bunch I ever met! And you can bet, before were through.." I gleefully sang, skipping down the halls of the evil castle. I could hear grunts, groans, and shouts for me to shut up. But will I? NEVER!
"Mister, I" I cajole posing ninja like, about to enter another hallway. "Will make a man out of yoooou!"
I am onmly humming now, looking at my surrondings. I see a 'You are here sign'.
"Hey guys!" I shout back at my angry accquiantences. "I found a map, THATS NOT ON A BUTT!"
"IT'S NOT ON MY BUTT!" Shelly roars in my face. Ew, there is something in her teeth. "It's on my hip!"
"How cool!" Jacky says. Shes runs up to it. She starts scanning the map.
"Teehee!" She giggles. "There is a room for everything! You see, right here there is, this is so funny, there is a fuzzy- AAAHHH!" The floor drops from underneath her.
"JACKY!" Meli screams. She runs to where the big hole in the ground is.
"I should have known that was the booby trap map..." Celeste said. "But I didn't work in this section of the castel"
"Did you work in this section!?" I say, looking at Shelly.
"Well, I... uh... I mean I..." Shelly murmurs.
"DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT!?" Meli shouts.
"Well,.. Uh.. Yes, I did..." She finally gets out. "But I wasent trying to hurt Jacky! I was trying to get Avery into that hole, not her." I am shocked. Meli gasped.
"I'm going to wring that little neck of yours!" I say running towards her. Celeste hold me back.
"Go fly down there and bring her back out." Meli says, full of rage because of her friend.

part... lord knows what.
as i'm falling farther and farther it almost seems that this pit will never end. well this is abosoloutly maddening, i think to myself. i wonder if any of the group were TRYING to make me fall in! how dare they! i havent even been NEARLY as bossy as i usually am. Avery's the one making all the mistakes. i wonder if we will ever get out of this castle. what was the point of going in? i mean i already have my marshmellow back. what else could possibly be worth this? and what was up with that whole fuzzy-
"OOF!" i have hit the bottom of the pit. ow that hurt. but probably not nearly as much as it would have hurt one of those puny humans. ah well. so what ami going to do? just sit here and wait to be rescued? but what if they never rescue me? should i venture out into the darkness?

will jacky wait for help? or be too curious for that. and what was the fuzzy- ??? stay tuned!

part..uhh..uummm..watever here's the story
"geezz fine then i'll go down then" i say
"hurry up ur takin to long" yells meli
"BE PATIENT" I yell bac
"just get ur butt down there" says meli
"i will if u shut up" i say
"well if u dont i'll throw u down there" she threatens
"oohh yea try me" i snap back
"ok then i will" screams meli
"guys shut up and shelly get down there" says avery
"fine then anyways here i go" i say
"finally" snaps meli
and now i just wanna snatch her and bring her down in the hole to be left there..but i dont
as im goin down it takes a while but now i hear jacky
"shelly? shelly!" says jacky
"yea yea watever they forced me" i say
"u didnt even want to get me and i was doin everything for u, i saved ur life...."says jacky still goin on and on
man she never shuts up..as im pullin her up to the top she is still talkin bout all this random crap..oo well
"and i was there wen u needed help.." says jacky still goin
woo now the ground is rumbling oooohh noo something is comin down but wat...
" wat is that noise comin from" says avery
"oohh noo...i dont kno i didnt work over here" says celeste
now all eyes r on me
""oohh geez thnks for the encou- " i say getting interrupted
"WAT IS IT!" they all scream
"its..well..like..and avalanche but with rocks..and they r gonna drown us in here if we dont hurry out now" i say quickly
and now as we run a few rocks come tumbleing down from the ceiling..oohh noooo

part blah blah
"We've gotta get to somewhere we can think!" i yell as we run away from the hall of falling rocks.
"Shelly!" Yells Avery furiously, cause Shelly just tried to kill her, "Why don't you WARN us about the booby traps BEFORE they come! You worthless worm!"
"Hey, i just saved Jackey fungus face!"
"You shouldn't say anything else Shelly! I am aghast that you would try to take out one of your friends!" I yell in Avery's defense.
"Jackey tried to kill her too!" Shelly answers pleading. "And YOU were gonna help her!"
"Shut up!" Meli yells at her.
"Nobody like me." Avery says sadly to herself. Only i hear her over the puffing of our breath as we run for it. A wave of rocks was just behind us, and would have crushed us. But we jumped into a closet that was in the hall, just in time, and shut the door.
"Well, we prolly won't be getting out that way." Jacky sighs.
"Is this closet safe Shelly? Is it the closet of doom?! Are we about to be crushed by a anvil WITH SPIKES!" Meli shouts angrily at Shelly, the frantic run must have riled her up.
"It's FINE!" SHelly shouts in frustration.
Avery, Meli, and i glare malvolently at the dirty ground in the closet for a few secconds while Shelly looks close to tears and Jacky looks bepuzzled.
"Look guys," i whisper, "We gotta make a truce."
Jackey nods.
"No more plotting to kill eachother."
"Yeah, that sounds good." Shelly hurridly agrees.
"We don't need to freak out though," I say, "We can still solve this mystery!"
"The marshmellow flies by night." Jackey quietly recites.
"We got eachother!" I cajole.
"We got a drawing of a key!" Jackey continues
"We got our supenatural abilities!"Meli reminds us.
"We got an invisible marshmellow!" Avery adds.
"We got a way outta here" Shelly whispers excitedly.
"What?" we all say. She motions at behind a water heater inside the closet.
"Why didn't you say something before?" Meli says.
"I didn't know it was here." Shelly replies.

ooooooooooooeeeeee....what's behind this door? Is it unlocked? You can't wait to find out! We can tell!

Welcome to the latest episode of “Anime Princess” The hit Gaia drama about a group of friends who have interesting and hilarious adventures. Todays episode is very special because today, a new and totally awesome character is going to be introduced. DUM-DUM-DUM. Let us begin in the closet in the castle of the evil king joey.
I see it all through the door
”SHELLY, are you telling us that you worked here you knew enough about the booby traps to try to kill me, but you didn’t know that there was a secret door in the closet.” Avery questioned.
“um… well…. Yeah”
“ Oh Shelly what are we going to do with you,” complained the one of them. From the smell, and from the look a vampire like myself
“Come on let’s open the door already, this closet is too dusty and dirty.” Meli, the
princess I had heard about, observed.
I could see them coming towards my door.
I opened the door.
I reflected myself in my mind, saw what I looked like and could understand why the frail humans would be afraid. My Flame red hair contrasting the dark of the passage, my tawny eyes glowing. And of course my sharp fanged teeth.
“who..wh..who are you?” The princess said this.
“MY name is Argyl of Duvar”
Who is this handsome Argyl fellow? Is his evil or good? Will this story ever stop twisting

Find out next time on Anime Princess. Dun dun dun dudun…..
P.S. I already have my history figured out so plz don’t try to write it to try to write it.

It was all pretty starteling. First we find this random door in the closet. Then we were just about to open it when this freak with the crazy flaming hair and pokey teeth and a fancy name appears.
"So, Mister Argvile from Dupont" I say. "Who are you? Why are you here? Why just show up? That hair looks awfully fake to me.. What big teeth you have! I don't know what you-"
"You said it wrong" He interupts.
"Huh?" I am most confused.
"It's ARGYL from DUVAN" He says with quite a bit of force. Then I hear him mumble "Doofus..."
"Thats what I said!" I retort, I know He can't beat me with is Fancy name and smart attitude.
"Whatever" He says blowing me off.
"Vampire?" Jacky says with one eyebrow raised..
"Yes, I am." Argyles also says with one eyebrow raised. "By the look of you, I beleive you are too. Am I right?"
"Yes, you are"
"You! Argynile From Dovoon" I say "Do you know anything about the 'marshmellow flys at night?'"
"ARGILE FROM DUVAN" He says angrily. "And no, I don't"
"Then is there a way out of here without getting squished by boulders?"
"I guess so, but it's an awfully wretched way to go.."
"We'll take it!" Celeste says proudly. "Nothing can stop us!"
"Maybe not, but if one of your team members are trying to kill you" I say glaring at shelly, "Then it certaintly makes it a lot harder to complete these tasks"

Will they take the 'wretched' way? OR NOT!?

part wateva..i give up..lol
soo as we all push that weird guy wit the fancy name outta the way...then we see a long tunnel of gooey stuff
"omg this is soo disgusting" i say completely disgusted
"oohh get over it u preppy priss" says avery
"yea" says meli tagging along wit avery(which means shes to stupid to come up wit her own comeback)
"ooh shut up avery and u too meli" i yell at them
and now we r goin bac a forth fighting
"oohh WOULD U PLZ SHUT UP!!" says the guy wit the fancy name
we all look bac
"wat did u say"snaps meli
"oohh nothing" he sasy nervously
"mmmhmmm...thats wat i thought" says meli
"geezz meli be nice once and a while" i snap
"ok guys lets go" says celeste
"oo wait...where does this tunnel end at?" i ask him
"umm..well honestly i dont kno..boss wouldnt tell me..he just said guard it down here" he says
"ok then i guess we just gotta find out" says jacky grabing me and ave by the arm pullin us to the tunnel
"eewww this is disgusting" i say
meli avery jacky and celeste r walkin in front of me and im in the bac complaining
and then omg
"aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" i scream
they all look bac quick
"omg wats wrong"
"r u hurt"
"r u bleeding"
"wat was it"
they all ask these many quetions
"it..it..was a spider" i say
they all roll their eyes and move on walkin down the tunnel
"aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" i scream again
"ooo shut up shelly..get some back bone"snaps meli
but it wasnt a spider its the gooo..i never noticed until now
"guys look" i say
"look at wat" says jacky
"the goo..its not goo...its blood!!" i squeak
now they all stop and look
"omg it is blood" says avery
"but where is it comin from?" says meli
"look over there..there is blood fallin from that wall way down there that is where its comin from and where the end of the tunnel is" says celeste
"ok then lets go..we gotta stop them from killin wateva they r" says avery
im not talkin cause im still disgusted
"or maybe its mrs lovett's meat pie shop...and sweeney is above her killling people..." now jacky is singing
" they all deserve to die..tell u y mrs. lov-"
"SHUT UP!!!" we yell at her

part......? GUESS!

i knew it the whole time. i knew that we were walking in blood. and it was killing me. but i didnt know what to do. if i stopped them, then we had no where to go. and it would be all my fault if i couldnt handle it. but what about argyle? he was a vampire too. how could he stand this? i glanced over at him and he held my glance. i slowed my pace and let the others go in front of me and he did the same.
"how are you doing?" i asked somewhat wary.
"...bad" he mumbled.
"me too" i said. this was driving me mad. all these years i'd been depriving myself. and for what? i looked over at him and he had a wicked glint in his eyes. he looked at me and nodded towards the others.
"NO!" i shouted. everyone turned around to stare at me.
"whats wrong?" meli askes cautiously
"n-nothing. nothing at all" i lied.
"whatever....freak" i heard avery mumble.

will jacky be able to control herself? and what would happen if jacky's MOTHER read this? EVERYONE WASH YOUR HANDS!!!

Now on Anime Princess, we rejoin or heroes, along with this mysterious and dashing new Argyl of Duvar, in a sewer filled with blood.

“I was only joking,” I hissed, “Jeez, I am a full blooded vegetarian, pardon the pun. I have kept to guard this tunnel for the last 5 years, and you think I will cave after two minutes of meeting you. ”
“Well sorry, you know I did only just meet you.”
“ Yeah whatever, anyways the end of the tunnel is up here, then there are stairs to the keep.” I say for everyone to hear
“Um, what’s a keep,” the former employee asks.
“A keep is a place where you keep things.” The other vampire says, “Duh.”
“The guards aren’t there, I can see it.”
“What do you mean, you can see it, it is kind of dark in here, and the stairs aren’t in sight.”
“ I am a gifted vampire, my gift is to see things far away, then I can magnify, see through, turn around, and I can move it. Teletelekinesis.”
“Wow, impressive,” the vampire says .
“Yeah, anyways the stash is there.”
“What stash?”Again the employee. She is starting to seem like she doesn’t have all her marshmallows in her bag.
“The Marshmallow stash, you said something about a drawing of a key earlier, do you still have it?” I asked.
“Well, that is THE key.”
“What do you mean?”
Will the group ever find the stash, what did Argyl mean by the drawing is the key is THE key, and still more questions are raised about this charming new vampires past.

Sorry for the delay

"That's kinda far away." i say, as Argle duvar says he can see the door to the stash.
"and this blood is REALLY grossing me out!" Shelly said, splashing around frantically.
"Ew!!!!" Avery screams. "You splashed some in MY MOUTH, you jerkface!"
"You're problem, not mine."
"Ok guys," says Jacky timidly, "stop eating the blood."
"I didn't mean to!" Avery snaps.
"WHat's it taste like?" I promnt her.
"Yes, I've always wondered." mutters Argle.
"Why?" says Meli sispiciously.
Just as Argle is ablut to answer, Jackey interupts. "What's going on here, Argle? Isn't it yo;ur job to go imedietly alarm the guards that we treaspasers are here? Cos i'm not going past that door just to get caught."
"Ha." responds Argle. "Really, i was going to quit anyway. It's not nice to keep a vampire as a servant to guard some stupid door. So i was hoping that i could join you in your...umm..." he seemed to not know exactely why we were there. "Uhhh..."
"This castle is hiding something dangerous, and they um.. want our friend here, and we don't know why." i say.
"So doof here, tries to will us into risking our precious life and time, and clean dresses," Shelly speaks and motions to Avery. "Cos' she says we need to find out this deal."
"Yeah, that's right." Avery says, "rocka my soul..."i hear her whispering under her breath. "in the bossom of Abraham..."
"Hippotamuses." says Argle. I gues the others were discussing something while i was listening to Avery sing. Everyone 'cept me and Avery gasp at Argle.
"What?" i say.
"Oh the poor things," says Shelly.
"Horror of horrors. " says Meli.
"WHAT?!" Avery and i say heatedly.
Jacky has turned whiter then usual. "It's too disgusting."
"WHat about hippos?" i demmand of Argle.
"THey have strechy skin." he says.
"Ew Ew. EW!" shouts SHelly. ""SHut up!" Avery yells at her. "Trying to listen here! ok, hippos have strechy skin...."
"ANd the rest has taken some hard snooping but,,, i think i got it down. Someone at this castle, one of the big head guys, has discovered some type of egg. Actually, i think he found like, tousands of em."
"go on."
"eggs of a really big monsterous creature. So they nurtured one untill it's shell cracked, and, it's hard to explain,but i think the creature died soon after it was born, because it had no skin."
"Ah." I said.
"So theese hippos. They're brought in by the bucketload, they kill them. I don't know what they are doing with the bodies, but the bloood runs thru here. and i don't know how the scientists are doing it, but i think they are trying to get this next monster, to grow into the hippos' skin."
"that's barbaric."
"shouldn't that be imposible?"
"Why are they killing so many hippos?"
"Cause they want lots of ravaging mummy monsters!" shreiks Jacky.
"OMG." i say.
"we have THE key, to THAT door, and behind it is a hippo slaughter house. pleasent." says Shelly. "hey Avery, how's it feel to taste hippo?"

Digusting blood, disgusting secrets. Why the hippo monsters? sorry this is so long. habbit. tune in next time.

"that is disgusting...those poor hippos" i say
"well i guess they arent "hungry" anymore" says avery trying to make a joke
"cause u kno the "hungry hungry hippos" uhhh...u dont get it" avery says annoyed
" well ok then lets go find that hippo" says celste
so now we r at the end of the tunnel...and we look up and see a people hauling in hippos to be slaughtered
"omg how do we get in?" i ask
"umm..i think i kno how" says jacky
"HOW?" we all say to her
"umm...the door" she points to the door that is on the left side of us
"oooh wow stupid moment" says avery
"oooh yea i remember that" says aryle(i cant spell sry)
we look at him in a "y didnt u tell us "kinda look
"ok lets go...but..oohh..its locked" i say stupidly
i turn around and see them giggling at me and then jacky holds up the drawing of the key..
"u guys knew the whole time that i was gonna do something stupid like that" i say irritated
"yea but its way funnier wen u actually do it" says celeste
"ok move outta the way..i gotta scan this thing" says jacky
she moves in front of the door and puts the drawing of the key to the scanning thingy on the door
pppzz zzzzaaaapppp pppzzzz....
"thats a weird noise...oo well it worked" says jacky as the door opens
we walk in and there is the shop right there...and it is quiet and all the workers r lookin at us
"hey u all how did u get in here?" says one skinny short guy
umm we wnt through the door...dduuuhh" meli says smartly
"ooohh shut up" says a tall big muscled guy..but this doesnt stop meli from trying to put up a fight
"oohh u wanna go u wanna go...I TAKE U DOOOOOWWWWNNN!" meli says threating them
"oooh yea like to see u try" says the big muscled one and pulls out is guns and the rest of them follow and pull out their guns
"lets see u take me down now..." he says

"Yeah!" I say at meli, her face obvious of defeat. "Let's see you take him down."
"Well, Uh.. I.. Uh, I gotta go.." She stutters, "My, uh, marshmellows are burning"
"Well, If thats the case," Said the man who pulled out the gun first. "Then I guess I should let you through." Surprised at our luck, and the man's stupidity, we wave a little we-arn't-doing-anything-wrong waves. We bid him goodbye and leave.
"Bring me back a marshmellow if they arn't burnt!" We hear him yell after we turn a corner past the room with the big men. I shush them all, and using my special unique skillzz, I put my ear to the floor again.
"Must I tell you AGAIN!?" Shelly whisper-yells. "That floor is FILTHY!" I put my finger to my lips to signal 'BE QUIET' to everybody around me. I listen real hard, and I find the answer I was looking for.
"Okay, you guys are probably wondering why I took you past the hippo slaughter shop." I say, reciting my plan to them, "But we need to get up a level and come down and jump on the slaughterers."
"How did you know that?" Argyl quizzed.
"From sound waves in the floor" I say like the question he asked was the most stupidest thing he could have said, because i like making people feel stupid. "And what I found out is that there is a level above us, and there is a balcony to the room with the slaughter machines. We jump down and mess up the machines. Then we go and defeat the guys with guns!" I say in truimph


the anime princess!

part 00000010100010020020200102020300303003010100100300303001020200101001
"Alright!" Jacky says to Avery. "we know you're a genius, but," then to Shelly, "how do we get to the bacony above the bloody baking shop?"
"baking shop?" i say.
jacky says, "i like alliteration. They're are baking monster hippo zombies!"
"Alright guys, this part of the castle i know," began Shelly, "I used to come thru here all the time. Kicthens over there. Lavatory's over there. Baby room over there. Torture room over there. Mysterious locked door over there. And i forget where the stairway to the balcony is."
"Well at least we know who the baby room is..." says Meli.
"I bet the stairway is behind the mysterious locked door." the Boy said.
"Everything we need is behind locked doors.. "i mumble.
"this way." said Shelly.
Suddenly a loud earpiecing bell sounded through out the hall. And we all crouched and covered our ears. Millions of people poured out of side doors in the hall and caused a large rucus. Being completly emerged in people, it happend really quickly, we all got totaly seperated. I floew down as some girls travel bag nearly swiped of my head. I saw Avery yell into the rucus as she got pushed from behind and fall into the sea of moving people. Ohno.
I couldn't see where anyone else went! If someone caught Meli, everything would be in vain! By the time the hall cleared out, I was left alone. cowering on the hard floor, and i had no idea what to do. For a while, i searched the close halls, silently whispering my frineds names. I tried opening doors, but most of them were either locked, or filled with a useless classroom.
wich door should i take?
Wasn't i supposed to be looking for a mysterious locked door? but there were so many of them! Where were my friends? wre they together? how were they faring? I was utterly distraught!

bye bye

part balogna
"well geez this is great how did i get in here?"
i say squished in a closet that is only like 1 foot wide and 5 feet tall
"uumm..meli..jacky..shelly..avery...boy?where r u guys?" i hear celeste say in a distant
"hey celeste...over here" i say
i hear her run towards the door
"aahh it wont open...hey how bout u lean hard on the door to kinda force it to come out" she says to me
"ok sure wateva anything to get me out" i say bac
as im pushing all my weight onto the door....im there for a while just hearing her grunts and moans trying to pull the door out
"arrgg it wont budge..this stu..." she says getting interrupted as the door swings open and i fall flat on my face in the hallway
"oooowww!" i say in pain
"hahahaa!" celeste is giigling
"wats ssoo funny that hurt" i say defensive
"ooohh wow that was hilarious..i mean first ur like aarrgg..then ur like oww..." i interrupt her by grabbing her arm and goin to a place i last saw jacky at
"wats over here?" she asked me
"this is the last place i saw jacky and she might be here...but to get her attention we need fresh blood to attract her senses" i say looking at celeste hopin she would be able to sacrifice a finger cut
"nnuu uuhh not me noooo way" she says
"ok fine then..i'll do it" i say annoyed
i take off my tiara and p***k myself with one of the tips of crown...now my finger is bleeding
"ok now listen out for her" i say walkin slowly down the hall waiting for jacky to pop out any second now
"ooohh jacky we got a treat for u..come out come out wherever u ar...aaahh!" screams celeste
and i turn around and see two vampires wit really built body and they look hungry for our flesh
"wat do u want!" i scream
"oooh nothing just ur blood!!" the taller one yells
and he pounces..trying to knock us down but we r outta there soo fast...but it wont be long till they catch up wit us

part something!
ooh those girls could be so STUPID! didnt they know i hunt animals? not people! ugh. well now they've done it. i could hear everything through an airvent that was in the baby room. although it was rather hard to hear over the screaming of the stupid little chidren but i could still hear it. and shelly had stupidly pricked her finger to "attract my senses". what a freak. i run out the room and slam the door behind me. and then i see the other two vampires. pulling very hard on a door.
"excuse me fellows" i say sweetly
"can you help us get those stupid girls out of here?" one asks
"why of course i can! hold on. give me one moment. i'll just reason with them." i say, pushing past them into the door.
"alright sounds good, we'll wait here" the other one says.
and so i walk in the room to see celeste and shelly by a window.
"maybe if we jump out..." shelly trails off.
"nice to see you doofuses" i greet them.
"jacky!" celeste shouts.
"are those vampires going to attack us?" shelly asks nervously.
"not if we get out of here in time...where do you suppose the others are?" i ask
then we hear pounding on the wall next to us.
"hey freaks i'm in here!" avery shouts.
oh so she was in the next room over. but how would we get there with the vampires outside the door? suddenly i get an idea.
"hey guys, go bring that chair over here" i command
celeste obediently brings it. i hop up on it and pound up on a celeing tile. it pops up and i push it to the side
"all we have to do is clime through the ceiling, follow me" i say, taking the lead again.

I hear some sliding of something up high, then a couple of grunts and little squeaks (probably shelly), then i hear some thud thuds.
"What was that?" I say timidly. I was weird and coming from above.
"We're getting you out, and we can't do it the normal way because some vampire guys are chasing us!" Someone says from somewhere that was not the room next to me.
"What?" I say, oober confused. The thuds thuds went away, and I was left there pondering what just had happened. There was some punding on the door to the next room.
"Hey, can you get those stupid blood-filled girls out yet?" One says. "Seriously!" The other, in addition. More punding on the door, and eventually they break open the door. I'm really tense. Should I try to open my door and run while they are in that room? But they will most likely see me, and then I will get vamped. And if I leave, How will the others find me? Is there anything to eat in this room? My answers are solved when a noise and an "Oof!" occur behind me.
Shelly gets up, grumbling, off the floor.
"Finally!" She cries in triumph! "We got the right room!" So, thats were their voices came from, they we rescueing me from the ceiling!
"You'll never know what kind off maze is up here," Jacky says sticking her head out the hole where a ceiling tile once was. "We fell in three other rooms before we relized we went the wrong way." She jumps down, falling on her face. Then comes celeste, her landing a little more gracefull. Now we have to find Argyl and Meli!
We exit the room, only to find the two mean vampires they were talking about.
"Well, Well.." One says, taking a step towards us, "Look who we have found again." He walks to me, and I spit in his face.
"THAT'S IT!" He boomes, "To the pit!" He orders! Somehow with their vampire strenth, then grabbed our coloors and we couldnt stop them. We came to another door. They throw us into the room. Once our eyes get adjusted, we realize that Meli and Argyl are already here! And, whos that? TRAVIS!? We all gasp. And travis starts crying.

Bwahahaha! MAd writing skillz!

"well geezz how did u guys get in here?" i asked meli and arygl
"umm well first..when the crowd attacked us...i got kicked in the stomach.." says meli
"and i got punched in the arm..and then it was all a blur" says arygl
"umm..ok then..anyways.." says jacky
"umm travis can i speak to you in private over here?" says celeste in a sweet innocent voice
but when hes close enough she grabs him by the arm and pulls him to a corner farway from us
"well i wonder wat they're talkin bout?" says avery
"who knows..anyways..how do we get out" i say
as im thinking everyone is now staring at me with a blank face
"OMG YOU ARE SOO STUPID!" scream avery
"wat?" i ask
"YOU HAVE WINGS, YOU IDIOT!" they all scream at me
"oohh yea..and travis u can help too" i say to him
"oohh yeaa sure watever" says travis not really caring
well to get out me and travis have to carry three people
i carried avery, jacky, and arygl
and travis carried meli and celeste
soo as we are reach the top. I drop avery and jacky and arygl
i look around and can't find travis..oohh wait there he is..wait where is he going
"haha u suckers, u guys are so stupid!" says travis
"wow u guys actually thought i was on your side...oohh please, heavens no" celestes says laughing
and off they go with meli squriming in travis's grip but there is no use
hes stronger than her and now they are out the door flying away
"i gotta go them u guys make a plan to get her!" i say on my way out
"noo wait..." says jacky
"you're not goin without me to help fight!" she says smiling
i grab her and off we go and avery and arygl i can see them already trying to make a plan
"i see them" says jacky
"lets go kick some ninja butt!" I YELL

I'm running down this corridor with the wicked fast Travis and the squirming princess Meli. I see her angry yet terrified face look at me with disgust. Travis is watching me as we run down the hall, and i give a nasty mocking sneer to Meli. She cringes, and I'm thinking, "Good mackerel. Good mackerel! GOOD MACKEREL!!" but my face just
says, "I'm a very pleased with this bit of trickery right now."
"Hey you losers!" i hear the faint screech of Shelly in the corriders way behind us. Then she yells, "No Jacky! I don't care!" wonder what that was about. Anyway here's my situation. I am speeding down the halls with Travis the wuss who obeys his masters' every order, but has extraordinary flying power. I myself am just barely keeping up with him by holding onto his gloved hand. He has Meli in a choke hold... wait.

"Travis!" i sputter, "Don't hold her like that! We don't want her to be dead when we bring her Master Uderax!"
He relizes this and changes his position on his grip. "We aren't going to Uderax." He says.
"Where are we going?" I ask, kinda really really scared. "Isn't this the way to his office? On the top room in the southeast tower?!"
"Yeah it is, but Uderax was charged with the murder of Doctor Headly, Dr. Headly's daughter killed master Young, and now, master Young's attorney is the head master of our department." he said.
"What's his name?" i ask curriously.
"Mr. Hurt."
oh no, back to my predicament, we are climbing the stairway to Mr. Hurt's office, and we'll be there in three minutes time. I gotta get rid of Travis before then. But i don't wanna KILL anybody.hm hmmm hmmm hmm! Suddenly, i hear voices, my troll senses are picking up. It's Jacky and Meli, and they know where we are and have stop yelling. Travis doesn't notice them comeing.
"Hey buster! i say to him."
"Lets get something straight. Didn't i tell you that i'd take care of Meli?!"
"Huh? Oh earlier. Yeah but you didn't, did you?"
"I was gonna!" I yell at him. "You just think you're all that with your fairy wings powers, you selfish hog! Can't you trust ANYONE!?"
He stops in his tracks.
"Look." he says, "I trust lotsa people. My boss for one! And i am NOT selfish!"
"AS IF!" i yell at him.
"Fine! what makes me so selfish then?! prove it!"
"I told you I'd take care of the princess, and i mean to do it! That shoul d be MY job, so hand her over!"
"Fine!" Travis yelled at me, "Take her! Because I'm not selfish."
"Celeste!" a new voice shouted from the steps below us. Travis was about to run.
"You chicken too, Travis? Come on, they're just mortals!"
"nu uh. One of them has teeth and one has wings!" pu-leeeease!
"Yo!" Jacky yells at Travis. I smoothly slip a bungee cord around his legs as she addresses him. I tie the other end to the hatch on a window beside us.
"Hand over Meli Celeste!" shouts Shelly.
"Gladly." I say with a smirk, and with a few aghast looks and glittering smiles, Jacky, Meli, Shelly, and I are out of there.

anime princess

"did you hear how travis screamed on the way down?" i ask giggling.
"he sounded like a girl!" shelly says. we are all getting quite hysterical over this now. at least we got meli back.
"so celeste you gave us quite a scare there, we thought you were back on the side of evilness" i say
"no i just thought maybe i could get rid of travis, but it obviously wouldnt work if i told you." she explains. oh so thats why...
so we are starting to walk back to where we left argyle and avery when we hear something behind us.
"DOOFUSES!" travis shouts. oh no!
"how did you get back here? you should still be dangling on the bungee cord!" i shout at him.
"i have wings, smart one. " he replies sarcasticly.
shelly tries to jump in front of us and punch him but he slaps her across the face and she goes sliding across the floor. dang, he's pretty strong for such a wuss. i step in front of meli, ready to defend her. and travis slowly walks forward, looking very grim
will they be able to escape the dreaded travis? stay tuned!

sassyshelly-rawr- anime princess
ohh noo he didnt..he just slapped me across the room..and wat im bleeding
" WHY U LITTLE BUTT CRACK..OOHH NOW IT'S ON!!!" i scream at travis
so now...meli, jacky, and celeste step back to see the fairy fight begin
me and travis fly into the air and wait for one of us to make the first move.
He charges at me and i dodge and kick him in the face when he turns around.
He flies across the room and comes back hard and punches me in the stomach.
Now we are battling, going back to back punches and kicks
"wow this is amazing" says jacky amazed
"yea this is better than wrestling" says meli
"ooohh noo..u idiot hes coming bac..move! MOVE!" screams meli
"ooohh come on travis just give it up, your not gonna win..OUCH HES GONNA FEEL THAT IN THE MORINING!" yells celeste
and now the 3 girls keep on talking bout the fight...geezz its getting annoying
now i just kicked him and hes curled by a corner i kicked him at..he's pulling out something
"HE'S GOT A GUN!!. RUN SHELLY!" screams jacky
he makes the first shot and i dodge it "matrix style"
but now hes ready for the next one, he cocks the gun and just before he fires it, argyl jumps on him..tackling him down
" there's no need to fear MIGHT MAN is here!" screams argyl very proud of himself
"ooohh yyeeaa we did it !" says avery jumping in the air
"awesome work guys!" says celeste
"now lets go!" i say, heading my way out the door

Pretty impressive. Argyl just took Traviz down in a few swift ninja-vampire moves. Travis lay there cowering, still in the corner.
"I guess we can go now?" Meli says.
"What are we doing again?" Argyl asks.
"We trying to find out the 'marshmallow flies at night' riddle." I say, answering his question. Not noing where to go, I try to be a leader and I turn the corner and go up a flight of stairs.
"Do you even know where we are going?" Shelly asks. I guess she saw my face and the lost look on it.
"No..." I admit, "But wandering aroud can't hurt, in fact, it could bring us closer to finding out this mystery."
"If only we had someone that could find these things out.." Celeste says in a dreamy tone, "It could blend in with the other people and find out clues or warn us about stuff."
"Stuff like booby traps" Meli says, eyeing Shelly. Then I hits me. I know what what to do! I run to the window. I stick my head out cautiosly, in case of guards seeing us from the castle grounds. Okay, coast is clear. I put two fingers in my mouth and whistle this awkward whistle. The others stare at me. I smile back. They still have no clue. But then it comes!
"Ahaha!" I shout. They crowd aroud the window. Even Travis looks up through is black eye, but he then realizes that if he gets up, he's going right back down again. What they see is a bird. I big bright blue bird with green tipped wings and some of those weird things that peacocks have on it's head. I gives out a glorious KAW! And glides to the window. It cocks it's neck to the side. I put my hand in a fist except the pinky is straight up, then raise it to my mouth to preform the 'Gooey gooey' Or 'Girl Girl' or "Bowie bowie' noise. Once I'm done, the birds nods it's head and takes off.
"What was that?" Jacky says.
"That, my dear friend, is a spy" I say, oh so coolly.

“I am afraid that that will not work,… doofus.”
“I mean there is an anti-feather bush around the important parts of the castle. Birds have feathers. ”
“So?” the stupid employee asked.
“So… THAT MEANS THAT THE BIRD_SPY WON”T WORK…DOOFUS !” I snarled “ However I still can.”
“What do you mean?” The other vampire asked.
“Remember, I told you about my special ability teletelekinesis, I can see this entire castle, except for the keep itself, since it is mirrored in.”
“Mirrored in?” employee again.
“What do you see when you look in a mirror?”
“A reflection?” The princess this time.
“Yes, a reflection, when I try to look through a mirror all I see is my own reflection. It is the only thing that can beat me.”
“So you’re saying that you can spy on the entire castle?” the weird bird girl asked.
“Yup, and more too.”
“Like what?” Celeste, I remember her now from the faculty meetings.
“I can also illusate.”
“Illusate?” Bird-girl this time.
“Create illusions… doofus, I can make us invisible. And since I had to spen so much time in that tunnel I got to practicing, and I discovered I can wrinkle.”
“Like on people’s skins?” employee again.
“DOOFUS, no, I can wrinkle space. You know how vampires can run super fast? Well I can use my telekinesis to pull my body fast enough to basically teleport from place to place, I can’t do it with other people though, it would probably rip humans apart. Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
I wrinkled then and found the guard that created a disturbance, and illused a ferocious dragon that scared him halfway to Monaco. Then I wrinkled back and said, “Come on, LET”S GO!!!”

P.S. I still have not been properly introduced.

part 37!!!! you see that people? a NUMBER! i counted!! WHAT NOW!
i am completely shocked. who knew that argyl had such powers? but i see something that he has overlooked.
"ok perhaps this is rather stupid, but cant the birds just fly OVER THE BUSHES?!" i shout at him.
"oh... i suppose they might be able to..." he says sounding stupid.
"alright ave, call your little bird friends and get them inside the castle." i instruct
"CAW!" she screeches and the bird flies over to us.
i hear meli and shelly whispering something about naming the bird "mikey" they burst into giggles.
"WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP!" i yell at them
they shut up obediently.
"alright is there a way for the bird to lead us to the slaughter room?" i ask
"i bet they might be able to" avery says sounding confident.
and so i have once again taken charge and we finally have a course to our new adventure.

oh yeah thats right. i'm amazing. there you go avery, there's your birds. XD and sorry if i offended you felix by making you sound stupid but it was the only way. lol!!!

part 38...geez finally!!
"well ok guys they can led us to the slaughter room but we gotta get on their backs" says avery knowingly
"ooohh im afraid of heights though" says meli
"then close your eyes" i say to her
and she pushes me through the window on the bird, and i almost fell off the bird
"why i oughtta!" i say threatening to her
"ok guys come on hurry, get on" says avery rushing us now
finally we are all on the birds and as we are going jacky makes a good point
"hye..if we're gonna be going to the room then wont the guards see us flying around?" says jacky
"ooohh they it covered" says avery and she whispers something to the bird shes on and that bird caws at the other one next to it. after their cawing is done they nod and do something..
"woow we're invisible..i can't see you guys" i say amazed
"oohh i cant see u either thats awesome" syas celeste
soo now we are invisible riding to the slaughter room and now we've made it. we jump on the balcony and lose our invisibility..we all get ready to burst through the doors of the slaughter room when we notice something..
"hey yo guys where is meli?" asked argyl
"haha u guys are soo stupid?" says a familiar voice
"aarrgg travis!" i yell
"you guys are soo stu.AAHH OOWW" he screams...a bird is now attacking him and peaking himand he drops meli..while the bird is still peaking him, the other one goes down and gets meli before she hits the ground
"oohh yea!" screams avery
now we are all here and ready to bust down the door and attack the slaughter people killing the hippos
"ok on three.." i whisper
"1....2.....3!!" i yell and we burst through the doors

It was like a scene from a movie. The two doors fly open, and the vampires in chage of the hippo slaughter house stare at us, in amazement of course. Then behind us is this large colorful bird with Travix back in his claws.
"Didn't think you'd see us again," Jacky says with an amused expression, "Did you?" The studder, still in stock. That give us time advantage.
"GET THEM!!" I yell, pointing my finger at the enemy. My bird takes off and drops Travis. He blinks a couple times, then tries to get up. But it obviously hurt too much too do so, and he stayed down after a couple of attempts. I charge at one man. He has a tricky look in his eye. He punches out, but I quickly swoop in my leg to sweep his from underneath him, resulting in falling on the ground. I let my celestial star cape grow and swirl around him, almost as eating him. Then, he dissapears.
"We did he go?" Shelly shouts between punches. All of a sudden she runs backwards, confusing him. Then she comes in running, screaming "Auauauauauaa!" And gives this great ninja kick in his face. Chuckling, I turn aroud. When all of a sudden...
"OOF!" I say. I walk dizzily and fall to the ground. My head really hurts. I open my eyes. I see the attacker standing in over top of me. I see some big metal thing... It's a shovel!
But who's holding it? Wait I know that face!
"TRAVIS!" I yell he grins, and flutters away to the back of Celeste. He was just about to swing when I warn her.
"CELESTE! Duck, NOW!" Unknowing of what was going on. She ducked immediatly, which made me happy, because most people just look up when you say duck, which would have made her have a pretty hard him. Standing back up, she gets an angry look in her face. She takes the shovel from him, and then wacks him in HIS head. She smiles at me. A friendly smile? If so, thats the first. Maybe we will actually be good friends.
Only two men left, we all circle around them. I look at Meli, Argyl, Shelly, Jacky, and Celeste. We all nod and come in closer to the cowering men trapped by our circle.

Bwahahahaa!? Is this the end for the slaughter plant?

as we come in closer on the last 2 men standing in the circle we've made around them...first we all are still and then the taller guy makes the first punch towards avery and she dodges it and i kick him in the stomach and he goes down..and then we look towards his companion and he just goes down..but he doesnt get away that easily..jacky kicks him in the side and he starts bleeding
"wow that must've been a hard kick!" says argyl
"nope i have a sword on the tip of my shoe!" says jacky braggingly
"anyways lets go save those hippos..but where are they?" i ask the crew
then outta no where we here a rumbling outside the doors....we all jump out and look around in the middle of the hallway
" it sounds like a stampede!" says celeste..then burst open the doors at the end of the hallway come the hippos!
"everyone get out of the way!" i yell
we all run back inside the slaughter room
"yes thats everyone..oohh noo wheres meli?!" i ask i look back out and see meli in the middle of the hallway and shes standing there with big eyes looking at the hippos comin towards her
"meli move!" I YELL AT HER
but its too late she gets run over by the 50 bajillion hippos and when all is clear we see her on the ground all unconcisous
"wow..that was HILAROUS!!" says avery..we look at her all mad and run towards meli to save her.....
" i think shes dead!" SAYS CELESTE

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 03, 2008 @ 04:30am
ahh....it's not even the entire part two of anime princess and yet it's soo long. i'm going to have to find time to read this. eek

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 03, 2008 @ 11:35pm
woooowzer thats crazy long!! i forgot i long we did this one but it was hilarious!! i was reading the part where ave kept saying i had a map on my butt and im like ITS ON MY HIP!!...oohhh gud times

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 03, 2008 @ 11:55pm
OMG! NOOOOO! it didnt copy it alll!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAUGH!!!! I DIDNT SAVE THAT ANYWHERE ELSE!~ I DIDNT WANT MOM TO READ IT SO I DIDNT SAVE IT ON WORD!!!!! AAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!!!!!! aallll my worrrk!!!!! crying crying crying crying
i'm gonna go be emo in a friggen corner now! emo

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