listedlistedlistedMy full name is Ariadne Odintsovna
listedlistedlistedI am a female and 24 years old.
listedlistedlistedHeight and Weight 5'4 and 130 lbs.
listedlistedlistedI live in Detained, private
listedlistedlistedMy trade Seamstress and fashion designer
listedlistedlistedI enjoy the company of women as friends. Although I am heterosexual, I'm wary of men.
listedlistedlistedI enjoy day dreaming, drawing, humming to myself when there's no one around, reading, and sewing.
listedlistedlistedI detest fighting, loud noises, aggressive behaviour, imprisonment, and being alone forever.
listedlistedlistedHow I got here Well...it's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to keep it short.
I grew up in the lower class quarter with my father and mother. They were both tailors for the nobility, specifically for the Woufle family. My father died when I was three, leaving my mother and I to manage the shop. I began learning how to sew when I was six, and began helping my mother with new designs when I was nine. We were quite poor, but we were content.
When I was sixteen, a man named Sergei Kirsanov approached my mother and asked for my hand in marriage. He had been a regular customer at our tailor shop and had his eye on me for quite some time. My mother was a bit taken aback at this request but she soon realized the benefit of our union; he would provide for me and I would no longer be a burden on her. She consented to the marriage and I was taken to his place, against my will, to remain with him as a common law couple for the time being.
However a month before our marriage ceremony, my situation worsened. Kirsanov was horrible man. He would vent all of his anger and frustrations on me for no reason, told me that I was ugly and bland, would not speak to me for hours on end, threw things at me, and so on. Apparently his parents forced him to marry me because only a married son could inherit the family business. Thus Kirsanov was unhappy about this arranged marriage.
Then my world came crashing down. I caught Sergei Kirsanov in bed with another woman. I blacked out at that moment.
When I woke up, I was in a temporary cell in the police station. Dried blood was on my hands, neck, and body. I was to stand trial for murdering my fiance, because I caught him having an affair. I was given no lawyer by the city, nor could I afford one.
I then became a detainee, convicted of second degree murder. But I know that I am innocent.
listedlistedlistedIt made me... I have always been quiet, introverted, and a bit of dreamer. I am still the same...except now I fear men, I am very distrusting, and a rarely speak to anyone.
{The Katastrophe}

listedlistedlistedMy full name isJohnathan Braxley
listedlistedlistedI am a 23 and a guy.
listedlistedlistedHeight and Weight 6'1 and 160 lbs. Yeah, I know I'm skinny so stop telling me.
listedlistedlistedI live in Heh, neither. I'm a Outlaw. I go where I please. Although you'll usually find me lurking in the lower section of the city.
listedlistedlistedMy trade A Outlaw, mon chere. As I already mentioned.
listedlistedlistedI enjoy the company of women! I don't really talk to men. No offense.
listedlistedlistedI enjoy women, booze, cigarettes, the bar scene, stealing from the rich bastards, flirting with my women co-workers, etc. The good things in life.
listedlistedlistedI detest having men stand in the way of my women, unnecessary fighting, the rich fops in the upper section, cold food, no booze or cigarettes or women, Ammon spies, interrogators.
listedlistedlistedHow I got here What? You wanna know about my life? Well sorry to disappoint you, but I don't like talking about it. But I'll give you the abridged, spoiler-free version. Maybe when I feel like it I'll give you the whole story.
- I grew up in the lower section of Dacian. My mother died giving birth to me. I was the Braxleys only child. My father was taken away by the authorities when I was 13 for "treason against the state." Bullshit. He did nothing wrong. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens to everyone. But after he was taken away, I never heard from him again. I was on my own.
- I didn't give a s**t about anything in my teens. I went from job to job, not getting anything stable. I stole, vandalized, protested...I was a very angry person growing up. Probably because I never got over my father's death. So I vented my anger by destroying stuff. The police were on the lookout for me, but I never got caught.
- Until I shot an Ammon official through the head. I wasn't able to slip away from that one too easily. I was soon arrested and sentenced to 20 years in the Facility. Although I knew that they were never going to let me out. It's like killing a cop; the whole world hates you and will never forgive you. I would have been mauled to death if I hadn't met this one guy.
- He went by the name of Alastair. He was old, about 55 years or so, but he was smart. He thought I was a moron, but he later said that I had potential. So much potential that he risked his life to help me escape from prison. And I did. I'm one of the very few. Only ten people have ever escaped the Facility. I'm seriously one of them. Of course, I don't go around telling that to people. Not ever my co-workers know. If I told someone, I'd be back in prison in a blink of an eye.
- Before I left though, Alastair told me about these people he used to work with. Most people nowadays called them "outlaws", but Alastair called them "revolutionaries." They had a secret hideout and everything. He told me how to get to this hideout and to tell them his name so they would let me in. And they did. And that's how I became an outlaw. Savvy?
listedlistedlistedIt made me I'm practically like Robin Hood. Only I'm a better womanizer. I admit that I'm a bit of a loudmouth and talk too much when I'm drunk. And I'm a wise-a** at that too. Some of my co-workers call me an idiot, but they don't really know me. I do have my serious side too, you know. And I'm super loyal to everyone at the Hideout and whoever I work with. You can't underestimate me, that's for sure. And you better not, 'cause I can kick your a**.
{The Katastrophe}