My Life, Laugh if you so choose |
A collectionof random writings and thoughts all unorganized by me, Imbemenelien |
Community Member
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 @ 03:23am
ART Quest :D
Definately Questing Art Of my dear Ibby. She's just so CUTE Wanna see what I have?  Madelinesocute  KitsuneChan66  KitsuneChan66  Blue_angel7  ~Le Rain~  HanyoWolf  Auddi  LilyChan Of course, the names under the pictures are the credits to their artists. If you'd like to donate, Please let me know biggrin I Purchase Avi art as well.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 12:23am
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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 05:13pm
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 @ 05:28am
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Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 @ 12:05am
Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 @ 11:29pm
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Community Member
Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 @ 12:21pm
Gah! *shrugs* I dunno. Typing with fake nails sucks.
So Now I AM competing at state, and I'm kinda happy about it, but it's gonna be HARD, and I'm going to be stressed after wards, and most definately before. Gr, now I'm not going to get to shoot as much as I planned, maybe I can still convince mommy to buy me that CO2 Gun...
I'm obsessed, so what, why... well, just because I am.. AAh!
This weekend was fairly uneventful. Saturday had explorers training stuffs, then went to the Mall to help Ali and Hong with their spanish project, it was fairly interesting. Sunday.. slept in till like 11:30, watched a bit of TV, watched Dirty Dancing (the original movie ^_^ ) Then had my concert for band. Concert Rocked. We did really well, though I almost cried, I'm going to miss the seniors in there so much. Especially Erin and James (mind you, I'm only talking about 5th period). Last friday was the last "real" day for Seniors, this week is exams and AP testing. I'm gonna cry at Graduation, I know I will...
Yay! No more band for the rest of the year ^_^ Sleep in 5th period! No exam in there either!
Nothing more.. I believe.
To all those I hold dear, you know who you are, if you ever need anything, i'm always here for you, as you've all helped me through A LOT. So much more than you'll ever know. I haven't thought about "slipping" in quite some time, and it's an awesome feeling.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 @ 02:51am
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Community Member
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 @ 02:51pm
Watched Bruce Almighty last night, it was so awesome.
My mom is so totally being herself again after things have happened this week *sigh* I have no idea what to do.
Prom is in a week! I need to remind mom to get my dress cleaned, and I'm getting my shoes today heart I love you Manda! Though I am a bit upset, my dress isn't going to get sleeves put on it, so I'm going with spaghetti straps *sigh* though I'll wear my shawl for all the pictures and stuff, I'm still gonna feel weird..
Rwar, Mixed emotions a bazillion times over again.
My birthday is in 2 months! Sweet 16, yay! though it's probably gonna be something small, as it usually is, but there will be a few more people than usual. well.. I dunno, probably most of those from the former "6" and my really close Mainland people. Marylynne won't be there though, cause she'll be in Utah or Cali. Maybe I'll see if my parents can leave the house to me that day, though they probably won't. Definately have to get pool cleaned out, if the party is going to be at home...
Breathing sucks. Atleast right now it does, cause I'm like.. dying. And yes Mike, I'm okay, don't worry razz
Out for now.