My master is: thedarkone15 My name is: Izzy Nashio I'm : 17 What I look like:  The weapons that i carry are: Gunblade Bio: (Izzy explains his story) Hi, my name is Izzy, Izzy Nashio, but you can call me Izz or just plain Izzy. I was born on December 24 1991, In Toyko, Japan. I'm usually a nice person when you come to me nicely, but when i'm killing zombies, I'm very brutal. I really don't play around with Zombies....Want to know why? Well here's my story.
Long ago, Back in Tokyo, I lived with my mother. It was a peaceful time and very clam and quiet. Then sooner than i thought, or expected, an zombie outbreak comes out of nowhere and ransack my house. They took my mother's life right in front of me and i dashed outside, turned on the car, and drove off.
Long story short, I find my way to the Resistance.
thedarkone15 · Sun May 16, 2010 @ 11:40pm · 0 Comments |