i'm going to go hide in a cave until these stupid elections are over. Because I hate when people promise things, and then don't do them... and guess what...
You hear these candidates spouting promises while they're trying to get into office... and then as soon as they're elected... dead silence. Hmm I wonder why that is... Oh yeah I remember now, because the president doesn't actually have all the power! haha. These clever politicians in their silly hats.
Democrats : They will restrict us from doing everything and over-regulate everything! They will tax the rich and give to the lazy-a** bum! Hooray communism! Vote Democrat, all the celebs are doing it!
Republicans : They will spend all kinds of money on all sorts of stupid things! ... yeahhh it pretty much all has to do with money there. Nearly 7 billion dollars a month spent on a war! WOO! Our VP nominee has been kept in a time capsule since the 50's, gosh darnit! Oh well, at least they'll let us keep our guns.
I'm voting Cthulhu.

I'a Cthulhu!
*hides in a cave*