Love. We all hear stories about it, get told it doesn't exist, that it's everything. But what's a problem is the taint involved in the word. The meaning is lost because it has no meaning. It is the one word that has no specifics but is only a specific thing. It happens between friends, family, and lovers. It also can happen between two people on a bus. It's that warm feeling you get when you know you just made someone feel a little less miserable. I've been angry for a few weeks about certain people being in certain kinds of relationships... but now I feel like I should just say screw being mad about it. If they're in love, let them be in love. If they're not, it's up to them to get out. I should just be happy love is being spread. So all you couples out there that are fighting against someone's expectations, love on. Don't hate on people just because they're against you. Love. Love them. Isn't that what the Bible says that everyone tries to say is the right thing to do? Love Thy Neighbor... not "Love thy neighbor, but only if they're Republican..." or "Only love thy neighbor if they agree with you" Love your mother-effing neighbor PERIOD!! So love. Love until your backs are sore. Love until the only thing left of your soul is a shell, empty and lifeless. Because that's the only way the world will be turned to right. Love has to be spread. And if that love turns out to be a fatal epidemic... well... so be it.
Nik_Eighteen Souls United Community Member |