Chrono's Cross, a tram area and downtown sector.

Delta International Corporation Headquarters

Skytrain area leading into Gungnir, the most notorious slum area in the city.

Delta International Research Facilities

Downtown in the city.

Delta International Corporation Militaristic Centers
1. I am the creator of this thread, so whatever I say, goes. I'm a pretty lenient person, but do not use it your advantage. I do the "three strikes you're out" policy here. If I catch you doing something in this thread that goes against the rules, I will give you one warning. Do it again, and I'll give you a second, much more serious warning than the first. Do it once more, and I'll evict you and your OC(s) from this roleplay permanently. I hope I don't have to do this, but I will if the situation deems it necessary.
2. You may have up to three different OCs. However, you must post with each OC at least once week. So try not to overwhelm yourself. ^^; If you can prove to me you can handle more than three OCs, then by all means.
3. Follow the Terms of Service here. I hope you all know it. (ie. be happy, don't be unnecessarily rude to people, etc.) If you have a problem with something or someone, come see me.
4. Absolutely no cybering. I mean it. Don't even take to PMs. It's against the ToS. Romance is allowed, but please keep PG-13. If there's going to be a sex scene, time skip it. Thank you in advance.
5. No godmodding here. Auto-hitting is okay if it's minor. If you're planning on running someone over with a car, PM the person first so you have their permission. This applies to killing a character as well. Godmodding here will result in a warning and a harpoon to the face. Not pleasant to say the least.
6. Make sure with whatever side you choose, you follow the rules in the profiles I made. For example, if you're a Citizen, then you have no powers. Herse is the only excerpt to the rule, but that's because he's a storyline character.
7. Before posting, send your character profile to me before posting in this thread. I will not accept your character otherwise.
8. I expect your posts to be at least a paragraph in length. Don't write a novel, but don't write three puny sentences either.
9. This is a literate roleplay, meaning no chatspeak or asterisks describing actions (ie. *cracks whip* ). A good grasp of spelling and grammar is expected from all roleplayers. Proofread your posts before posting. If you're using Firefox, you have a spell-check. Use it. A typo or two is okay, but your post must be legible. On the topic of legibility, do not make your posts with tiny text and/or with a very light coloured font. Size 9 text is acceptable, but don't go smaller than that. Make sure everyone can read it.
10. Swearing is alright, but please do not abuse this privilege. Do not swear every second word. Reading a post like this is just painful. Also if your character is going to swear, do not be overly vulgar. This is a PG-13 roleplay after all.
11. Similar to rule#10, violence is okay as long as it is not too explicit. Keep it in the PG-13 limit. Also do not godmod in terms of violence. If you severely want to harm someone else's character, PM them first to obtain their permission.
12. Have fun! Don't be shy; feel free to introduce yourself to people. Make some new friends while you're here. :3