My name is: Medelyn Ambrosia
I am this old: Oho, you have a death wish, do you? I won't tell you my exact age, but...I am in my thirties. That is all you need to know.
Since my birth, I am: Female. I should think that's obvious~.
My sexual orientation is: Heterosexual.
I am the President of Delta Corporation and a world leader. I possess more power and influence than you can ever imagine.
I like: power, money, good-looking men, having funded projects completed in advance, authority, my Mana Soldiers, and punishing others for their insubordination or just for fun.
I do not like: imbeciles, failed/late projects, stubborn people, insubordination in general, and spies.
I am usually: laid-back to a point, authoritative, sadistic, savage, ruthless, favours some people more than others, quick to anger, and cunning.
My weapons are: just this whip. It's not just any whip. With a flick of a switch, razor blades spurs spring out of the coils, and a course of electricity runs through it. Nasty, isn't it? I will also use my fists; I am a highly trained martial artist.
My life story is this: Well, where do I start? I didn't have the most innocent childhood. A lot of dark things happened to me when I was growing up. I won't get too far into that but...let's just say my older brother was committed into a mental asylum, both of my parents were murdered in cold blood, and I was sent to live with some foster parents until I received my official guardians. However, people gradually began to know of my morbid background and refused to adopt me. So I was sent from foster home to foster home, not knowing the true meaning of a family. Of course, this kind of treatment I was receiving wasn't good for a young girl. I got expelled from at least five different elementary schools, and two high schools. What can I say? I had anger issues and no one was willing to help me. My only relief and hobby was science. I loved experimenting and trying to discover something new. My head was in the clouds the whole time, so I fantasized far too often for my own good. After I turned sixteen, the Children's Orphan Institution decided to stop funding my education and living arrangements and left me to struggle on my own. Bastards. Oh well, who gives a s**t about them? I was sick of false families like that.
I was able to get my high school diploma through being home schooled. A professor in his thirties taught me everything. Dr. David Ferguson was his name. During this time, we fell in love and got married. But that marriage was not meant to be. He suffered an...accident five years later. C'est la vie. I'm thankful that he taught me enough to get accepted into university.
But that wasn't easy. Universities were not so kind to me. They were reluctant to accept me as a full-time student due to my schooling past. Hmph. Well I eventually did get in to one of the best universities, thanks to my lawyer. Yuri Camui. My second husband. I loved that man. He was my only husband that I truly loved. I'll never forget him. Unfortunately, when I got my master's degree in biochemistry, he suffered an accident too. I suppose bad luck clings to me.
Afterwards, none of my relationships were stable. Boyfriends and husbands came and went, but nothing was stable. Nor did they live for very long. They all died of a fatal accident; car crashes, heart attacks, you name it.
I received my doctorate in Biochemistry and a master's degree in business. That was when I formed the Delta Corporation. I quickly dove into the world of politics and corruption and played their game. I won out, and conquered over the previous government.
Now I am a world leader. I am the most powerful person in the country.
Here's what I look like:
I am this old: Oho, you have a death wish, do you? I won't tell you my exact age, but...I am in my thirties. That is all you need to know.
Since my birth, I am: Female. I should think that's obvious~.
My sexual orientation is: Heterosexual.
I am the President of Delta Corporation and a world leader. I possess more power and influence than you can ever imagine.
I like: power, money, good-looking men, having funded projects completed in advance, authority, my Mana Soldiers, and punishing others for their insubordination or just for fun.
I do not like: imbeciles, failed/late projects, stubborn people, insubordination in general, and spies.
I am usually: laid-back to a point, authoritative, sadistic, savage, ruthless, favours some people more than others, quick to anger, and cunning.
My weapons are: just this whip. It's not just any whip. With a flick of a switch, razor blades spurs spring out of the coils, and a course of electricity runs through it. Nasty, isn't it? I will also use my fists; I am a highly trained martial artist.
My life story is this: Well, where do I start? I didn't have the most innocent childhood. A lot of dark things happened to me when I was growing up. I won't get too far into that but...let's just say my older brother was committed into a mental asylum, both of my parents were murdered in cold blood, and I was sent to live with some foster parents until I received my official guardians. However, people gradually began to know of my morbid background and refused to adopt me. So I was sent from foster home to foster home, not knowing the true meaning of a family. Of course, this kind of treatment I was receiving wasn't good for a young girl. I got expelled from at least five different elementary schools, and two high schools. What can I say? I had anger issues and no one was willing to help me. My only relief and hobby was science. I loved experimenting and trying to discover something new. My head was in the clouds the whole time, so I fantasized far too often for my own good. After I turned sixteen, the Children's Orphan Institution decided to stop funding my education and living arrangements and left me to struggle on my own. Bastards. Oh well, who gives a s**t about them? I was sick of false families like that.
I was able to get my high school diploma through being home schooled. A professor in his thirties taught me everything. Dr. David Ferguson was his name. During this time, we fell in love and got married. But that marriage was not meant to be. He suffered an...accident five years later. C'est la vie. I'm thankful that he taught me enough to get accepted into university.
But that wasn't easy. Universities were not so kind to me. They were reluctant to accept me as a full-time student due to my schooling past. Hmph. Well I eventually did get in to one of the best universities, thanks to my lawyer. Yuri Camui. My second husband. I loved that man. He was my only husband that I truly loved. I'll never forget him. Unfortunately, when I got my master's degree in biochemistry, he suffered an accident too. I suppose bad luck clings to me.
Afterwards, none of my relationships were stable. Boyfriends and husbands came and went, but nothing was stable. Nor did they live for very long. They all died of a fatal accident; car crashes, heart attacks, you name it.
I received my doctorate in Biochemistry and a master's degree in business. That was when I formed the Delta Corporation. I quickly dove into the world of politics and corruption and played their game. I won out, and conquered over the previous government.
Now I am a world leader. I am the most powerful person in the country.
Here's what I look like:

My name is: Herse Loughton
I am this old: 21 years
Since my birth, I am: A guy, obviously.
I am a Citizen.
My sexual orientation is: Straight. I like girls, though they never seem to like me...
I like: being free, doing whatever I want, flirting with girls, having a good brawl every now and then.
I do not like: the Mana Soldiers; they give me the creeps, Delta Corp. and Medelyn, seeing my friends get hurt/meaningless violence, being bored, people making fun of my blind eye, and getting rejected by a girl.
I am usually: Happy-go-lucky, a smartass, loyal and caring to my friends, impulsive, curious, and willing to fight for a cause.
My weapons are: These black metal wristbands things. They let me control gravity, ie. slowing or speeding up time, they let me do backflips...think of that movie, the Matrix. I have no idea why I have this power. I've had it since the day I was adopted.
My life story is this: I don't really remember the first seven years of my life, but I do know that my right eye has always been weak. Something happened to it before I got adopted by my family, resulting my eye to become completely useless. So yeah, I'm blind in my right eye. I'm fine with it; just as long as no one makes fun of it.
Anyways, so I was raised in a farmer's family. I loved them dearly. My father, Peter Loughton was the best dad anyone could have. He taught me everything about the farm, had a sense of humour, and always appreciated me for all of the hard work I did. Mary Loughton, my mother, was the sweetest lady I've ever known. She loved to cook and clean the house, and she was always smiling. I'd always know that she was in the kitchen, because she would be singing merrily as she was baking. Speaking of which, it was always nice coming home after working on the farm. Mother would have dinner and a delicious home-baked pie waiting for us. And she was always there for me. I miss her all the time...I had two brothers, Greg and David, and two sisters, Mila and Emily. All of them welcomed me as one of their own.
Then the tragedy happened. I was riding home on Karia, my white mare, coming back from a delivery trip when I saw the farm house on fire. It wasn't just the house; the barns, the storage shed, the fields where we grew the crops...everything. I called out to my family and desperately searched for them, but they...all disappeared. Gone. Forever. You can't imagine how I felt that day. Everything I ever loved was destroyed in that single moment.
I left the farm with Karia, my only companion and friend left, and went into the city. I found one that the fire that killed my family was deliberate, set by some people from Delta Corp. Those bastards! I'll never forgive them for destroying my family and my life. So I've vowed to take them down...with whatever means possible. I try to remain as optimistic as possible, but it's hard when you hear about people being pulled off the street to become Mana Soldiers. I don't know who this Medelyn person is, but she needs to be stopped!
Here's what I look like: [Include a picture of your character]
My name is: Christine Lavalle
I am this old: 24 years old
Since my birth, I am: female
I am the secretary to Mr. Lucus Fielding, the Vice President of Delta Corp.
My sexual orientation is: Straight.
I like: a quiet atmosphere, solitude, and cleanliness.
I do not like: obnoxious people, my boss flirting with me, being bored, doing lots of tedious paperwork, gossip or idle chatter, and Medelyn.
I am usually: stoic, studious, unassuming, serious, and silent.
My duties are: organizing Mr. Fielding's meetings and personal schedule, sorting through his paperwork, informing him of any spoken messages for him, and occasionally answering his emails on his behalf. I think I do more of his work than he does himself.
My life story is this: My past is not exactly the most exciting thing, so I won't bore you with the details. I grew up in a poor family with six siblings in Gungnir; the rundown part of the city. I am the youngest of six children, and my mother died after she gave birth to me. I blamed myself for her death, although my family had tried to convince me otherwise. About eight years later, my father was taken away and executed by the Mana Soldiers. He was arrested for treason against the state. He had been a spy working against Delta Corp. I believed that I was truly a bad luck charm to my family after that.
After my father's arrest and execution, our family was split up. I was sent to an orphanage with two of my older siblings. After a few years though, they were removed from the orphanage because they had exceeded the age limit. That was the last I ever saw of my family. I grew up in complete isolation after that, relying only on myself.
As the years went by, I too, was forced to leave the orphanage. I worked as a waitress for two years, but I was fired when my boss perceived that I "assaulted" a customer. To tell you the truth, he assaulted me. I, of course, would have none of him.
Despite that unfortunate ending of my job, I noticed that I had an excellent memory and could keep track of the smallest details. I decided to work for Delta Corp. after that, working my way up into the world of work. Eventually, I became the secretary to Mr. Fielding. There, that's my life story. Are you happy now? Because I need to get to work.
Here's what I look like:
I am this old: 24 years old
Since my birth, I am: female
I am the secretary to Mr. Lucus Fielding, the Vice President of Delta Corp.
My sexual orientation is: Straight.
I like: a quiet atmosphere, solitude, and cleanliness.
I do not like: obnoxious people, my boss flirting with me, being bored, doing lots of tedious paperwork, gossip or idle chatter, and Medelyn.
I am usually: stoic, studious, unassuming, serious, and silent.
My duties are: organizing Mr. Fielding's meetings and personal schedule, sorting through his paperwork, informing him of any spoken messages for him, and occasionally answering his emails on his behalf. I think I do more of his work than he does himself.
My life story is this: My past is not exactly the most exciting thing, so I won't bore you with the details. I grew up in a poor family with six siblings in Gungnir; the rundown part of the city. I am the youngest of six children, and my mother died after she gave birth to me. I blamed myself for her death, although my family had tried to convince me otherwise. About eight years later, my father was taken away and executed by the Mana Soldiers. He was arrested for treason against the state. He had been a spy working against Delta Corp. I believed that I was truly a bad luck charm to my family after that.
After my father's arrest and execution, our family was split up. I was sent to an orphanage with two of my older siblings. After a few years though, they were removed from the orphanage because they had exceeded the age limit. That was the last I ever saw of my family. I grew up in complete isolation after that, relying only on myself.
As the years went by, I too, was forced to leave the orphanage. I worked as a waitress for two years, but I was fired when my boss perceived that I "assaulted" a customer. To tell you the truth, he assaulted me. I, of course, would have none of him.
Despite that unfortunate ending of my job, I noticed that I had an excellent memory and could keep track of the smallest details. I decided to work for Delta Corp. after that, working my way up into the world of work. Eventually, I became the secretary to Mr. Fielding. There, that's my life story. Are you happy now? Because I need to get to work.
Here's what I look like: