Hello from the world of Today
As most of you can see I'm alive and somewhat well then again is it me or some false version of myself you find before your eyes. naw its me but let me tell ya about a little adventure I had sometime ago.... It all started three days after two days before the day after tommorrow. All was quiet in my area when I say a beautiful girl cross my path. I responded how any man would and accidentally walked into a poll. Lucky for me (at least what I thought at the time) the girl came to my aid and she thought I had a concussion. Now that I think about it I might have but her beauty had me dumbstruck. Like I stated earlier she thought I had a concussion and I ended up being hauled off to the nearest hospital where said girl was an intern at. From there on to about the time I found myself in a black van with guys in fancy black suits and sunglasses is blur.
Well when I had found myself in the prediciment I was in I actedd as clam and rational as possible. I started swearing like a sailor and thrashing out of my restraints I was in when I came to. I then met someone who the men in black called Mr. Nappy. I soon found the room to be very swirly and I heard the words pet before I woke up.
When I awoke I was in a comfortable bed in a very humble sized room. I also found that I had a collar on as well and I had been named Whitey-Chan. Minutes after I awakened I was reacuainted to the men in shades. Well man since it was only one guy. I charged the guy ready for my escape when was suddenly shocked. I was then punched in the gut and fliped onto my back. When I made an attempt to get up I was shocked again but this time I grabbed the guys leg and he to was shocked into unconciousness. I then stole his Suit and Shades and blended with the crowed until I heard the shout of Whitey-Chan and I found myself running away from the girl who I then deduced was the cause of my suffering.
I was wondering how she was able to tell that it was me out of all of the other guys when I remembered I have 'White Hair'. The only reason she found me was because of that and now I was doomed to the live of a pet. It wa then I remembered that I had on a shock coller and as karma would have it the button was press and I was shocked until my hair stood on end and I blacked out.
I found myself in the same room I was in earlier but now I was in a strait jacket. The girl was there this time and I found out I was now the pet of a girl obsessed with the color white. It also turned out that my buddy Jinko was the one who sold me.
I was there for two weeks of hell that I shall never repeat and I was then let go for being a good sport and the fact that my masters new favorite color was blue. Oh yeah as for Jinko, I got back at him. Yep one trip to the Hardware store and $2,000 in my pocket later led me to sweet revenge and a good nights sleep that I haven't had in two weeks.
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