Quote:  Why, you wanna tell me how to { live my l i f e }
And who are you to tell me if it's b l a c k or w h i t e
Mama, can you h e a r me, try to understand
Is i n n o c e n c e the d i ƒ ƒ e r e n c e between a b o y and a M A N
My daddy lived the l i e, it's just the price that he paid Sacrificed his life, just s l a v i n ' away Oh, if there's one thing I hang onto That gets me t h r o u g h the night I ain't { gonna do } what I don't [ want to ] I'm gonna L I V E my l i f e # 006699 - Blue - Speaking
# CC9933 - Golden Brown - Normal Text
# CC6633 - Light ChocolateShining like a diamond, rolling with the dice Standing on the ledge, I show the wind { how to fly } When the [ world ] gets in my face I say, have a nice day When the world keeps trying to drag me downI've gotta raise my hands, gonna stand my ground . . . . .
Quote: It's b-u-g-g-i-n-g me, grating me and twisting me around yeah I'm e n dlessly caving in A N D turning inside out

'cause I w)an(t it now I want it now [give] me your heart and your *s*o*u*l* [[The]] .x. [[Black]] .x. [[God]] [[Lord]] .x. [[Calisto]] .x. [[Melancton]] And I'm breaking :: out :: I ' m breaking out Last chance to lose control
It's (hold)ING me, morphing me and forcing me to strive To be endlessly !C!O!L!D! within and =drea=M=ing= I'm alive
Quote: How, how am I supposed to { feel } When everything [ surrounding ] me Is nothing but a fake disguise I don't know I don't know where I b e l o n g It's time for me to { c a r r yo n } I'll say good-bye  [//flops down]
Pink is for normal text, and the blue is for speaking.
I can't stop the rain from f a l l i n ' I'm drownin' in these tears I [ cry ] Since you left without a warning I face the dawn with sleepless eyes No I can't go on When clouds are pushin' down on me, boy I can't stop, I can't stop the r a i n From f a l l i n' So, tell me where I went wrong I'm stuck inside a dream { long gone } It's hard to reveal the truth Your "love" Is nothing but a bit-ter taste It's better if I walk awayA w a y from you
Quote:  'Cause I'd rather feel pain than N o T h I n G at all You're sick of feeling { n u m b } You're not [ the only one ] I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This is the normal text color...
For speaking.This life is filled with hurt When "happiness" doesn't work Trust me and { take my hand } When the lights go out you will understand Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand P a i n without l-o-v-e P a i n I can't get E n O u G h P a i n I like it r o u g h 'Cause I'd rather feel p a i n than nothing at all
Quote: You don't have to put on the [ red ] light [ T h o s e ] days are over You don't have to sell your [ b o d y ] to the nightYou don't have to wear [ that ] dress tonight Walk the s t r e e t s for money You don't care if it's [ w r o n g ] or if it's [ r i g h t ] Bonny
I [ loved ] you since I knew you I [ wouldn't ] talk down to you I [ have ] to tell you just how I feel I [ won't ] s h a r e you with a n o t h e r boy I know my mind is made up So [ put a w a y ] your make up Told you once I won't tell you again It's [ a bad w a y ] Roxanne
Quote: ==={Hopeless} As If I Know What The Hell Is Going On |Young|&&&
&&&|Love| [This Damn Romance Rollercoaster Seems Endless To Me{Addict}===
Quote: ||~~~I'm BURNING, darling, BURNING~~~||||~~~I'm FALLING, sweetie, FALLING~~~||
b o n n a b y · Mon Apr 02, 2007 @ 08:27pm · 0 Comments |