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View User's Journal

Pixel Dreams and Memories
Travels around Gaia, ambitious quests, and everything inbetween!
My first quest
Feeling :: 4laugh

Time to begin transferring my quest into my journal. I'd really like to know what the character limit is for a journal entry. Knowing would make it easier to plan out. User Image


First Post ::


Welcome to my Hallowe'en Brown Paper Bag quest. When I first began this quest, I had no idea of how this would really go. I assumed that I would be left to my own devices to complete my mission. While this was true in the beginning, this proved false in the final two months of the quest.

My quest is now over.

Well, wrapping up at least. I'm put in the position where it would be wrong for me to keep this thread open any longer. I have the gold (or am very close to having the gold) and I don't want to mislead people into thinking I'm still on a quest. To an extent I am, but it's laxed off, because all that could be has been done.

I will soon complete my Brown Paper Bag collection (pending trades and bank problems *stares at bank, enticing it to behave today!*), well before Hallowe'en. I fully intended to complete my quest by then so that I could enjoy that day and wear some clothes. Yes, I'm naked, but it started off as a "fun" week-long contest and I stretched it to until the end of my quest.

And the end is near! User Image

The quest is done and I can't thank my bumpers and donators enough. Truly I can't. Words don't seem enough, but perhaps with time I can thank them a little more than what I can right now. User Image To everyone who bumped and/or donated:

<center> User Image User Image User Image THANK YOU!! User Image User Image User Image </center>
You people were more than wonderful. You helped make this quest a reality for me and I treasure the friendships I've made while on this quest. User Image It's been one of the neatest experiences I've ever had, even with its low points. Simply by being there (the bumper especially), you helped me hang on and push myself harder to complete my quest.

<center> User Image User Image User Image THANK YOU!! User Image User Image User Image </center>

Thank you all for making my quest and my wish a reality! User Image

Forever loved and owned,

Back in June, I wrote:

Welcome to my quest for Hallowe'en items! It's a big one, and perhaps overly ambitious, but with patience, persistence, and some help from Gaians, I can make my wish a reality!

Come along as I pursue my quest for Hallowe'en items!

Please Note! I will not be selling any bags that I gain ownership of while on my quest. Currently, I do not intend on relinquishing any bag any time in the near future. Do not pm me to sell or give you a bag, please!

<center>User Image Table of Contents User Image</center>
First Post:
Introduction and Table of Contents
Second Post: Quest Items and Goal
Third Post: Bumping Rules and Guidelines (PLEASE READ!)
Fourth Post: Bumping Contest and Prizes!
Fifth Post: Bumpers!
Sixth Post: Donations Collected Thus Far
Seventh Post: Awards, Page Claimage and Thread Luck
Eighth Post: Mini-shop of Items for Donors (NOW OPEN!)
Nineth Post: Links
Tenth Post: Quest Log ( Part 3 )
Eleventh Post: Reserved Just In Case
Twelfth Post: Reserved Just In Case
Thirteenth Post: Reserved Just In Case
Fourteenth Post: Quest Log ( Part 2 )
Fifteenth Post: Quest Log ( Part 1 )

Second Post ::

<center>User Image Quest Items and Goal User Image</center>
Listed below are the various items that I am questing for. Because this quest is huge (relatively), I've split it up into a series of "mini-quests." Hardly do these quests constitute a mini-quest, but as one large quest, it would be too daunting for me.

The first leg of my quest for Hallowe'en items is the Brown Paper Bag collection. There are thirteen altogether. What they are and their approximate prices follows.

Brown Paper Bag Collection ::

The Paper Bags
User Image
-_- Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
:] Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
:B Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
&.& Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
0_0 Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
^_^ Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
: ) Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
: P Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
:3 Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

User Image
XD Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

<center>User Image Goal User Image

User Image Currently: --- Gold User Image
Need: 60,000 Gold
User Image Progress: -% User Image

User Image Today's Gold: -- / 500 User Image
(After purchasing the first three bags, I then agreed to an offer of 3,000 per remaining bag. I included that information here to let people know that the remaining bags were being held for me and at what price.)

Last Updated :: Month day, Year Time

Third Post ::

<center>User Image Quest Bumping Guidelines User Image</center>
When bumping in this thread, please observe the following points below and follow them! I would very much appreciate it if you would assist me in keeping this quest as enjoyable as possible for everyone. Please and thanks!

1. No spamming! I don't like horizontal and excessive vertical scrolling. It's bad taste and no one appreciates that sort of thing. Plus, there's the Chatterbox if you feel incredibly compelled to do so.
2. No cursing please!
3. Be nice. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. User Image So no flaming or being rude please.
4. Please don't beg. This includes private messaging people who have bumped and/or donated in this thread.
5. Proper grammar is highly appreciated! User Image
6. Please! Do not post solely to advertise someone else's quest in my quest thread! That's bad etiquette and I'll be more inclined not to help out that quest if I see it posted as a message, instead of noted in the signature area. No advertising other quests unless it is in the signature and the signature area only!
7. I reserve the right to post additional guidelines as I see fit. User Image

In regards to advertising quests and requesting a bump, I don't mind. Do be aware that saying, "I bumped you, now you bump me" and advertising in a post are bannable. (
See this thread here.) So while I don't mind, others may and you need to keep that detail in check. User Image

Fourth Post ::

<center>User Image Bumping Contest and Prizes! User Image</center>
Now for the good part of this quest: the bumping contest! User Image

Since I cannot be on Gaia 24/7, I'm going to award the top five bumpers of this quest! Nothing like a win-win situation, yes? I think so, and here's how it's going to go. Oh, and keep in mind those rules and guidelines in the third post, okay? Okay. User Image

<center>Prizes for Top Five Bumpers</center>The top bumper will receive a choice of one letter from the months that this Paper Brown Bag Quest operates.

Second highest bumper earns 1,000 gold for their efforts.

The remaining third, fourth, and fifth places contain prizes of 500 gold, 250 gold, and 100 gold, respectively.

<center>Prizes Thus Far</center>
User Image (June 2004 letter) contains :: User Image or User Image

User Image (July 2004 letter) contains :: User Image or User Image

User Image (August 2004 letter) contains :: User Image or User Image

User Image (September 2004 letter) contains :: User Image or User Image

User Image (October 2004 letter) contains :: User Image or User Image

And of course, pure gold, which is just waiting to be dispensed! User Image

<center>User Image Purchase Your Bumps! User Image
And get in on the contest!</center>If you're not able to bump much or don't want to bump, but still want to get in on the contest, there is another way. Purchase your bumps! That's right. You can bump real bumps or buy them. 100 gold will get you 50 bumps. 250 gold will send 125 bumps your way. 500 gold will put you ahead fast with 250 bumps! Buying your bumps at a critical time in this quest, such as when it's coming down the last stretch, can mean the difference between a letter or 1,000 gold or any other prizes being offered. It can also help keep you in the contest as mentioned earlier. User Image

To assist me, please number your bumps. User Image Thanks!

<center>Page Claimage Contest and Prize</center>In addition to the bumping contest, I now have page claimage! What's that mean? Well, if you're the first person to post on page 50, you've claimed that page and you earn 100 gold from me! The same deal goes for whoever posts first on page 100, 150, 200, 250, and so on. So please bump my quest! User Image

Last Updated :: Month day, Year Time

Fifth Post ::

<center>User Image Bumpers! User Image</center>
Woot! I have so many bumpers that they deserved a post all their own! User Image Here are my bumpers, starting off with my top 6! User Image

Official Top 6 Winning Bumpers<center>1. Tula ( 2700 ) User Image User Image
2. Quest Bumper ( 2433 ) User Image User Image
3. Koji Bob ( 1515 ) User Image User Image
4. Lord Braska ( 1335 ) User Image User Image User Image
5. boombaibe ( 1260 ) User Image User Image User Image
6. MeOfManyNames ( 849 ) User Image User Image User Image</center>

Other Bumpers <center>~.Cherry Rose.~ ( 200 ) User Image
Cheffy ( 194 ) User Image
Tabitha Gayle ( 163 ) User Image
Zyfusion ( 158 ) User Image
Lais ( 126 ) User Image
Atlantima ( 56 ) User Image
kyai_subiachi ( 50 ) User Image
Arz Arcanum ( 32 )
pooo108 ( 31 )
knives_mybrother ( 8 )
King of Bandits
-Cardboard x Candy-
Shadow God
Sadi_Mae ( 2 )
Dead Pirate (who had the Monster bag! User Image Thanks!)
Jenikyula (who had a bag with holes! User Image Thank you! )
Just Neo ( 4 )
Ayame Kuroki
h0ujun ( 3 )
l-i-m-e ( 12 )
Meifon Li
bloodboy ( 2 )
Kyribu ( 2 )
~Elise~ ( 2 )
Rem_Saverem ( 2 )
Ragnarok Blazeheart
Goku1234 ( 2 )
[~McNugget~] ( 5 )
insert_witty_name ( 4 )
Jayn Newell ( 2 )
Rinchans flower
White_Queen ( 2 )
Celestial Warlock
Koukon_Tenshi ( 2 )
Black Waltz 0
Grace Angel
Emi Hiroshi
Rurouni Idoru
Lizabean ( 26 ) User Image
[Happy Frown] ( 9 ) User Image
Madame Malkav
TheShadowMistress ( 4 )
Kit Machu
Strawberry_baby13 ( 5 )
logic02004 ( 19 )
Cookie Gestapo
Saria White Dragon
Dj monkmonk (because he apologized)
Maximillion Maxwell
irish_loser / loser_techie ( 3 )
X Japan
transcendence ( 9 )
little_bunny_foo_fighters ( 7 )
xenos2007 ( 2 )
lil_sakura_grl ( 2 )
RayniaSky ( 2 )
Donut Theief
-[J-Chan]- ( 6 )
~Ayame forever~
rosaleendhu ( 7 ) User Image
darkness101 ( 2 )
Avatar-of-Jello ( 2 )
B.A.N.D.I.T ( 14 ) User Image
himalaya ( 2 )
Demon Neko Jane
Valkria86 ( 4 )
Rockit Radio. ( 2 )
whitnerbug ( 2 )

<center>User Image User ImageThank You!! User Image User Image </center>

Last Updated :: Month day, Year Time
Current as of page :: 380

Sixth Post ::

<center>User Image Donations Collect Thus Far User Image</center>
400g from Zyfusion of
The Moogle Charity User Image User Image User Image My first donator! User Image
200g from bubbletea4me User Image User Image User Image
100g from Atlantima User Image User Image User Image
3,000g from Koji Bob User Image User Image User Image
1,000g and User Image and User Image from Quest Bumper User Image User Image User Image
1,100g from MeOfManyNames User Image User Image User Image User Image
2,000g from boombaibe User Image User Image User Image User Image
250g from Lais User Image User Image User Image
100g from kyai_subiachi User Image User Image User Image
2,479g from Lord Braska User Image User Image User Image (because I've used up my quota of hearts for this post! o.O)
User Image from Tabitha Gayle User Image
385g from Cheffy User Image User Image User Image
500g from Kit_Fox of
Divine Intervention Charity User Image User Image User Image
4,500g from Tula User Image User Image User Image User Image

P.S. If you want to donate, but don't want your donation to go towards x number of bumps (1 bump can be purchased for 2 gold; see above post), please add "no bumps" to the title of the trade. This will assist me in reading your mind! User Image If later on, you decide that yes, you want your donations to count towards bumps, simply PM and I'll make it so.

Donors! Please go to the mini-shop below to see the various items that you may choose from! They are my thanks for helping me with my quest! Choose any two for every 100g donated and let me either in the thread or by pm. I'll be pm you all shortly to let you know the details. User Image

Last Updated :: Month day, Year Time

Seventh Post ::

<center>User Image Awards, Page Claimage and Thread Luck User Image</center>
Every time I obtain an item in my quest, I will, of my own choosing, select someone, who has posted in this thread or donated, to receive a Gaian monetary gift from me as a way of thank you. There isn't a guaranteed way of being selected; I consider everyone eligible. However, if you do not wish to be eligible, simply not follow the above guidelines. Spamming, begging, cursing, wielding massive pictures, causing unnecessary scrolling, and being rude are good ways of having me not consider you.User Image

The awards can be of any amount. Naturally it'll depend on what I have left over from buying a quest item and how good of a mood I'm in. Obviously, these are factors that you cannot control. How you act in my thread is something you can though. User Image

If you win an award, you can request that I send it to a Gaian charity of your choice. If you have no specific charity in mind and want it sent to one, that's fine too. I'm aware of a lot of good charities that could use donations. User Image

Bumper Appreciation Awards
First Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::

~.Cherry Rose.~
Quest Bumper

User Image User Image User Image</center>

Second Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image </center>

Third Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image </center>

Fourth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image </center>

Fifth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image </center>

Sixth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::

<center>Jayn Newell

User Image User Image User Image </center>

Seventh Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image </center>

Eighth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image </center>

Nineth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::

<center>~Ayame forever~

User Image User Image User Image </center>

Tenth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image</center>

Eleventh Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image</center>

Twelfth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::


User Image User Image User Image</center>

Thirteenth Paper Brown Bag Award Handed Out To ::

<center>Celestial Warlock

User Image User Image User Image</center>

Page Claimage
Page 50 :: Quest Bumper
Page 100 :: Quest Bumper
Page 150 :: Quest Bumper
Page 200 :: Quest Bumper (again User Image )
Page 250 :: boombaibe ( ! )
Page 300 :: MeOfManyNames ( ! )
Page 350 :: Quest Bumper

Found a pinklink? Spotted an enchanted trunk? What of those blue and pink giftboxes? If you've seen any in this thread, kindly let me know so that I can post the thread's luck here!

Thread Luck
July 31, 2004 :: 6:53 a.m. Yes! This thread has some luck! Quest Bumper found a trunk on page 131! Woot!

September 9, 2004 :: 4:12 p.m. Quest Bumper found a blue giftbox! ^^ (page 210)

September 12, 2004 :: 6:48 p.m. I found an enchanted trunk! Sweeet! (page 222)

September 22, 2004 :: 8:09 a.m. I found an enchanted trunk! User Image (page 99)

October 5, 2004 :: 7:42 a.m. I found an enchanted trunk! User Image (page 31 cool

October 11, 2004 :: 10:34 a.m. Quest Bumper found an enchanted trunk! User Image (page 351)

Last Updated :: Month day, Year Time

Eighth Post ::

<center>User Image Mini-shop of Items for Donors User Image</center>
*stocks mini shop with items for donors and displays the open sign*

Welcome to my mini shop of items for donors! Yes, if you've donated or are thinking about donating, you can take home a souvenir of my 2004 brown paper bag quest! Here you'll find items hand-crafted by yours truly for this very special quest! Please! Come in and have a look around!

On this shelf over here, we have quest buttons! Each button displays a bag over an orange-yellow background with the words "Kierras-Ann's Brown Bag Quest 2004." The bag, words, and rim are done in gold for that special touch! Cost is 100 gold each. (Actual button does not include any watermark!) To order, simple post which one(s) you want in this thread and begin a trade with me, indicating which ones you want (i.e. ^_^, monster bag, holes, empty, -_-, :B) When trade has been processed, you will receive your item(s).

<center>User Image
User Image
User Image
User Image</center>

And for those of you who are wanting something not too fancy, I give you the bags themselves! Each bag is like its counterpart button, with a gold outline, but without the extras. Each bag costs 100 gold each and is delivered without the "s" watermark. To order, simple post which one(s) you want in this thread and begin a trade with me, indicating which ones you want (i.e. ^_^, monster bag, holes, empty, -_-, :B) When trade has been processed, you will receive your item(s).

<center>User Image User Image User Image User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image</center>

<center>Special Offer of 2 for 1!!</center>Yes, that's right! If you donated before September 9, 2004, you can take home twice as many items! Because you were kind enough to donate to my quest before I made anything to assist me, I'm offering you this special as another way of thanking you! Your donation meant much to me and saying thank you wasn't enough. User Image So please choose which ones you'd like and I'll send them to you!

Nineth Post ::

<center>User Image Links User Image</center>

Other Quests ::

To anyone who has a quest thread running, let me know about it and I'll post a linkage here. While I sought the above charities out on my own accord, there are too many quests out there for me to post on my own. Thus, if you really want to advertise your quest, please let me know! Post or PM me and I'll add it here. I may not be able to donate to you, but I'll at least bump your thread a bit! ^^

User Image :: Zyfusion's Quest for Everything!
Tula's Donation Item Quest

Charities that have helped me ::
The Moogle Charity

Charities ::
Below is a list of charities that I believe could help me. I've read through the rules and found myself short of meeting one or two requirements. I have no doubt that I will eventually meet most of the charities' requirements; it's only a matter of time. Because of the nature of my quest, aside from the obvious fact that I'm questing for more than one item, but that there are many parts to this quest, there are a couple charities that I need to wait before I can request. Still, it is good to know who I can turn to for a little additional help. smile

Kyoki's Co-op Charity!
The Dreaming Away Charity


And then I had three posts of quest logging done. User Image Because [ and ] no longer can be used in decorating the phrase between the quotes of quote=, I have to come up with a way to approximate the way the log would have looked like. Well, I don't have to, but I am coming up with a new quest come January, if not December. The one after my quest/donation drive in November and December. There are a few 2004 items that I'd like to have in my collection. User Image I hadn't thought much of them then, but I do now.

It's terrible how that happens. User Image. Thank goodness for image tags that forego the limit of the number of possible emoticons! User Image

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