In a life where nothing happens...
The same thing everyday...
Never seeming to end.
Wake up in the morning
Take a shower
Get ready
Eat breakfast
Go to school
Come home
Do nothing....
Wait until bedtime
Wanting to go to bed yet wanting to stay awake...
Weird dreams I can't remember all the time
Maybe I should think about them more often so I do...
Dream characters, exist, but never remember them
Or they show up and leave as soon as they enter
Then wake up again...
Rinse and repeat.
Why does it have to be so boring...?
Why doesn't anything happen?
I want something amazing to happen.
I want fun.
I want an adventure!
Away from this boring world,
Into a new light.
Something to do,
Something I can say I have done.
An interesting story to tell
There just that something more I yearn for in this life
I know I want it
But I don't know what it is.
It's calling me,
But I can't follow it...
Stuck in this boring life...
Sitting at the same computer desk...
Typing on the same keys...
Lying on the same couch...
Using the same remote and watching the same TV with the usual TV shows
Listening to the same songs,
same CDs
Same bed to sleep in
Same mind crushing walls
Same clunky items to trip over...
Same food
Same clothes
Same shoes
Same house
Same people
Same everything.
When will it all end?
When will it all begin...?
The life infront of me no longer seems like the life I'm going to lead
The life behind me sounds much more fun.
The life right now... feels like nothing.
I have plenty
More than needed
The best ever
He just can't seem to leave me alone (which might be a good thing since I don't want him gone)
Cold days
Don't end
Only start
Warm days
Don't exist
That's what I want to do
Frollic in the flowers that bloom...
Never had one
Never want one
Never will have one
No need, if I'm to be the neighborhood's crazy old cate lady
Like I'm doing now
And no one to catch me and fly me away to another planet
Another universe
Right next door will do fine as well...
Just need something new...
Something to make me feel...
The way I don't feel.
![]() Itchy Gonzalles Community Member ![]() |