Hey shady... -shady- What? You play that Lara croft game..? -shady- which one? The one where she says no.. -shady-...what do you me-..YOU b***h!! -Dark-...What is that about..? Having fun with shady is funny man.. -Dark-...But how is that funny? -Shady- I SWEAR IF I WASN'T STUCK IN SOME WEBSITE AND PIXELIZED INTO SOME LITTLE AVATAR, I WOULD KILL YOU.. -Dark-...That's.....weird..
Sorry shady...She'll say yes...Don't worry about it too much...
The Dark Corner Zone 1: Act 5: Shockingly shocking shock!!!
Sha and Ray goes to get Janu.... -Ray- Here we are....
 -Sha-...That's a house?...looks like a ship.. -Ray- IT'S A SUPA HOUSE...FILLED WITH CANDY AND.....and....WELL LET'S JUST GO IN! -Sha- Let's..
Ooki and Xavi going to the attic.. -Xavi-..Dammit dark..why is it soo cold up here..? -Ooki- because your lame...now keep going...
Dark and cinna trying to get in and help Cross.. -Dark- Okay cross...look out of that slime right there.. -cross- i know!! Dammit why are these little small, cute animals soo damn powerful!!? -Cinna-....The people who made the game is cute but evil? -Dark-..More like the creator is a CUTE FREAK! -Cross- Shut up and help me heal!!! -Dark- *presses potion button* where is everyone..
Ray and Sha...
-Ray- JAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUU -Sha- WHEERRRE ARRRREEE YOOOOUUUUU? -Ray- Baka...it's like this..WHERERERERERERE AREERERERER YOUOUOUOUOU? -Sha- How do you even say that? -Ray- no idea...I just say what the writer writes...or types.. -Unknown- BOGABOGA BOOOGAAAAAAA!!!! -both- WAHHHH!!
Ooki and Xavi...
 -Xavi-...Fr-fr-fr-fr-freaking....fr-fr-freezing!!! -Ooki-...I-I-I..un-understand.....Wh-...what Dark meant....N-now...let....let's g-get the M-magnet.. -unknown-..WHO ARE YOU!? -Xavi-WHOA!
Why is that person is my..erm...Dark's attic..? Dark and Cinna, along with Cross...
-Dark- -Cinna- Dark are you okay!? -Dark- THAT IDIOT JUST KS'D ME!! -Cinna- Ks'd? -Dark- Kill and steal.. -Cinna- Ohhhh... -Cross- HEY GET BACK HERE YOU FAT MAN! -Unknown character- Fat......MAN?! -Cross-....Dude....I was kidding....get a grip.. -Unk Char- NO NO NO NO..NO....NO....NO...I don't think you was!! *pulls out a sword and transform into some....kind of god..*
 -all- HOLY FU*K!
Ray and Sha..
-Sha-....We don't want no trouble Mr... -Ray- MONSTER!!!
 -Evil Barney- WHAT!? -Sha-...as in the energy drink!! -Ray- YEAH!! I'M VERY THRU- -Evil Barney- I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT...WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY PALACE!? -Sha-...I thought this was Janu's place.. -Ray- it is.. -Sha- then who is that? -Ray- No idea.. -Sha-...well this sucks then -Ray- sure does... -Evil Barney- STOP IGNORING ME! -Both- Where is Janu!? -Evil barney- i locked her up in the "room of HORRORS" -Both- "room of horrors?" -Evil barney- room of horrors.. -Both-...Okay so what is that? -Evil Barney-...Technically..a room with...a bunch of...your horrors.. -Sha-....Well you won't get away with tha- *punched* AHHH!! -Ray-...Why...what the hell would you hit a gi-.*kicked* AAAAHH! They both flew across the hall.
Ooki and Xavi...
 -Xavi- Who are you? -Unknown- Who am I? -Ooki- yes You... -Unknown- You! -Xavi- me? -Unknown- no You!.. -Ooki- Me? -Unknown- YOU!! -Ooki-...but you don't have boobs.. -Xavi-...so you're me? -Unknown- mother fu*k You!! -Xavi- Then stop saying You and say Me! -Unknown- But I'm You! -Ooki- You do look alike -Xavi- NO WE DON'T -Ooki- you both got the same chin.. -Xavi- and you got the same wolf undies! -Ooki- WHAT! -Unknown- Look...my name is You! -Xavi-...now that doesn't even make sense -Ooki-...oh i guess in...Your name is You.. -Unknown- Yes,, -Xavi- NO!!..MY NAME IS NOT HIS.. -Ooki- Your name is You? -Xavi- my name is whatever You want it to be.. -You(by this time you should know)- Me? -Xavi- NO HER! -Ooki- then why did you say You? -Xavi- Because....Because...DAMMIT YOU ARE CONFUSING ME! -You- No I'm not...My name is You! -Xavi- You are You and I am me! -Ooki- SHUT THE FU*K UP! XAVI...HIS NAME IS FREAKING YOU! YOU...YOU...YOUU!!! -Xavi- Oh.....
Dark and Cinna, along with Cross
-Cross- Dude...i can't beat him.. -Dark- then run! -Cross- WHERE he is faster than me too! -Cinna- You have some water? -Cross- yes but why would i ne- -Cinna- Splash him.. -Cross- *throws water at him*...That did nothing.. -Cinna- *slaps Dark* see...Boys get wet too! -Dark-...Owwwww.... -Cross- But it did faze him *starts running* -Both- RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!
Ray and Sha
-Both- Ugh... -Evil barney- now GET OUTTTT! -Ray- I'm....not giving up!!! *runs over to him* -Sha-...ray... -Ray- HAAAAAAAHH *Punches him in the gut* -Evil barney- ooof...nice...but not enough!!! *grabs her arm* -Sha- RAY!
Xavi and Ooki
-Ooki- So anyway...can we get that Magnet over there.,. -You- No...Only the worthy ones get such thing... -Xavi- this is Dark's house...And we are his friends.. -Ooki-..... -You- Then fight me.. -Both-...Why -You- To get the item you are looking for -Xavi- Lame... -Ooki-...find you ask for it..*dashes toward him* You stomps the ground and stops Ooki in her tracks and palm thrust her stomach, making her unconscious -Xavi-...Ooki!!
To be continued..

How come they can't kill each other...
thedarkone15 · Mon Jun 22, 2009 @ 09:34pm · 3 Comments |