
This is Aso-ko, or morning child (even though he was born pretty late at night sweatdrop ) He was a gift from a friend, and the first breedable pet I got. Sadly the shop went on hiatus and I do not believe it will ever come back cry So Asa-ko is doomed to be a child forever. He's still a cuty though.

The first pet I ever bought myself. The little merling is quite a loving attachment, though lately she has been sticking to Li like glue and not to me.

Michelle is a little spiritfox, and first custom pet that I ever got. She is quiet and usually is out of everyones way. Lady knows what she is up to half of the time.

Leala came to me through a breeding program that tried to rescue and rehabilitate her kind. They had suffered terrible loss due to natural disaster. She is a very smart Ava Raji and about the only one I can trust with my younger ones, in case that I have to leave the house.

This little fox persopet was given to me after the original receiver had decided not to take him after all. The creator of them decided to just redesign him a little and give him new fur to fit to my personal needs. Sadly this little bugger came with quite a personality. I still love him though.

The cossplaying pocket pygmy entered my house and nothing ever went back to the way it was. His bottomless pit has me driven to locking away all the edibles where he can't get to them. Also meals aren't taken quietly anymore.... they usually ensue into huge battles as everyone is trying to keep the little bugger out of their plate.

Li is a Guardian. More specific, he is my guardian. Even though I am the one raising him at the moment. He is very much a teenager right now, complete with moodswings, temperstantrums and stubborness. He also is insanely jealous of my beau lol

A sunchild from my friends pets litter. She asked me if I would give this little one a home and I more than willingly agreed. She's an adorable one, but very mellow tempered unlike her parentage.

Trill was a Secret Santa gift from a dear friend. The little creature is adorable, even if she isn't the smartes of her kind. She can do small errands and can in general just be pleasant company.

Another Secret Santa gift. This adorable stag is roaming the woods and probably is causing all kind of trouble. Luckily he doesn't cause it in my backyard.

Farla, another SS and the next free-living pet that I have. Why? Well this Ivorn Ridgeback is just a bit too big to fit into a doggy bed...

To date this lone wolf is the most expensive pet I ever got. I shelled out a whoppin 300K for this one... He is one of the pets that isn't living at the house, but rather roams free in the woods with his new pack.
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Carina is a draconic race named Ambiotic. My beau is the overall caretaker of these .... really large.... critters and is usually busy finding other suitable foster parents. Carina can be quite a handfull, especially when she's in one of her moods.

WAI! My horse!! Thank you Tahja!! heart heart My filli, I love her so much.