She walked up the stairs, not knowing what was awaiting her visit. She entered the door slowly and... -dark-MICHAEL JACKSON POPPED OUT AND SUNG!? No shut up...She opened the door and.. -shady- THOUSANDS OF DOGS BEGAN TO LICK HER UNCONTROLLABLY? ....Hey shady.... -shady-...wh- SHUT UP!...She opened the door to see a man standing there with a butcher knive. He was wear a mask that looked like.. -Xavi- SLIVER THE HEDGEHOG!!? -Dark-..Where did you even come from....where the hell is Cross!? -Xavi- Cross..?...Wasn't he the one that was on the other story? -Shady-..yeah...matter in fact a lot of people is out from that story... That's because I restarted you a** dumbos....Now on to the sorty... -dark-..i thought it was spell stroy? -shady- No's spelled story... ......Idiots.....
The dark corner Zone 1: act 4: bringing teh houze zdown
-Dark- WAAAH!! -Ray- WOOOOOOOOOOO *Crashes on Dark* Ouch....HIYA DARK! -Dark-...still as hyper as always?... have any cookies? -Dark-...Over there...*points the the cabinet* -Sha-...have a lot of trouble...? -Dark- Hell yeah....Damn.. -Sha- everyone is upstairs right? -Dark- Yeah...I have to go downstairs for a mintue...soo can you clam them down upst- *CRASH,BOOM,SLAM, KABOOM*....Yeah you know where... -Sha- sure...*walks upstairs* -Dark- Ray!...the action is up there if you want to know.. -Ray- *busy eating cookies* -Dark-....Ahhhhhhhh okay then...*walks downstairs* Lights..*The lights flicker on*
 -Dark-...Something tells me i have to clean up in he- -All-..OMG DARK YOU HAVE A PLACE LIKE THIS!! here.. They all attacked the computers and played videogames and watch anime and listened to music. -Dark-...Hm....Hey shadymenster come over here... -Shady- shadymenster....since when have you been calling me that? -Dark- since now..SHUT UP AND COME OVER HERE! -Shady-...*sigh*...*walks over* what is it? -Dark- You know who that is right..? -Shady-...Huh...?.....Is that....? -Dark-...Cross?
In the computer world
-Cross- We can dance if we want to...if we leave no friends behind... -Dark- *computerized voice* Cross? that you? -Cross-...Huh...Dark!?... -Dark- Whoa dude what are you doing in there!? -Cross-..I somehow fused with the game...IT'S MADNESS MAN! -Dark- clam down...let me turn down the volume.. -Cross- NO NO DON'T DON'T!!.. -Dark- Ah?... -Cross- this weird thing happens to me when that my throat hurts because something hits it after someone turns down the volume...then i can't talk anymore.. -Dark-...Weird...Anyway what game are you in now? -Cross- Maple Story....the damn slimes keep following me!! -Dark-..Well what lvl are you? -Cross-...I think I'm 25...i think i can't see it like you guys can... -Dark-..You are level 35... -******** SWEET!....THAT'S WHAT HIGHER THAN I THOUGHT... -Dark-..Ah well enough of the Level talk....How do we get you out of here.. -Cross- I don't know...ask a computer guy....I feel like I'm being watched.. -Dark-...Yeah by possibly millions and millions of people... -Cross- s**t... -Dark- Hold on for a moment..
-Shady- What the did he get inside the game..? -Dark- not sure....we need a computer hacker stat! -Ray-...Well....We can ask Janushi.. -Dark-...Hmmmmm...Go get her...Ooki...I need you to do something for me.. -Ooki-..okay what can possibly go over my good time of watching a wolf eat a rabbit? have some problems...but anyway we need to get somehow get inside this computer and help Cross.. -Ooki-...okay...Xavi, Cinna...come with us...Sha you go with Ray to get Janu.. -Xavi- Okay.. -Cinna- No problem -Sha- K..
-Dark- we...have been trying to get in for....2 hours....nothing has WORKED! -Cinna- Well i do have a idea... -Xavi-...what would that be? -Cinna- you know how Magnets mess up the computer sometimes? -Dark-...Yeah.. -Cinna- what if we put a Huge magnet on the main computer over there?
 -Ooki-..and? -Cinna-.....that's all i have right now.. -Dark-.....Xavi go in my Attic with Ooki and find my ultra magnet... -Xavi- why will i need Ooki? -Dark-...It's dangerous up'll understand in a moment.. -Cinna-..What about me?.. -Dark- You help me gather anything that would be useful... -Cinna-....Wait...we are going in to get daniel right? -Dark-...Yeah... -Cinna-..Okay...but what if we can't get out.. -dark- we will just have to hope for the best...Alright everyone scatter!
To be continued!
thedarkone15 · Wed Jun 10, 2009 @ 05:12pm · 3 Comments |