Gender: Male.
Age: Unable to verify exact age.
Height: Unable to verfy exact height.
Weight: Unable to verify exact weight.
Allignment: Neutral
Race: Unable to verify exact race
Family: Father/ Murdered, Mother/ Fate unkown.
Friends: Childhood Friends/ Murdered, Shinto/ Helped in escape from labs.
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Speacial Weapon: Shapeshifting ability to make any sort of blade, blunt, or projectile weapon.
Guns: Shapeshifting ability to make any sort of blade, blunt, or Projectile weapon.
Fighting Style:
Learned to adapt to surroundings and use his shapeshifting powers to his advantage.
Normal Appearence

Details: He can change shapes, so no need to get more pics or details of his outfit.
Cold, emotionless, but has a soft side for cute things and nice people. Though he is usually judged as an evil person, he really isnt,b ut has no morals aganst killing people who get in his way.
Likes: He doesnt like much, at all
Dislikes: Alot of things, and i dont feel like listing them all
He grew up in a small village, that was always away from wars, and untouched by time, everyone there had a sort of immotality to them. Years and years would go by and they wouldnt age a bit, Jericho was usually always happy, playing with friends or helping his parents out with something, but one day, all that came to a screeching hault.
Someone found out about these people, and gossip got around and rumors started, most people thought it was make believe, but a certain group knew it was real, the same Organizationt hat kidnapped and experimented on Shinto. They took this ooprotunity to go in and take subject for testing and making bio weapons. The attack as sudden, swift, and without warning. They killed many people, leaving only a few people alive, including Jericho and his mother, but they were soon separated and sent across the world from eachother. Jericho was held in a Bioware labrotory in America, his mothers location was never given to him. He endured the most painful, gruesome, and many other types of experiments, skin graphing, gene splicing, and metal in scripinting into his bones. Soon, he had become one of the most deadly beings the world had known, his name was forgotton to him, his age, his life, the only thing he could remember, was his mother, and one certain name. This was the name he had heard so many times and heard so many things about. The man who had put him in his cage, Timothy K. Washington. Whent he day had come when he was free thanks to Shintos aid, he vowed, to find his mother, and bring Washington to his grave.