As the title states I have failed something, in other words that stupid Math test I mentioned in my last entry
On the bright side I completely aced my Geography Quiz. I think I did okay on the Test we had today.
More bright news. I made it onto one of the teams that is going to Richland High tomorrow! YEAH biggrin ! I don't have to go to almost all my classes because I am going to be gone almost all day! Wish me goodluck!
Still wondering what I am going to wear for Homecoming. I think I know what but I am not 100% sure yet. I still have to pay for a ticket ($13, quite expensive in my opinion).
Speaking of money. Our morning annoucements was continuously filled with a reminder that we have a FREE Homecoming Assembly tonight at 7:30 p.m. I am not going because I am too busy. At first it was okay that they kept on mentioning it but after a while it became hard to concetrate on the other parts of the annoucements.
This week is Spirit Week at my school. Today was Dress in Pink day. A event happened during first period that I don't think I will forget anytime soon. Well it was actually more of a person. Anyway this kid, a boy I might add, showed up in a pink dress like thingy and pink fairy wings on his back for L.A. I hope someone got a picture of him for the yearbook. It will probaly be in black and white if they do have one but I don't care.
I will fill in what happens at Knowledge Bowl if I have the time. I have Marching Band practice again tomorrow and I don't think that Irish guy would be to happy if I skipped it.
Anyway all for now.
. I reallly get too emothional over this kind of stuff. View User's Journal
Thoughts of your Average Girl
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