but it was useless. capt. deep could not break them free. she fell to her knees, her shoulder throbbing from all the work she had just used it for. "i cont beleive this..."
"well get used to it." said one of the pirates who now approached her. "this is going to be the last place any of us see."
"no." capt. deep said quietly. "no!" capt. deep then cried out.
she took her swords from the ground where she had placed them. she held them in her hands tightly, unsure of how she would use them, or if she would use them.
she wanted to scream again but she couldnt bing herself to do it. there was an angry frown set in her mouth. now she wanted to cry, but she wouldnt let herself do that. she hadnt cried for years. she began to get lost in her memories. the last time she had cried was when her ship was first ablaze. she remembered tears streaming from her eyes. it hadnt beeen so long ago after all. she remembered everythng aboutt hat night - the smells, the sounds, the sights, everything seemed chrystal clear in her mind. the only thing she cared about was her ship. but she wondered if she had been with Will, would she have stayed with him or gone to rescue her home? she had been neglectful as a pirate, and now she understood what the crew was saying. if a pirate finds love, then they must be strong enough to give both their crew and their new fiend attention. she had not done this, and she was not going to die with the last article about her in the paper read "capt. deep dies after being shot down from commadors balcony. she was speaking with his son.." no. she didnt wawnt other pirates knowing how she had been acting. she wasnt going to die - not today anyway.
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