emo Sorry I haven't been on for awhile....I've been really depressed lately.
Days for me now go like this: - Force myself out of bed. - Live through hell at school, with bullies and friends that don't understand me. - Come home to do nothing.... - Lie in bed trying to sleep but staying up for hours thinking of how much I miss the one I love...
It's torture having to do that day after day......
Also....I skipped school Tuesday.......I was feeling too depressed to go.........and while I was home alone.......I cut myself again........but this time was different.....I didn't make myself bleed.......I cut tons and tons of times with a small blade and now it just looks really bad and burns a little......but it scares me when I look at it. I think, "Did I really do that?"
I'm so ashamed....I'm afraid of gym class. In my school, apparently cutting yourself is freaking hularious.....I hate it....if people found out, life would get even worse. I told a few friends, but they just tell me to stop, or not to do it again...but it's not that easy. I just read this thing.....and it said stuff about what will happen in the long run with cutting........and it made me almost cry....it scared me so bad.
My friends don't even care what's happening to me. They still annoy me despite the fact that I'm going though so much pain.........I hate them........I wish they'd just leave me alone.......I'm alone enough all ready so what difference does it make? Losing afew friends that make you feel worse than you already did? What's the loss........
FullMoonForest_42 · Fri Feb 01, 2008 @ 04:14pm · 0 Comments |