Mimosa: NO! NO NO NO!
Amber: Come on Mimosa, I need a model!!
Mimosa: Get someone else!
Kalkora: *comes in* What are you two yelling about?
Amber: I need two people to model for me, I'm taking a photography class and my assignment is supposed to be creative. We had a basket full of slips of paper to pick from, and my five slips said blonde, bunny, two, kiss, and boy! So, I'm gonna have a photo of two blonde boys dressed as bunnies kissing..
Mimosa: I would be fine with it if the costume was different!
Kalkora: What does the costume look li--
Amber: *holds it up for him*
Kalkora: HAHAHA!!!!
Mimosa: NOT FUNNY!
Kalkora: Aw c'mon Mimosa, wear it!
Amber: You're the other model Kal.
Kalkora: What? No!
Mimosa: Oh, sure. Noooow you hate it.
Amber: *narrows her eyes* I am NOT flunking this class. You two WILL wear this, I WILL take a photo, and I WILL get an A in this class! GOT IT??
Kalkora/Mimosa: *gulps* Yes ma'am....
Amber: *smiles sweetly* Good. *hands them both outfits* Go change and come back.
---5 minutes later---
Mimosa: *blushing furiously* Soooo akward.....
Kalkora: It's not that bad... I mean, yeah, it's pretty bad... But...
Mimosa: Let's just get this over with.
--they go out--
Amber: You look perfect!! Okay, stand here Kal, Mimi right next to him. Wrap your arm around him Kal... Good now-- Oh perfect!! Do not move, unless inspiration strikes! *starts shooting pictures*

Amber: Perfect!!! You should be happy I didn't use the original outfit I had picked.
Kalkora: I don't want to know.
Mimosa: Whats this Amber? *picks up a large envelope*
Amber: Oh... I had to take a self portrait with one of the slips of paper I chose as a topic.
Kalkora: Can we look at it?
Amber: *smirks slightly* Sure. *hands them a box of tissues*
Mimosa: What are these for?
Amber: You'll see.
Kalkora: *opens up the envelope and pulls the photo out, blushes, and immediately pulls out three tissues and presses them to his nose*
Mimosa: What is it? *takes the picture and grabs tissues as well* Dear God Amber, you could've at least warned us!

Amber: *picks up the picture and puts it into the envelope* Is it that good? *tilts her head innocently*
Mimosa: Oh stop that!
Amber: Stop what? *makes a pouty confused face*
Mimosa: That! You know what you're doing.
Amber: Mmmhmm. Okay, you two can go now. Byyye!
--I think that was pretty darn good!--
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