Look me in the eye
Tell me that you truely care
You can't do it can you?
Your pathectic
Look me in the eye
Tell me you really stoped
you didn't do you?
Your disgusting
Look me in the eye
Smile for real
not the fake one you fool everyone with
Thats not possible for you is it?
thats sad.
We are NO family.
we never were
Your husband is always drunk
Always beating us
but you do nothing to stop him from coming around
Hes always there
Roy's scared
He is so young
but you never care
You just yell at him too
Your boyfriend is no better
He may seem it to you
but behind the sceens when your gone
all hell breaks loose
You don't care
Dad doesn't care
Jeff doesn't care
Not that you coud care
All you ever are is asleep drunk or high
Avoiding life
But your a mother
and a wife
and a girlfriend
You are the one who did this to yourself
So take some damn responcibility
and clean up your mess
Meanwhile I will be there for Roy
keeping him safe
helping with homework
making his meals
While you sleep
Doing your job for you
like I have been since he was born
You are a mother?
We are a family?
Family means you care
Family means you feel
Family means you love
You don't
We are NO family
but you know what?
I care
I will be there for Roy
I will shield him from you 'perfect' boyfriend
Do you know something
He doesn't even know that he is abusive
I always send him out of the room when he comes in
Cuz I care that his mind isn't ruptured
From this hell you make us live in
I will always care
We don't need you anyway.
Go on living your pityful life
We care
We feel
We love
We are a family
Not including you
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depressing poetry...
pretty much poems thas bout it