-dark-*wipes dust off himself*...yay we r back!!! -shady-..whew man...i thought we was done forever... -dark-yeah.... -writer-...well be happy cuz im almost back to school in a couple of months... -dark-......OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! -writer-I KNOWWWWWW!!! T-T
-dark-...well.......so this is the sea..? -yosh-..YEAH AND I HATE IT......IT'S TOO DARK.....COLD.....WET..AND- -shady-WILL U SHUT UP...ur making it loud... -yosh-srry... -ray-^O^ *loud explosion* -kimmi-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!! -rayj-and to hear it under water...wow.. -cross-...*looks out the window*......well....i don't see anything... -shady-...*uses the radar*....something is nearby.. -gaara-h-heh it's probably a little fishy right? -redwing-or......a shark... -anu-..............................no..........it's biggg.......really biggg.. -moon-..*gulps* -dark-...*looks out the window*....HOLY SH*T!!!....WHAT WAS THAT... -mogs-..LET ME SEE..*looks out the window*...ZOMG....DRIVE MAN!!!! *the sub shakes* -all-.WHOOOOOOOOOOA!!!! *the sub was pushed into a cave...the impact was so strong, that everyone was knocked out*
-cross-....*wakes up*....huh.......what happen......? *no answer* -cross-...HELLO?? *no answer* -cross-......where am i.....so cold.......*huff,huff*.... *he starts walking toward the cliff in the cave* -cross-...whoa!

-dark-...*wakes up*....agh.....oww.... -unknown-....hey.....wake up..... -dark-..huh........who...... -unknown-...wake up... -dark-..who...who r....u..? -unknown-..*hazy*..hey......my.........name......is..... -dark-....can't hear......can't.....*faints*
-shady and yosh-*wakes up*...... -shady-...wtf...........owww....my head... -yosh-.....where.....huh......how? -mogs-..finally ya'll woke up.....jeez -redwing-..hmph.. -shady-...oww.....srry jeez... -yosh-...u know where we r..? -redwing-..yeah...we r in some kind of temple... -shady-....oh fu*k -mogs-...what..? -shady-..........plz tell me we r not in some kind of water temple....... -redwing-looks like it... -shady-.......OHHHHHHHHHHHH...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
(the water temple:..the hardest of all temples and the most painful to get though...u'll know only if u play any zelda game)
-ray-..huh!!? -rayj-....*wakes up*...huh? -ray-...WHERE'S GAARA AND JANU!!? -rayj-.....ohhh.....im going back to sleep... -ray-..WAKE UP!!! -rayj-..HUH YES IM AWAKE!! -unknown-..welcome.. -both-...huh? -unknown-...>D
(others well be revealed later)
-cross-...heh....watersea cave....cool....*jumps off*.... *the water starts spinning* -cross-..huh....an typhoon? *a huge octopus pops out with razor sharp tentacles and posion ink* -cross-...ohh........u want to play?...ok lets go...> wink
-dark-..*wakes up from the faint*.......my head...where- -unknown-your in a cave...a watercave.. -dark-...and who- -unknown-heh i thought u remember...my name is shashe....sha for short -dark-shashe.....yeah i'll call u sha then -sha-ok^^ -dark-.....agh...my friends....u know where they r at..? -sha-no...i heard a loud explosion....and i ran here...and i saw u laying on the ground... -dark-.......right...hmm.... -sha-.... -dark-...i need to find my friends -sha-.... -dark-.......what? -sha-.... -dark-...you starting to creep me out... -sha-...look......behind u.. -dark-..huh.....*looks back*....ohhh....ohhh
-shady-.......we r doomed.......doooooooooommed!!! -yosh-.....doomed? -shady-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!! -mogs-.*slaps shady*..GET A HOLD OF UR SELF MAN.... -shady-........T.T -redwing-...*slaps shady.....late*...yeah -shady-..owww....what's with u hurting me all the time...!!? -redwing-... -yosh-...let get out plz? -mogs-wait......u heard that... *splash,splash* -yosh-...hmm...? -shady-.......i hear it...... -redwing-.....what is....it.? -mogs-.......let's go... -all except mogs-...right!
-ray-...WHO R U!!!? -unknown-it not important -rayj-..the hell it's not...U BETTER TELL US!!! -unknown-..fine fine...don't get such a hissy fit.. -rayj-b***h!!! -unknown- my name is hancock man.. -both-..HANCOCK MAN...HAHAHAH! -hancock-..shut up...my mom was high when she named me.. -both-..*still laughing* -hancock-..I SAID SHUT UP!!!!..*throws a barrage of knives* -ray-..*instantly burst spirit energy to block* -hancock-...there....now listen.....i was gonna have u two for dinner....but ur not worthy for it.. -rayj-...OMG HIS GONNA HAVE HIS WAY WITH US!!! -ray-..@-@ -unknown-..what..NO....U TWO R TOO UGLY FOR ME.. -both-.....what... mad
they r pissed..
-cross-... *octopus screeches* -cross-...haaahhh!!! *cross runs up to him, holding his sword, and slashes his eye. the octopus moves back and grabs him with his tentacles and slams him against the walls of the cave. the impact was so big, rocks crumbed off the wall and hit the octopus. cross then see his chance and jumps up and suddenly strikes downward towards the head. his hit leaves a gash, spraying a lots a blood* -cross-hey..*laughs*....u ok? *the octopus screeches again and sprays lots of ink. the ink was so posionus, the ink burned right though the ground, leaving a dark, endless hole* -cross-..holy sh*t..
-dark-noo way......just no way...
 -sha-...........so COOL!!! -dark-... -sha-.....srry -dark-...no no it's cool it's cool....hey dragon...lookie here!! *the dragon looks at them* -dark-...ummmm...can u find it ur heart and let us pass....? -sha-..... -dark-..... *the dragon moves back* -dark-..*shocked*...oh...thank u! -sha-..*smiles* *as they walked by the dragon...the dragon wings sprayed some kinda of dust at them* -sha-........hm!! -dark-...what!? -sha-..DUCK!!!..*grabs dark and pulls him down* -dark-WHOA!! -dragon-..GAORRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! -both-..my ears!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- special report time!!!
im srry but this is just awesome...
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3mixFBhLs-M&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3mixFBhLs-M&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
-dark-....sonic unleashed........a true wonder -shady-..yeah...i mean that's awesome right there...i hope this is good...cuz i can be sonic's last game... -dark-..yeah...anyway...the news today is to- -ray-..AGH!!!!! -both-WHAT THE HELL!! -ray-..RUN FOR U NO GOOD LIFE!!! -dark-........... -shady-............ -rayj-......ummm......u want the weather? -both-.....yeah.....just....yeah.. -rayj-..well...the weather for the day is rain......and it's hot..... -dark-................. -shady-...sports? -cross-...sports!!? -dark-..*face palms shady*..get a V8...
comic..? no comic today..srry...
end...the other i didn't mention is gonna be in the next part!! bye bye!!
thedarkone15 · Fri Jul 04, 2008 @ 02:33am · 5 Comments |