Wow, can't beleive its been a month since I last updated this, but I have been really busy.
Marching Band is finally over! Yeah, I think. I am going to miss it. Its amazing how a month a go I was pondering over whether or not to return next year. But I have made up my mind. I am returning next year, if my parent permit it that is. We placed 11th at Everet (marching band competition), stupid predujice (sp?) judges. We lost 2nd place by 0.05 points in the AA division and lost 10th by the same amount! Baka (stupid) judges!!!!!! scream
Anyway guess what we have Tuesday? Knowledge Bowl!! And we are hosting! Hopefully we will do better this time which we placed, 4th, 5th, and 7th (I hate to admit it but I was on the 7th place team). The practices haven't been as frequent as they used to be. Oh well.
Homecoming was great, I got to dance with a couple of guys. It was a lot of fun. We had another dance, Sadies, yesterday. Which I didn't attend. It was the dance where the girls ask the guys. I figured not to many dateless guys weren't going to be there so I didn't attend. I did ask someone but he was busy with his brother's birthday so he couldn't attend. Oh well there is always another dance.
Anyway I think I might be able to finally start my horseback riding lessons in December! YEAH biggrin ! I love horses! heart heart
Anyway I am not big on the Harry Potter movies (I am more about the books) but I am planning to buy the Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban DVD when it comes out next week.
A couple of random quotes:
"Never judge a book by its movie" ?? (saw this at Richland High School library awesome quote)
At a recent Knowledge Bowl practice:
The teacher: "Okay next question: In 1905- (before you continue to read this, please note the teacher ONLY got these two words out for the question)"
*bell rings*
Other teacher: Team B
Team B (my team) realizes one of us aciddently hit the bar and we decide to do a random guess.
Tyler (team captain, guy who answers questions): Japan.
The teacher: That is correct.
People start laughing (come on you got to admit that is pretty funny, I mean how often do you do a random guess like that only knowing two words of the question and guess correctly?).
Another student : Are you serious?
The teacher: Yes.
Anyway that is all for today. I might post tomorrow, cann't guarrantee.
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Thoughts of your Average Girl
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