This is an old character of mine that I fell in love with from an age-old RP called Annar. Azimuth was the pirate elf girl with a stickier hand that sap. Well I revamped that idea into something a bit more modern in my maturity of drawing and story ideas. This Azimuth is now a member of the three races of Ramnas and Dargon from the book series of The Tales of Ramnas and Dargon. I sadly haven't come up with an idea for her race, but I am proud to have the concept: a owl sort of people with a most acute sense of the mind like areas of telepathy and telekinesis living in the western chain of islands around Ramnas. Azimuth's story in the third book of this series is that she is the wife of her teacher, mentor, and must trusted friend. He is teaching her further of her developing abilities when the islands were invaded by ships from the east. Azimuth and her husband are sent to investigate the intruders and learn about them. Azimuth's husband is the strongest of the village and so he goes and Azimuth, of course, follows her husband to no end. In the heart of the intruders' encampment the two are discovered when a man sees through their mentally induced invisibility and kills Azimuth's husband. The young woman erupts and begins her raid on the land of Ramnas in search for these men to bring due justice and revenge. She becomes a very unstable telepath who is oft in disrupting all minds around her when she loses her control and lets her emotions wreak their havoc on the succeptable. I must say that I enjoy her character much more now.
[Chip] · Thu Jul 02, 2009 @ 08:31am · 0 Comments |