All art that I've gotten/purchased of me and my fluffy kitty boyfriend!! If obtained form a shop, the shop's link/button will be posted at the bottom of the image and the cost.

+the owner,ChibiRin5, does very CUTE chibi's of your avi!! Includes an option for single avi art, anime, and game dolls!! And, the best part is that all of it is under 1k! Clicky on her shop button for more examples!!

Cost:FREE (But I trade for art of the person's OC)
+A Couple art Piece from the other set of avis that I had posted in my Couple Avi Art Quest Thread, though actually, I had come to the creator, Black Cherry Milkshake, and her thread that was questing for OC Art It's only fair to swap art for art neh? Especially, when her freebie is soooo ADORABLE!! heart Thank you so much!!
Single Avi Art
Any art that I've gotten/purchased of just my avi will go here. If obtained form a shop, the shop's link/button will be posted at the bottom of the image as well as the cost.

Cost:FREE!! (But I tipped 525g)
+The creator of this amazing pixel doll was Zoser, who dropped this lovely thing in my Free Avi Art Quest Thread The bases and everything was hers!! I was stunned! To cure her boredom, she'd said. Well, if that was what she does bored, I can't wait to see what she does when she isn't! I graciously tipped her 525 gold (which is highly unusual for pixel dolls in general as they usually run between 200g and 300g for the most expensive)
Obtained- 6/19/08

Cost:FREE (But I tipped 300g)
+Another avi art obtained from my Free Avi Art Quest Thread. Apparently, my ears are blue in this picture...*looks up and grins* The creator was The Royal DM7 She was in the thread (obviously) and chatted for a bit, which was nice.

Cost:FREE (But I tipped 400g)
The wonderful person who gave this piece was MissDarlingDeath Not only was she in the thread chatting with me til the wee hours of the morning about her personal life, but was there to gift me with art. She has given me advice on the one thing that has been on my mind recently-having kids- and whether she knows it or not, I am very grateful and in her debt for that advice. I will pray that her husband returns safely from his time in the Marines and hope that he does not get killed, injured or mentally scarred. You are a strong woman, MissDarlingDeath, and I hope you never stop persevering.

Cost: FREE(but I tipped 500)
+ This lovely fluffy/adorable/huggable piece was drawn up by witch_craft_user. I love how it came out, even thiugh she said it came out funky...why is it that all the artists that I've come across with don't see their own unique genius? I guess all artits need others to point it out to them...

+This glompable piece was done by someone that wasn't in my thread. Too tired just now to do much of a description/username credit, but I will get it done soon!

Cost-FREE (But I tipped 325g)
+This cute doodle was done by Poisoned And Holy. She randomly showed up in the thread and dropped me this liitle artsie. With her doing so an idea popped into my head-I should start making a mini gallery on the thread of all the obtained arkworks. Thank you for the inspiration!

Cost-FREE( I want to tip 1k, but creator doesn't have a vending pass...)
+This absolutely wow artwork was done by Kiiri May. Again, another person who just randomly shows up and gifts me with such wonderful talent such as amazes me sometimes...

Cost-FREE (But I tipped 325g)
+This rainbowness fluff piece was given to me by o0NinjaMuffin0o. The first rainbow chibi art!! LOL, it's just too cute! I love chibis just as much as the regular anime versions of people but I guess chibis are easier...?

Cost-FREE (But I tipped 300g)
+This was the first avi art done in black and white!! Yay! Kudos to star525 for being the first one and for doing such a lovely job of it! heart The arts just keep coming in and all the various talents just make me so happy..

+Pure talent-what more can you say? Has to be my most favorite black and white piece so far!! I absolutely love that expression on her face-that almost coy yet innocent smile that says 'come closer'. This piece was done by the wonderfully talented Musical Hobo on her little Freebie Art Thread. She was doing this while her sister was sleeping/taking a shower so I'm not sure if she could give out any more of these unique pieces, but if you ever get the chance too, they are worth sticking around and chatting a bit for.

+DJ Myoko did this lovely chibi headshot! It's so adorable!! Why didn't anyone buy them when they were selling, because they're so cute! Ah, well, cute and free-I can't complain

Cost: FREE

Cost-FREE (But I tipped 300g)
+Fukisarashi did this black & white pic of me on the thread that I've been questing art in! It's the second B&W art posted there, yay!! I like black and white, pencile, color....anything really....

Cost-FREE (But I tipped 275)

Cost-FREE (but I tipped 325g)
+This sketch was done by Terse. So adorable yet smexy! *huggles it* And I love Terse's avi, as a side note-it's fluffy!

+this tiny pixel headshot of me was done by sweet gemini_goddess. So cute!!! I really like it-tiny little thing.... heart

+The person who did this cute little pic was Emploading Sakura. Yay, I have pink insides to my kitty ears, lol! And those big, almost beggy, watery eyes...huggles me? xd

+Yet another pretty artsie done by Xmy iero machete kidX . I have a pretty kitty looking mouth!! Awwww, yay!

Cost-FREE (but I tipped 300g)
+Kirkman did this lovely yet slightly sadistic version of myself. Yay, I'm chibified yet again! It is slightly more appealing to be chibified sometimes, but I do like the regular style as well.

Cost-FREE (but I tipped 400g)
+This cute thing was done by [CherryTart] . I love the pose-it's just so huggable!! heart

Cost-FREE (but I tipped 500g)
+This amazing piece of art was done by saelii. It's so smooth and clean, yet soft and gentle looking! Even though it doesn't have the glasses, eye tatto or eye patch, I still love it very much!

+This cute artsie was done by my RL friend! It's soooo cute!! Eeeeeee!! She found out about my quest through poking around my recent posts, lol.