April 2014
[04/19/14 07:37am] Hidden Symbology Unlocked
January 2010
[01/16/10 02:41am] Cautiously Optimistic
November 2009
[11/28/09 11:04pm] PE: Holy Blazing Holidays!
August 2009
[08/27/09 10:34pm] Personal Entry: Start the Engine
July 2009
[07/09/09 10:48pm] P.E.: Popcorn, Ponies, and Poultry.
June 2009
[06/07/09 10:40pm] Personal entry:"Birthday Bull"
May 2009
[05/14/09 10:03am] Personal Entry: "What, a Giant Sandwich?"
April 2009
[04/08/09 09:27pm] personl entry:Lost and Found Again
March 2009
[03/21/09 07:22am] Personal Entry: Its About Darn Time!
February 2009
[02/08/09 01:51am] Personal Entry:"School's Blown to Pieces!"
January 2009
[01/23/09 06:03pm] Personal Entry: Getting Stuff Together[01/08/09 10:35pm] Personal entry: Rainy Winter Wonderland 08/09
November 2008
[11/11/08 04:36am] Personal Entry:Holidays 08
August 2008
[08/19/08 06:39pm] Personal Entry: Conventions!!!
July 2008
[07/28/08 11:15am] Personal Update: What I've been up too.
April 2008
[04/19/08 06:22pm] Bad habits are funny[04/17/08 06:44pm] Joy in hand
March 2008
[03/26/08 09:23pm] Chocolate Bunnies[03/18/08 09:13pm] Just a personal update[03/07/08 09:47am] Not feelin' too good.
February 2008
[02/18/08 09:24pm] Personal Entry: Mountain or Molehill?
January 2008
[01/18/08 12:12pm] Character Profile: Yume
November 2007
[11/29/07 10:29am] 'Tis the season: For stuff! (Updated)[11/26/07 09:29pm] Personal Entry: Frustration by Proxy[11/07/07 08:49pm] Personal Entry: Coffee and Class
October 2007
[10/15/07 09:22am] Personal Entry: Kindness of Friends
September 2007
[09/17/07 08:55pm] Personal entry: Finding a gem[09/11/07 11:22pm] Personal entry: Is the glass half empty or half full?[09/07/07 08:50pm] Mosaic Thoughts (personal update)
August 2007
[08/31/07 08:03pm] Stray, cat-napping[08/27/07 06:41pm] Stray Cat, Mew.[08/23/07 11:40pm] I woke from a dream I was dreaming[08/23/07 06:45pm] Throw Me a Rope, Just Don't Hang Me[08/20/07 11:21am] Never Build a House on Shifting Sand
June 2007
[06/18/07 02:25am] Las Vegas
May 2007
[05/23/07 06:30pm] Whip-creme on that Venting?(personal entry)
April 2007
[04/18/07 08:16am] Bad Day: I owe some people some apologies.[04/16/07 09:29pm] A Half-Elven Story: Tea Leaves[04/16/07 06:38pm] A Half-Elven Story: Within a Dream
February 2007
[02/28/07 06:34pm] Where I Stand Now
January 2007
[01/29/07 07:50pm] Sickness vs. Health[01/23/07 06:56pm] Genuine signs[01/22/07 06:46pm] A Half Elven Story: Gates to Home[01/11/07 06:27pm] Responsimabilities
December 2006
[12/19/06 08:36pm] Haven't done this since I was a Kid but, Dear Santa...[12/08/06 06:53pm] Job Hunt: I'm bringin' home a prize buck in a 3 pi...
November 2006
[11/24/06 01:21am] Character Bio Woot![11/05/06 04:51am] So are you an Elf or a Fox?
October 2006
[10/30/06 04:32pm] Wow, I have a closet.[10/24/06 05:56pm] Where am I Gonna Live Now?[10/16/06 01:59am] Play Styles Part 3[10/05/06 04:46pm] Play Styles part 2[10/01/06 08:15pm] Different Play Styles
September 2006
[09/29/06 05:20pm] Cornered and wanting to Cry[09/27/06 06:49pm] Game Character: Influences, Decisions, & H...[09/25/06 04:18pm] Ever been in a bad mood and didn't know why?[09/24/06 11:09am] The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (in my games)[09/20/06 06:15pm] Um...Rawr![09/17/06 08:05am] A Half Elven Story: part 1[09/14/06 07:56pm] Inspiration Vs. Blockage[09/11/06 06:10pm] And now this just in...[09/05/06 06:34pm] Read Me! Say goodbye to summaries.
August 2006
[08/29/06 07:35pm] World Reflected Darkly: In the Predator's Domain[08/28/06 05:43pm] World Reflected Darkly: A Crossing of Paths[08/23/06 05:49pm] Dark Reflection: Setup and Setting[08/23/06 04:31pm] Deadly Curves[08/20/06 10:39pm] Friends, Fun and Faith[08/18/06 05:04pm] World Reflected Darkly: Introductions[08/16/06 05:25pm] The World Reflected Darkly:My Role Playing Game[08/04/06 06:34pm] Funny how things turn Out[08/01/06 07:37pm] About Damn Time
April 2005
[04/28/05 04:33am] Here's a Thought