Valentine's 2012
Wow. My third Valentine's Day on Gaia. I can honestly say that when I took my first tentative steps through Village Greens in late 2009 I never thought I'd be here more than two years later.
Even though my interests on Gaia have changed over that time, and my obsessions have progressed through zOMG!, Booty Grab, Monster Galaxy, Resort World and back to zOMG!, the Events have always been my favourite things.
As much as I enjoy the various games, I always find the Events create a heightened level of energy and excitement throughout the site.
Even the game Forums get caught up in them to some extent, but the inarguable high-light is the Event Forum itself of course.
This year's Event, was slightly "lower-key" from a collecting standpoint one might say, insomuch as there was only the one specific Item to collect (although there were Valentines from the NPC's), but when you get right down to it, one was plenty because, in order to receive it, you had to send 200 Valentines to people, and being who I am, I resisted sending Copy and Paste greetings right up until the bitter end when it appeared that 200 personalised Valentine's might be more than I could handle.
Crappy poems don't just write themselves you know. wink
As with every Event, I didn't manage to spend as much time as I wanted to spend reading through and joining in with other people's Topics. I always seem to get caught up in the collecting part of the Event and/or trying to promote one of my own, then end up regretting having missed so much. If there's one consistent thread that runs through this site, it's the creativity of so many of it's members, and the Events always seem to draw them out in droves. I think that even if I were to not seek the Event Item(s) and attempt a Topic of my own, and strictly work the Forum for the entire Event, I'd still miss the vast majority of what it had to offer.
Sigh....the dark side of having an embarrasment of riches I guess. wink
Regardless...I did get my Item, and I did run a Topic (which as usual, had virtually no responses emo ) and I did receive a ton of Valentines, which of course prompted me to respond in kind with some of my "traditional" putrid prose.
So without further adieu, here's a few of my favourites, and of course, my responses to them.
I'd offer a warning about the quality of my work and such, but seeing as nobody ever reads this stuff and I'm already aware of it's shortcomings, I'll just have at it.
To my dearest WideEyed,
Hop onto my pink poptarty back,
Let's go for a ride into the big black universe,
Leaving behind a rainbow trail of crumbs.
~Nyan Cat
Cat made of tasty gingerbread
All frosted pink, with sprinkles.
Licorice whiskers test the breeze
Watch as the North Star twinkles.
Lithely gliding through the night
Chasing comet's tails
Racing round the moon and back.
Leaving rainbow trails.
To my dearest WideEyed,
A little white kitten
With little white mittens
Looked up at the clear light-blue sky
He was really quite smitten
That little white kitten,
With a girl sweeter then cherry pie
She was real cute and real pretty,
Thought the little white kitty
As a tear trickled down the cat's eye
So he wrote a love letter
And though it could be much better,
He hoped that she would say yes
For the sweet pretty girl,
With eyes nicer then pearls,
He wished to see one day,
in a white wedding dress.
Happy Valentine's Day!
On a fine afternoon
In the middle of June
A maiden meandered along
A warm breeze in the air
Kissed the maiden, so fair
And the breeze carried with it, a song
It was haunting, and distant
Yet somehow, insistant
And beckoned the maiden, persue
So she followed the song
And it wasn't too long
Til the singer came into her view
T'was a tiny white kitten
With soft, velvet mittens
Serenading the maiden so fair.
So she joined in his song
And they sang, loud and long
The maiden, and kitten, a pair. heart
To my dearest WideEyed,
Though poetry you've sought to overcome
and inundating you with it be cruel,
the air is coming shallow to my lungs
I can't restrain the urge your verse to fuel.
I'm drawn to you although you're not my type.
Blame it upon the holiday's mystique.
Your modesty is wrong--you ought have hype.
And I do pray you'll think me not a creep.
(Such self control it took t'avoid the rhyme "physique".)
One verse to go 'fore I end with a couplet,
and your approval or disdain receive,
with bated breath, an unattended puppet
I wait to either celebrate or grief.
And so unto my words I hope you harken.
(Shakespearean? 'course, I never write Petrarchan
VVV Emily
My dilemma’s Paradoxical
I'm entangled in its horns
A labyrinth diabolical
Shackled by convention's norms.
Though I long to take my muse's hand
I'm like Scrooge on Christmas night
Fearful something so ephemeral
Won't support me in my flight.
Then a heartening realization
Steels my wavering resolve
Others share my avocation
And my fears, my peers absolve.
Then once more I take my pen in hand
Angels sing a divine chorus!
The words pour forth, thoughts form and,
I reach for my Thesaurus. wink
And there were, of course, the inevitable Creepers....
To my dearest WideEyed,
Oh delightful you look this fine valentines season.
Your skin looks delectable and juicy beyond reason.
I just want a bite, maybe two or three.
I'll rub my hands across your thighs damn they look so meaty.
I want to touch you, kiss you, lick you, and definitely screw you.
I'm not sure which i want more though,
for me to bite you or for you to bite me.
C/O Cupid
Well let me tell you "sweety"...
You've got a lot to learn
To call a girls thighs "meaty"
Won't make her passion burn.
So while you think you have to choose
I'll phrase my answer simply
Be sure I won't be biting you
Instead my friend, "Bite Me!" scream
But even the Creepers can be fun. blaugh
There were tons more, and I loved each and every one, but to put them all here, along with my replies, would be the rankest form of abuse, so I'll leave off with one last offering.
It goes a long way to explaining the dilema I find myself faced with during every Event. wink
Item Whore
Eighty bad Valentines in the mail
Each one with a cheesy poem
Eighty ex-friends, every one assailed
It's no wonder that I'm alone
All for the sake of a throw away Item
That I'll most likely never use.
I could get it for cheap in the Market Place
Yet I insist on this abuse
Eighty sad Valentines in the mail
I'm truly an Item Whore
But I'd better get crackin, I've still got to send
A hundred and twenty more. :Sweatdrop:
And finally, when I say I regret missing out on reading other people's Topics, it's really about as gross an understatement as I could make. One of my greatest pleasures is watching as Gaia's artists come out and do their Freebie Topics.
I'm always amazed at their creativity, skill and generosity, and have, on some very lucky occassions, been the recipient of their kindness.
This year, I never made it into a single artist's Topic, and yet one day I received an amazingly thoughtful gift from my favourite artist on Gaia.
If you've read through my Journal at all, you already know who it was from...

Thank you so much Nomi!
You are indeed a treasure! heart