Because I am so horrible with remembering all these RP names, I don't know what RP my character is from, but just know that she is from one. I want to say that it is Super! or something like that...Oh well. This is Madelin, my shadow jack, a villain in the this alleged RP that she will be in. She is a frail little thing who has been sick the majority of her life. At my friend's graduation party, candyxninja, she and Random Acts of Monotony convinced me to flesh out the idea for Madelin. I worked it through, and this is what I came up with. For those of you that don't know what a shadow jack is, it is a person who can meld into any shadow of any shape and move through it and even into another shadow as long as they are touching. They are incredibly sensitive to light when they are in the shadows, and can even be injured if struck by bright light when in that state. My spin on her, so as not to let her be too op, is that she can move over any distance that she could handle normally, time restrictions and all. If she moves too quickly from one side of the continent to the other then she will die, in short. I enjoy this picture because it is the first time that I tried something in pencil for a person and then coloured certain things in photoshop. A different style for me, but I like it.
[Chip] · Thu Jul 02, 2009 @ 08:44am · 0 Comments |