Quote: [// ' G r i m &. {wretched} D a y s .]] Mr. 'G r i m :
"...Honestly, life was never supposed to be so complicated. Truthfully, death was never supposed to be an excuse. And, sincerely, I hope you get over the fact I've killed you for awhile..."
___Owner and creator of Thread: E- b o n y . E- c l a i r
___Out of Character Thread can be found: Here.
___Character Thread can be found: Here.
[// W e l c o m e .]] You have stumbled across my thread, Grim & Wretched Days, which is a roleplay based in the world we live in today with a twist of realistic spice and a sprinkle of sombre pixie dust. Venturing further into the subject of this roleplay, I would like to add that this roleplay with have to do with subjects such as death, heartache, spirits, possession, demented Gods and so on. If you aren't comfortable with any of those subjects, then I don't suggest joining. However, if you are curious, please, continue reading. ^^ A few other aspects of G&WD's, is that I consider this to be a literate-advanced thread, not literate, but a step above that [but I'm a lenient person, so don't be shy!]. Lastly, if I am away, please leave your comments and/or questions on the OOC thread. My PM box tends to get backed up pretty quick, and I can't guarantee a response if it gets lost in there. XD
Quote:  [// N a v i g a t i o n .]] [// W e l c o m e .]] [// N a v i g a t i o n .]] [// I n t r o d u c t i o n .]] [// S t o r y .]] [// R u l e s .]] [// C h a r a c t e r s .]] [// C h a r a c t e r P r o f i l e .]] [// C o n c e r n i n g C h a r a c t e r s .]] [// Q & A ' s .]] [// W h i t e & B l a c k .]] [// G h o s t P o s t .]] [// E x t r a .]] [// R e s e r v e d .]] [// R e s e r v e d .]]

Quote:   [// R u l e s .]] [//1.]]
This is a literate-advanced roleplay. Please note that I did not say 'literate to advanced.' This means a minimum of about three, full-length, detailed paragraphs, consisting of at least seven sentences each, with little to no grammar and/or spelling errors. Really, twenty-one sentences isn't asking all that much. If writer's block becomes an issue, I will absolutely not take anything less then two paragraphs with perfect spelling and grammar. Also when posting in the IC thread use 9 to 11 sized font and colors that won't make my eyes bleed. Thank you.
Yes, Gaia is a PG-13 site that frowns upon anything above that. In this roleplay, there will not be any down-right cybering and no swearing with every other word. Now, since this is an advanced roleplay based in the modern world, I can understand that rappers use curse words with every other sentence occasionally, or that a drunken businessman might have a loose tongue. Perfectly understandable, but I just want to remind you that there is the possibility of there being twelve-year-olds reading this. Thank you.
Everyone loves romance and it has been seen that romance is almost essential to the development and climax of a good roleplay. [There are exceptions, of course.] Just remember not to get carried away with it. Let us all remember that love-at-first sight is a phenomenon that doesn't always work out in the end, and is, in fact, a tool for some novels. In this roleplay, there is grief and pain and heartbreak galore on one end, and blind-to-love normalcy on the other. It will take time for there to be any "heated connections", but if you are a literate-advanced roleplay, I'm sure you already know this. Thank you.
This is a mature roleplay. Bottom line. The Gaian TOS says PG-13, but if done artfully and tastefully, I believe that this limit can be lifted in this roleplay. If you can't handle violence, death, fighting, the idea of murder and/or deception, than this is not the roleplay for you. I don't doubt that at least one of the characters will have depression/grief-related issues. It happens. This also means that you should be mature enough to tolerate different ideas and respect other people who don’t share your views.
First of all, please post all of your character applications in the OOC thread. Secondly, I don’t want to see any perfectly annoying and depressing Mary Sue or her cousin Gary Sue. Nobody is perfect! I have an entire post dedicated to spelling out what I'm expecting in your profiles, so please be sure to read the following post closely. <3 Thank you.
Stay active, but if you get busy or expect to be away, I would appreciate some forewarning on the OOC thread or in a PM. This is a literate-advanced roleplay, so there is a large possibility that it will move slowly. If it looks like it is going to come to a complete stop, then I will take charge and do something to get things moving again. However, it is your responsibility to post consistently and to remember that there may be another person waiting on your post. Don't procrastinate due to writer's block. If you can't think of anything, say so. I'd be more than happy to assist you, or to see if there's something else I can do to get things moving. Thank you.
Sorry, but I'm not taking reservations at this time, other than for a friend of mine who helped me to create this RP. Also, profiles are not on a first-come-first-serve basis. If more than one person wants a spot, than I'm willing to wait for both to finish their profiles [unless you disappear]. From there, I will choose the profile I feel best suits the position. One last note: I'm requiring at least two example posts or a resume from each person who submits a profile. You can link the page from a previous RP if you so desire, but don't make me hunt for it, okies? <3 Thank you.
There aren't many rules, but there are specific ones concerning the profile. I know it seems like I'm asking a lot, but I really want this to be a successful RP that will last and be worthwhile for everyone. On that note, have fun, be creative, and loosen up a bit. I'm not known for biting people's heads off, so don't worry. Really. =] Thank you.
Quote:  [// S t o r y .]]  Everyone lives in their own little world.
Some without knowing any more than what their scope of knowledge and observation skills allow them.
An endless cycle.
Seemingly harmless, with benefits and prices, risks and safeguards.
Day in and day out, some people live on without giving circumstances a second glance. Alone, absorbed in their own destiny, these ordinary individuals move through each passing moment absolutely blind to reality. Be it selfishness or egotism, jealousy or wantonness, anger or laziness, or even simple self-indulgence; in the end, these people are defenseless to the harsh realities of the world they live in.
Unknowingly, every person in the world is a target.
A regular time bomb that ticks away without any forewarning as to when it might go off. A bullet point on a schedule that perpetually changes, as, much like a candle's wavering flame, mortal souls move in and out of existence. With the dawning of each new day, a flame snaps into existence, wailing and shivering in their first few moments of life, breathing and thinking, moving and feeling. With the extinguishing of the sun-lit hours, some flames pucker and give out, allowing the cold to creep quietly towards the husk left behind after the soul departs its former container.
As horns blare and stocks rise and fall; as babies learn to walk and old men play chess; as teenagers try out flirting and parents go on a long-awaited second honeymoon; the fragile balance of life and death has begun to sway. Unknown to the loyal citizens of each nation and country, in a place that has only been dreamed of by billions, two entities that control the Scales of Judgment have been waging against one another. Their bickering, fits and discrepancies have shaken the spiritual world and all its occupants; the tides on which mortal souls flow on towards the Great Beyond of Heaven or Hell have been disturbed.
As far as sibling squabbles go, this one is by far the most precarious of them all.
The Grim Reaper isn't exactly the sort of fellow to turn down a bet, especially when the bet is against his cousin-of-sorts, the Black God.
For several centuries, these two entities of Life and Death --- the controllers of who dies and who lives, basically --- have been arguing with one another. The Grim Reaper, who has always been seen as a servant of either the Devil or simply a symbol of death, believes that the Black God shouldn't have any say in who dies and when. Considering that the Grim Reaper is responsible for collecting the souls of those who have died, and those who are faced with an early end, it would be assumed that the Black God doesn't have any right to choose who dies and who lives.
However, the Black God - older and more powerful -, has slowly evolved into a wicked creature over the span of his long reign in the Immortal realm. Having grown dissatisfied with his duties --- weighing the presence of Good and Bad in a soul, therefore directing them to their final resting place --- he has become infected with one of the seven ancient Sins: Greed.
His disenchantment with the responsibilities he had been destined to manage couldn't have been any more of a devastating turn of events, especially in the realm of the gods. Had a smaller deity or half-god been infected by Sin, the issue might have been easily resolved without any side affects rolling over into the world of mortals. The Black God, though, is a Great God, one of the oldest gods, who came to be back when the First God and Goddess brewed up Life and Existence.
The Black God's subtle, sickly greed - after so many centuries of containment - had begun to spill over into the Mortal realm. With this invasion of Godly essence, so wicked and vile, several individuals... perished. There were said to be at least a dozen or so humans that died, but in reality there were only five that the dark sickness was drawn to. Five pure, lovely and cherished human beings. Their deaths brought both misery and grief to those that held them dear, and, in many ways, served as an eye-opener for the ones closest to them. The wails of sorrow and tears spurned from heartache were the reason that a decision was made:
The Black God had to be destroyed, at any cost.
So, in retaliation to such an odious act, the Grim Reaper laid down the greatest bet to have ever been waged; and all in order to save the Mortal world, the balance of Life and Death, and to keep the line between Good and Evil in the realm of Gods even.
"Your sickness and greed will be stopped, and nevermore shall you torture the chaste souls that still travel among the living. One year from now, in mortal time, I wager that not one more soul will be touched by your evil. If I fail to keep the Balance, then my powers shall be yours. But, if I win, you shall withdraw your hold on the lands of Man and all its creatures."
And now, ten lives hang in the balance of this two-sided bet.
The odds of success are slim, at best.
On Earth, spring is in the air. It's the month of April, and May is on the horizon. For part of the population in the U.S., this means that school is nearly over. Another portion, however, looks at April as simply a reminder that pollen would soon saturate the air and allergies would become a nuisance once again.
In five different cities located across the expanse of the United States, including Chicago, Los Anglos, Seattle, New York and Washington D.C., ten people are about to find their lives disrupted and shaken. Half of these individuals were those closest to the Black God's first five victims. The other five are merely citizens living out their lives, normal and happy as possible given their current lifestyle, without a clue as to what is about to befall them. They, these normal individuals, are the next on the Black God's list of certain peril, and eventually, death.
The Grim Reaper, knowing the high stakes of his bet, dispatched his loyal servants to gather the brokenhearted fools that were closest to the first five victims. When assembled in his Spirit World domain, his job is to first inform them of the situation. And then... to send them, as spirits, to guard the next five victims. Relying on just these five grief-stricken humans to act in his place, the Grim Reaper has no real idea just how the situation will work out.
Faith, it would seem, is all but vital.

Quote:  [// I n t r o d u c t i o n .]]  Five individuals recently endured the death of someone close to their hearts: their mother, their father, their brother, sister, aunt, child, friend or even their lover. This precious someone has left the mortal world and left them alone --- spiritually and physically. Suffering under the wrath of their own internal grief, each one has forgotten how to live as the day for the funeral approaches them.
Each one is present at the funeral: whether they were forced, led, taken or on their own free will, they are there. As the proceedings go on about them, they are dazed, sullen, wretched and beyond the point of ever being able to connect with the human world ever again.
Or so they believe.
Speeches are made, tears are shed, music filters softly through the musty, fragrant air. Faceless people approach the pale mourners, murmuring words of comfort or compassion, all of which falls of deaf ears and blind eyes. The boy or girl watch on through their glazed-over vision, feeling as if their bones are made of lead and their nerves no longer react to the effects of touch or warmth.
Cold, empty, shell-like: they are the dolls of grief. As they wait, praying, hoping, and so forth, for the end of that terrible day, they notice something peculiar.
In fact, they notice someone that downright does not belong at the drab, black-attired funeral.
A person - of their own sex - stands primly amid the passing bodies. This person wears clothing of bright, jewel-tone colors, marvelously bedecked with trinkets and charms. They are humming, rocking back and forth on their heels as they watch the procession with too-bright eyes. No one seems to notice this single person. This person is almost too hard to look at without having to wipe away tears from stinging eyes.
However, the clothes and the humming isn't the issue bothering the appalled mourner.
No, no, not at all. It’s something else, something outlandish and insanely painful to look at…
A smile.
A big, grand, giddy smile. A smile that sickens each of five individuals stomachs and spins their emotions dangerously out of control.
Who is this person? What are they doing here? And… Why are they smiling?
Each young adult start to approach them, when, suddenly, the person turns towards them. Shocked, the mourner pauses, confused and angry, waiting for the person to explain themselves.
Then, as they look on, the bright specter of color disappears before their very eyes; as if they had never existed in the first place.
Left with questions and perhaps the idea that they are starting to see things, each person leaves the funeral and returns to their homes.
The next morning, each person wakes up, as usual. As they read the paper or watch the news, they notice something: a picture of themselves lying in a hospital bed. Ashen, still, and for all they can tell, practically dead.
Understandably stricken with confusion, each discovers through reading or watching the issue that they were found by a friend or co-worker, unconscious. The hospital they are taken to declare them all to be in a severe coma despite the lack of evidence of any physical trauma, with little chance of reviving.
A little odd, eh?
It's not possible: that is the conclusion each person reaches. There is no way that they can be in a coma, when there they are, alive and well, reading or watching the news.
On the verge of hysterics, each person falls silent when a voice flutters through the air, addressing each of them by their full name.
"You aren't dead, y'know."
The reaction to this voice is different for each person, of course. Whether they whirled around, screamed or fainted, it does not matter in the end. What matters, however, was that the multicolored girl or boy the person had spotted at their loved one's funeral… had suddenly appeared in their home.
Questions flow, but before they can speak, they are stopped with a simple 'one moment' gesture. Holding their tongues, each person waits, wondering what is happening, who this person is, how is it possible that they are here and at the hospital at the same time. Are they dead? Are they dreaming?
"You aren't dead. Your soul no longer resides in your body, that's all."
The person speaks, calmly, friendly and happily. Still, questions need to be answered.
The person suddenly seems to focus on them, eyes glittering maliciously, sweetly.
"I have been sent to fetch you. In fact, it's getting kind of late. Let's go, shall we?"
One of the first lessons parents teach their children is not to trust, talk to or do anything with strangers. What did this person mean? Where were they going? Who sent them? Why? For what reason?
None of the questions seemed to be getting any answers.
The stranger looks at you, inquisitively, and then, suddenly, a dark, mesmeric doorway appears in the middle of the room. Three long, loud knocks emanate from it. Someone, it would seem, was on the other side of it.
"It's time to go. Really, there's no time to waste. Master Grim is waiting for you."
Master Grim? One question, just one, finally pops out of each person's mouth:
Slowly, ever so slowly, a toothy, enigmatic grin draws across the stranger's face. Opening the door, they grab the person's wrist, and as they shove the person through the door, they say:
"Why, the Grim Reaper, of course."
And so begins the end of the beginning.

Quote: [// C h a r a c t e r s .]] In this section are the ten main characters. Now, I know it's uncommon for an advanced literate thread to have pre-set profiles, but I've seen a number of threads way more advanced than myself have something like this.
For each character:|1| The names of each character can and most likely will change. However, don't automatically go for names like 'Axel' or 'Yuki.' I'm not saying, however, that I will turn down characters simply because of their name choice. Please, consider the nationality of your character as well; if they are German/Chinese, then they'll most likely have a name combined from both sides of the family. They could have two or three middle names for all I care. |2| The age stays the way it is. Sorry. |3| I gave three job options for each character. I'd prefer if one of those were used. However, if you come up with something along the lines of the ones I listed for a specific character, then I'll consider letting you change it. |4| The location for the Pure Entities cannot be changed; the animal for the Hovering Spirits cannot be changed. [The Animal Spirit will be explained later on in the roleplay.] |5| The appearance stays. However, you can write a descriptive paragraph or two that adds on to each picture. You could say that your character dyed their hair or cut it recently. So long as the picture given is what is used. Females get a choice between two because, well, the artist Heise does not draw female characters so much as male. Forgive me. [//humble bow.]] |6| Concerning the four words besides each character:
-They are character traits I'm looking for. -They can be used in a positive or negative way. Example: Felicity's character could be self-conscious when in a crowd, but vain when working. You can twist how the words I gave you work however you want. It doesn't matter to me. As you can see, though, none of the characters are particularly similar to the other. I'd appreciate it if that aspect remains in this roleplay. [// Hovering Spirits .]] Stats: 2 Females. 3 Males. [-1-] Quince ; "Shrewd," "Proud," "Meticulous," "Lonely."
Age: 27 Appearance: [x] Job Options: Owns a high-profile company. Cruise ship Captain. Ambassador. Other: --- Animal Spirit: Ferret
[-2-] River ; "Pessimistic," "Blunt," "Compassionate," "Meddling."
Age: 19 Appearance: [x] or [x] Job Options: Journalist. Writer. Intern with the Investigations Department of local police. Other: Part-time student. Animal: Scrub Jay
[-3-] Aiden ; "Amiable," "Humorous," "Romantic," "Steady."
Age: 26 Appearance: [x] Job Options: Irish Pub Owner. High-class Chef. Bodyguard. Other: --- Animal: Red Squirrel
[-4-] Roxanne ; "Passionate," "Tenacious," "Flirty," "Hasty."
Age: 23 Appearance: [x] Job Options: Exotic dancer. Other: --- Animal: Kit Fox
[-5-] Jordan ; "Prickly," "Irascible," "Grounded," "Honorable."
Age: 22 Appearance: [x] Job Options: Athlete. Race-car driver. Surfer. Other: --- Animal: Pigeon [// Pure Entities: .]] Stats: 3 Females. 2 Males. [-1-] Oleander ; "Strong-willed," "Absentminded," "Perceptive," "Warm."
Age: 20 Appearance: [x] or [x] Job Options: Part-time florist. Painter. Nurse at Children's Hospital. Other: Seven months pregnant; College student. Location: Seattle
[-2-] Alec ; "Moody," "Studious," "Reluctant," "Sweet."
Age: 21 Appearance: [x] Job Options: Potter; he owns his own shop. Apartment manager. Writes comics for newspaper. Other: --- Location: Washington D.C.
[-3-] Felicity ; "Self-conscious," "Vain," "Indulgent," "Systematic."
Age: 25 Appearance: [x] or [x] Job Options: Model. Rising Actress. Interior designer. Other: --- Location: Chicago
[-4-] Trevor ; "Scrupulous," "Astute," "Ruthless," "Sensual."
Age: 28 Job Options: [x] Occupation: Struggling musician. Bouncer. Private Investigator. Other: Former Marine. Location: New York
[-5-] Kit ; "Fickle-hearted," "Spontaneous," "Fantastical," "Kind."
Age: 18 Appearance: [x] or [x] Job Options: Intern with fashion magazine. Dancer. Retail saleswoman. Other: College-bound; works part-time. Location: Los Angeles
Disclaimer: Any pictures containing this: Belong to the artist, Heise. You can find her at Deviantart.com, and I would appreciate it if you would not steal these or take them without giving credit to her.
Quote: [// C h a r a c t e r P r o f i l e .]] Keep in mind that there are two types of profiles. Although, generally, they are very nearly the same thing. XD, mostly.
Christened As || » Character's Name Addressed As || » At work, what are you addressed as? (Ex: Ms. Kilinger, Mr. Torrenson...) Hollered As || » What do friends and family call you? Upon This Miraculous Day || » Day/Month/Year Up, Down, And All Around || » Height/Weight. Easy peasy stuff, yo. I Fit Into These || » Shoe size. Simple e'nuff. People have feet, after all. Semblance To || » Brief description; 'What doth thou see in yonder mirror?' One paragraph minimum. Shop 'Till Ya Drop || » Clothing Preferences? Among The Populace I Am A || » What do you work as, specifically? Twelve Years Or So Later || » Graduated, drop out, still in the edu-ma-cation system? In & Out || » Personality. Alone and with others, if you so desire. Two paragraphs, minimum.
Appeals || » Likes - physical, mental, social, whatever~. Irritants || » Dislikes - physical, mental, social, whatever~. Hobbies || » What do you like to do, in and out of the house? (Ex: skateboarding, painting.) Habits || » Around the clock, what do you do? Unconsciously or not. (Ex: bite nails, wear too many earrings.) Above All || » Favorite stuff. (Drink, food, time of day, season, activity.) Those Welcomed In My Home || » Friends, Family, Companions, Lovers? Behind These Eyes || » Some history, pwease~. Two paragraphs minimum. Eccentricities || » Any odd preferences? (Ex: Pink rubber boots to work?) I Wish Upon A Star || » Wants, wishes, goals, desires, dreams? From My And Their Lips || Silly saying/song lyric/wisdom/quotes? My Heart Goes Bump-Bump To This Beat || » What theme Song/Video that best fits your character, with artist, pwease~. Puppeteer || » Gaia Name here, yo.
Quote: For Pure Entities: Quote: [list][size=10][b][color=#inserthere]Christened As[/color][/b] || » Character's Name [b][color=#inserthere]Addressed As[/color][/b] || » At work, what are you addressed as? (Ex: Ms. Kilinger, Mr. Torrenson...) [b][color=#inserthere]Hollered As[/color][/b] || » What do friends and family call you? [b][color=#inserthere]Upon This Miraculous Day[/color][/b] || » Day/Month/Year [b][color=#inserthere]Up, Down, And All Around[/color][/b] || » Height/Weight. Easy peasy stuff, yo. [b][color=#inserthere]I Fit Into These[/color][/b] || » Shoe size. Simple e'nuff. People have feet, after all. [b][color=#inserthere]Semblance To[/color][/b] || » Brief description; 'What doth thou see in yonder mirror?' One paragraph minimum. [b][color=#inserthere]Shop 'Till Ya Drop[/color][/b] || » Clothing Preferences? [b][color=#inserthere]Among The Populace I Am A[/color][/b] || » What do you work as, specifically? [b][color=#inserthere]Twelve Years Or So Later[/color][/b] || » Graduated, drop out, still in the edu-ma-cation system? [b][color=#inserthere]In & Out[/color][/b] || » Personality. Alone and with others, if you so desire. Two paragraphs, minimum.
[list][b][color=#inserthere]Appeals[/color][/b] || » Likes - physical, mental, social, whatever~. [b][color=#inserthere]Irritants[/color][/b] || » Dislikes - physical, mental, social, whatever~. [/list] [b][color=#inserthere]Hobbies[/color][/b] || » What do you like to do, in and out of the house? (Ex: skateboarding, painting.) [b][color=#inserthere]Habits[/color][/b] || » Around the clock, what do you do? Unconsciously or not. (Ex: bite nails, wear too many earrings.) [b][color=#inserthere]Above All[/color][/b] || » Favorite stuff. (Drink, food, time of day, season, activity.) [b][color=#inserthere]Those Welcomed In My Home[/color][/b] || » Friends, Family, Companions, Lovers? [b][color=#inserthere]Where I Live Out My Days[/color][/b] || » City you live at and what you live in? (Ex: house, townhouse, dorm room, friend's apartment.) [b][color=#inserthere]Behind These Eyes[/color][/b] || » Some history, pwease~. Two paragraphs minimum. [b][color=#inserthere]Eccentricities[/color][/b] || » Any odd preferences? (Ex: Pink rubber boots to work?) [b][color=#inserthere]I Wish Upon A Star[/color][/b] || » Wants, wishes, goals, desires, dreams? [b][color=#inserthere]From My And Their Lips[/color][/b] || Silly saying/song lyric/wisdom/quotes? [b][color=#inserthere]My Heart Goes Bump-Bump To This Beat[/color][/b] || » What theme Song/Video that best fits your character, with artist, pwease~ [b][color=inserthere]Puppeteer[/color][/b] || » Gaia Name here, yo.[/size][/list] For Hovering Spirits: Quote: [list][size=10][b][color=#inserthere]Christened As[/color][/b] || » Character's Name [b][color=#inserthere]Addressed As[/color][/b] || » At work, what are you addressed as? (Ex: Ms. Kilinger, Mr. Torrenson...) [b][color=#inserthere]Hollered As[/color][/b] || » What do friends and family call you? [b][color=#inserthere]Upon This Miraculous Day[/color][/b] || » Day/Month/Year [b][color=#inserthere]Up, Down, And All Around[/color][/b] || » Height/Weight. Easy peasy stuff, yo. [b][color=#inserthere]I Fit Into These[/color][/b] || » Shoe size. Simple e'nuff. People have feet, after all. [b][color=#inserthere]Semblance To[/color][/b] || » Brief description; 'What doth thou see in yonder mirror?' One paragraph minimum. [b][color=#inserthere]Shop 'Till Ya Drop[/color][/b] || » Clothing Preferences? [b][color=#inserthere]Among The Populace I Am A[/color][/b] || » What do you work as, specifically? [b][color=#inserthere]Twelve Years Or So Later[/color][/b] || » Graduated, drop out, still in the edu-ma-cation system? [b][color=#inserthere]In & Out[/color][/b] || » Personality. Alone and with others, if you so desire. Two paragraphs, minimum.
[list][b][color=#inserthere]Appeals[/color][/b] || » Likes - physical, mental, social, whatever~. [b][color=#inserthere]Irritants[/color][/b] || » Dislikes - physical, mental, social, whatever~. [/list] [b][color=#inserthere]Hobbies[/color][/b] || » What do you like to do, in and out of the house? (Ex: skateboarding, painting.) [b][color=#inserthere]Habits[/color][/b] || » Around the clock, what do you do? Unconsciously or not. (Ex: bite nails, wear too many earrings.) [b][color=#inserthere]Above All[/color][/b] || » Favorite stuff. (Drink, food, time of day, season, activity.) [b][color=#inserthere]Those Welcomed In My Home[/color][/b] || » Friends, Family, Companions, Lovers? [b][color=#inserthere]Where I Live Out My Days[/color][/b] || » City you live at and what you live in? (Ex: house, townhouse, dorm room, friend's apartment.) [b][color=#inserthere]Behind These Eyes[/color][/b] || » Some history, pwease~. Two paragraphs minimum. [b][color=#inserthere]Eccentricities[/color][/b] || » Any odd preferences? (Ex: Pink rubber boots to work?) [b][color=#inserthere]I Wish Upon A Star[/color][/b] || » Wants, wishes, goals, desires, dreams? [b][color=#inserthere]From My And Their Lips[/color][/b] || Silly saying/song lyric/wisdom/quotes? [b][color=#inserthere]My Heart Goes Bump-Bump To This Beat[/color][/b] || » What theme Song/Video that best fits your character, with artist, pwease~ [b][color=inserthere]Puppeteer[/color][/b] || » Gaia Name here, yo.[/size][/list]
Quote: [// C o n c e r n i n g C h a r a c t e r s .]] Ello, luvs. If you have made it this far, than you really must like to read, or, maybe, you really want to get into this roleplay. The point of such an intricate profile [found in previous post] is the fact that I'd like to seem some original characters pop out of the ingenious soup of your mind; y'know, where your brain houses all those nifty little ideas that make a character fun, interesting and, in the end, unique to yourself and a reflection of your own genius. [Wow, that was a long sentence. Cha'! XD]
...Okay, I'm going to be blunt for a few seconds: I'm reallllllllly tired of seeing Mary and Gary Sues. Many people don't even realize that they have made such characters because, well, despite our natural human ability to come up with interesting characters, they all tend to run along the same lines. Society and culture is a huge influence on this, I know, and I'm sorry if I sound a bit... vague. Here's an example of what I mean:
Character's name: Spiffy Foo-foo Girly Name Age: 21 Personality/Bio: Sweet, but stubborn. Cute, but sassy. Sexy, but innocent. Charming, but opinionated. Secretive, but has a bubbly, talkative personality. Parents both died when young, grew up with aunt, was a cheerleader in high school, smokes, drives a nice car, lives in a run-down apartment, boyfriend cheated on her, dropped out of college, is a wonderful singer, can paint, can dance, hates men, and is five foot five and weighs ninety pounds. Works as: A cafe waitress.
Needless to say, I've seen countless roleplays with girls almost exactly like this. Redundant, dry, overused, not realistic and boring. If you read that little example and thought, "Hey! I want a character like that!" Than there isn't a great chance of you making it into this roleplay. My apologies.
Here are some questions I gathered that concern character details:-Does your person have contacts? -Are they allergic to something? -Did they use to live in South America? -Were their parents rock stars/druggies that didn't have a solid home? -Maybe they used to work as a mechanic? -Studying political science? -Dreams of owning an eighty-foot yacht? -Parents were of old aristocracy and money, and yet he/she ran off for freedom? -Use to be apart of the Red Cross? -Eats little when working and not enough when not? -Swims every morning? Runs every evening, rain or shine? -Has politician relatives? -Any phobias? -Travels a lot? -Has a summer house in Italy? -Lived in a foreign country for a few years, just for the culture? -Met the President? -Went in the Army/Navy/Marines? -Visited Playboy Mansion? -Has a ferret as a pet? Or a rock? -Is a disastrous cook, despite being so educated and civil? -Owns a '69 Mustang, but can't afford repairs? Worked in a car garage for a few years? -Traveled across America/some other country in a car without any money? Just for fun? -Did they adopt a kid? -Do they like to eat alone at fancy cafes? -Do they have a pet? -Takes pictures excessively? -Window shops excessively? -Habitually wears hair in some strange manner? -Never seems to be organized when it comes to what they wear? Earrings mismatch, always? -Has a fat cat and a parrot that get along? -Eats celery as a snack? -Wants to skydive? -Has visited some jungle, where they lived with a tribe of natives for a time? -Can't hold their liquor, and yet loves whiskey? -Loves storytelling, but despises gossip? -Read Life of Pi or Invisible Man or some other classic literature, yet finds the funny-papers more to their taste? -Grandfather owns a library they're going to inherit? -Believes in maintaining a strong connection with family? Values family roots? -Raised horses and pigs as a kid? -Has never been to the countryside? What I'm looking for is this: normal people, but believable people. People are eccentric about some things, and boring about different things. Some people are opinionated, while others are rather meek when it comes to conversations. Avoid being vague, like, "Cornelia likes shopping." That's very nice, but does Cornelia have a life-long obsession with shoes? Or is she more into having a handbag for every occasion? That's what I'm getting at. Of course, I don't expect you to fit EVERY detail into one measly profile [that's not the point], but keep these things in mind while roleplaying.
=D Yes, my rant is done. Hooray for you that got this far. Now, remember to put this phrase at the top of your profile when you post it in the OOC section, "Livin' life to the fullest; can't complain, since I'm trying my hardest." If this isn't there, than I know you've either: not read this section, or, you forgot. I'll remind you, but I only give so many chances. Thanks for reading this, I know I'm annoying sometimes, but this is for the sake of the RP!
Quote: [// Q & A ' s .]]  
Quote: [// W h i t e & B l a c k .]]  
Quote: [// G h o s t P o s t .]]
b o n n a b y · Mon Apr 16, 2007 @ 05:48am · 0 Comments |