this is my RPC character
name- Akira Sato
birthday- September 17
height- 5'5
hair color- red
eye color- blue
Bio: Her father killed her mother when she was a small child. She's headstrong and loves to b***h fit. Piss her off and you will be chewed out for it. Mess with her friends and you will die, no questions about it.
She loves Sasori. If you have a problem with that then you can just say hello to my fist!!!!

name: Ren
age: unknown
birthday: Januaray 3
hieght: 6'1
sex: female, a fallen angel
hair: blond
eye: blue
weapons: she doesn't really use weapons but uses her own strenght. she's a great hand to hand fighter.
Bio: not much is known about her but she seeks to right a wrong that happened to her in the past.
she's strong and always knows what to do and makes sure everyone else is in line. she takes on students to train but always has a hard time letting them go. She also works with/for haru to gain inside information about him and his work.

name: Sabine
age: 14
birthday: March 9
height: 5'1
sex: female
hair: black with a silver streak in the bangs.
eyes: dark brow/black
weapons: none
Bio: She was horribly injured and about to die when Haru came upon her. He was trying to impress someone whom he hoped would give him a large about of money so he took her home and treated her wounds and had his servants nurse her back to health. Once his friend left he took her down to the basement, blindfolded her, and chained her to the wall. He abused her from then on, always stopping before she was to badly injured. She never once spoke out against him though. She loved him to much and felt she owed him her life....after all, he did save her.

age: 19
birthday: June 22
height: 6'0
sex: female
hair: black
eyes: dark brown/black
weapons: knives
Bio: Haru's top hooker. Doesn't like her job because people mistake her for loving haru. She wants nothing more than to settle down with a man she loves and have a quiet normal life. She looks at sabine and akira as little sisters and will do anything to protect them. She isn't easily intimidated and has a strong attitude. Yet when someone says they like her she becomes flustered and doesn't know what to say or how to act.

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