The Name On The Door Reads Kimimaru Okita Naganuma But Really I Am Kimi See How Many Fingers I Can Hold Up 16 years old Someone Once Said I Was Mental Illness- dillsuional,mumbles to himself,cuts himself and is unable to sleep without taking medication. I Think I Know What I Am Seke Can You Be What I Want I would like to find a Seme. . .Don’t Tell Anyone Kimi is a really nice boy, though he has no back bone,meaning that he lets people push him around.Kimi doesn't like to get into fights but they happen and when it does he is the one always ending up being beaten to a pulp. though, i guess its his sense of kind, warm heart that keeps him in place, either that or its his paranoid insanity brain that keeps him to be reminded to never fight, or who knows what hell brings to him.
Kimi is a quiet and shy person, he would like to be with others though, he's afraid of everyone, he's afraid that he might get hurt or end up hurting someone else and kimi hates it when someone is hurt, it makes him feel hurt inside and understand their pain. Now your probrebly wondering why i said 'Or who knows what hell bring to him."mean, well since you already know that kimi had a demon inside of his body,sometimes if kimi is pushed to that level, the demon will be no...IS his anger and lets just say it ain't that pretty with the gutts flying everywhere.Once Upon A TimeBack in the days when Kimi was very young he use to be a out going normal fun and loving child,that was however, until the nightmares came. While Kimi was home he had then been visited by a blood thirsty demon named Zoovan, who had miraculously found the boy, sleeping happily in his comfy bed, the demon without warning then found his way into kimi's mind,slowly making its way in time to his soul and when that happened, the demon would soon be bonded with the boy.
The morning had come and the boy had felt quite strange last night, like as if something had bit him on the neck,Ha, he didn't even know half of what was going on, as the day went on kimi had still planned on living his life normally like always, that was the plan until, he had soon started see illusions of dead people walking along the road,passing by him,stare at him whatever to freak him out, it scared him so much that he stopped walking by himself and started to walk with someone at all times. Though did the pain stop...it was only the begining, then came 'The Visions & Dreams', as the child roamed around places minding his own buisness, kimi would suddenly be consumed by visions of peoples deaths or the past deaths of people by slaughtered horribly and they would come true! after when he would come home,thinking it was safe...there came 'the dreams'...as kimi would sleep he would toss and turn of dreams that would come to him in horrifing aways with messages from demons by death or suffering, it came to the point where kimi wouldn't sleep for days and be found in a dark corner or closet,mumbling outrageous words like an insane person.
The parents couldn't understand what was going on, they soon hired a theraphist for there son,hoping it would relive him of what was going on with him, but it did completley nothing for him execpt hurt him more and others. One day as kimi was going to his theraphist, walking through the hallways,alone and nervous, he then was suddenly was clawed on by the hand out of no where,'Then came the Blood shedding', when that happened kimi dashed his way fast as he could to the office and tried to explain what was going on with him to his theraphist,telling him about the visions and dreams, even the illusions of dead people walking and if that wasn't enough, kimi showed him even proof of what had happened by the cut he had gotten out of no where, the theraphist was at a lost and assumed that kimi was just being dillusional and was probrebly cutting himself, but it wasn't that at all. No one understood or even tried to understand Kimi.
As it continuied day after day and night,even when he went at school things couldn't get more worse, the kids would laugh at him,throwing things at him and calling him names, it made kimi feel like a freak around everyone,that he was different...though the beatings of the demon inside and the terrible things he had seen with his eyes drove him mad, soon the parents had taken kimi to a new hospital that he would soon call home, kimi was labled with 'Mental Illness' to the doctor and without hesitation or a good-bye from his parents, they left kimi alone,leaving him broken hearted...with a curse he would forever walk with....in the dark.Pull My Strings Miko-Mika
Posted by: Its Dhani Sun Aug 16, 2009 @ 08:26am