Chapter 5: The New Star Has Risen **new**
Nora rose from her bed, stretching her arms out and bellowing out a deep yawn. Rubbing her head she got out of bed, threw some loose clothes on and stepped down the stairs into the kitchen. Reaching for the note on the fridge she realized that this seemed oddly familiar to her.
“You have been sleeping for 3 whole days Nora are you all right?” Fenrik came bounding up beside her and nudged her waist. Seeing the surprise in her eyes; he turned away in reminiscence of what happened before the passing of the last few days.
“I went to the academy and talked to Kael the morning after. I told him you may not be showing up for a couple days.” The wolf turned to her and something else stirred in his mind. “Do not worry human cub I did not mention anything about what happened or where we were. He did seem a little suspicious and worried though”
Nora calmed down a little bit and sat down on one of the oak chairs. “I was out for 3 days?” A jolt of nervousness coursed through her veins. “What about Aldred, Fenrik? What does he know?” She was caught in her own words.
“He knows nothing Nora; he took the last two days off taking care of you. He has been worried sick. Your head was very hot so I told him you fell down with the flu and passed out.” Fenrik laid his head on her lap. “You know he does love you? He may seem a little rough around the edges but he see’s you as his own daughter.” Fenrik tilted his head and deeply stared her down.
“I know he does, but he doesn’t have to have an attitude to his friends, the people of the village and to us. Just because he is a warrior-smith doesn’t mean that he needs to bring his ‘past battles’ with him”. Nora stared out the window with frustration.
Fenrik unlocked his gaze with her and sighed with a short chuckle. “You do realize he peeled himself away from the chief’s order, leaving himself two whole days behind schedule, don’t you?” Giving a smile of victory behind her back, Fenrik bounded to the hallway and up the stairs. Looking guiltily at the note; she got up and followed Fenrik upstairs to get dressed for the cold day it was outside.
Outside the people roaming the streets of the village were talking amongst each other in prophecy. Nora wondered what they were speaking of as the two walked towards Aldred’s shop. “Have you heard about the new star, Dimitri?” A villager ran up to another that was pulling from his garden. “What do you mean a new star? A star does not just grow out of the sky like cabbage!” The gardener turned back to his cabbage.
“A new star?” Nora was dumbstruck. “How can a star just appear out of no where? It is much too large.”
“You are right Nora. The villagers have been talking like this non-stop for the last few days. Ever since you fell unconscious.” Fenrik paused for a second wondering, but thought it highly ridiculous and continued on.
“You don’t think that I created that star, do you?” The words seemed to escape from Nora’s mouth without meaning them to.
“Come now human cub, what ridiculousness are you plotting?” Biting his lip as he said it, thinking how ridiculous the thought was… he thought back to the seal firing a beam of energy up into the sky as well as the fiery aura that surrounded his friend.
A loud chatter came from a large cluster of villagers that gathered around the town square. “Here, lets take our minds away from these ridiculous thoughts and see what is so exciting, shall we?” Fenrik pulled Nora towards the crowd, they pushed through the crowd a little so they could hear.
“The sky! Everyone look up at the sky, can you not see it?” The old woman pointed to the sky singling out a specific star in the sky.
“Come on grandma enough with this, your eyes are getting old! How would you tell the stars apart, you even mistook the sugar for salt this morning remember?” The crowd started to laugh at the excited elder bouncing around in front of them.
“Mock me while you can my grand child. That star was not there 3 nights ago! Ask any of the elders, we watch the stars daily.” The elder coughed. “The destiny child has been birthed along with this star. The star proves it!” The lady began coughing harder and her grandson took her by the hand and led her back home.
“You know, now that I look at it… that star does seem out of place” Nora intently and patiently tried to remember the nights she spent staring at the stars with her brother so many years ago. “I do not recall that star Fenrik! Do you think it could be true?”
“It’s been a long time since you and your brother sat and watched the stars, cub, come on Aldred is waiting for us.” Fenrik said as he watched her lower her gaze and pull out the note Aldred had left her. It read: ‘Nora, once you are feeling better I would really enjoy you stopping by the shop. Do not push yourself though! I will be here for the next three days working non-stop on these orders; I was… set back a little bit. I will be looking forward to your arrival. Love Aldred.’
“This was left for me this morning then?” At Fenrik’s nod she crumpled the paper into her pocket. “Let’s go then.” At that the two raced down the block towards the small building with smoke escaping its chimney-top. The building read: ‘Aldred’s Smithing and Wares.’
Nora stopped for a minute and realised what she had heard those three days ago. “What is it Nora?” The wolf looked frustrated at her stalling. “I heard my brother speak to me that day, right before I passed out.” Gathering her thoughts, she continued. “There was this darkness inside my mind, Fenrik, no matter where I ran or what I did it would not disappear. When it was finally gone, I opened my eyes and everything was encased in those bright blue flames. After that I remember being engulfed by what felt like complete power… then I heard a voice; my brothers voice. I knew it was his, I would recognize it anywhere!” She stood there panting and took in a deep breath.
“A memory perhaps? Something may have triggered a memory inside you and heard his voice from then.” Fenrik stared at her in disbelief. “I mean you were searching deep within your inner conscience to find who you really are, right? That may have caused you to look back at a time long ago.” Fenrik sat down and awaited her reply intrigued by the thought.
“But I could hear it so clearly, he sounded much older too. Not like he did back then. His voice sounded like my father’s, sounded so grown up.” She fell her face into her palms. “I just know he was calling to me, he is trying to reach me I could tell.” Nora paced away from the shop, turning into a sprint.
“Nora, come back!” Fenrik growled and raced after her, soon catching up. “Where are you going, cub? We are going to see Aldred are we not?” Fenrik growled and tried to cut her off by blocking her path.
“I need to know, Fenrik! My brother may be in trouble. I am going to the secret place to practice and contact him again.” She continued to run. Fenrik stopped, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stop her now. She was in “that mood” again. He pondered silently while slowly catching up to her.
Standing atop the seal again; Nora concentrated the way she did that one day trying to reach into herself, searching to find her brother’s voice somewhere lying there in wait. Standing for an hour, Fenrik began to feel restless as his head laid on his paws. “Vern… Vern! I know you can hear me, I heard you, why will you not answer me.” Nora began feeling impatience and she curled her fists.
“True intentions are found and gained through strong emotions that dwell within you, sister.” A voice echoed deep in her mind. “You are only able to reach me if in that moment you are using the emotions that are strong within your heart, emotions that truly want to speak with me. Sister… Nora, how have you been?” Nora’s heart rose! She was talking to her brother again. “Where are you Vern? How are you speaking to me? Does this mean you truly did not fall in battle that day? Ha hah ha, I always knew you were alive. I knew that you out of all people could not be taken down by those men!” When Nora said these words there was a brief silence within her head.
“I am not alive Nora.” The words abruptly came to her, like a hammer on steel. “I am in the ‘Court of Infinite Dark’ Nora… I am in hell.” Vern’s voice became more depressing as he continued. “I did fall by the hand of the Redemplar’s leader, Hjorn. I fell at his hand… after I had betrayed our village, Nora; I was the one who led them to our village.” Nora could not believe what she was hearing; she wanted her brother to be in front of her so she could hug him and tell him it was not his fault.
“The curse of the Redemplar has been placed upon me Nora, I, a Templar have betrayed. This is my punishment for what I have done. I and the rest of the redemplars are cursed to ransack the country of Faede, ridding its lands of the ‘holy warriors’ to redeem our souls.” The voice grew into a soft whisper. “I am not a murderer Nora, this I will not be able to do. If I do not follow the order of the Redemplars, I will be eternally burned in the flames of hell.
“I will not let that happen to you! You are a good man! Going against the Templar code or not, you had no choice!” Nora’s eyes filled with tears as she opened her eyes and began to run. “I should have let them take my life; the whole village would be fine if I just died there. Now… I am a monster”
“NO! You are not going to be tortured for eternity, Vern! Now that I know you are alive I am finally happy, for once in so many years I have something to look forward to…” Nora thinned her eyes as she stepped up to the cliff edge staring over the ocean of mountains and mist. “It is time.”
“I’m going to get you back Vern! I am not losing the only family I have left!” Staring into the distance strength was growing in her gut. The cold breeze swept her hair back, flowing like a torrent.
She could feel Vern listening to her thoughts. “You are the destiny child Nora, that star was created that day when I spoke to you. That star is birthed off of your aura. A part of your soul dwells within it. It will protect you. Destiny chose you for some reason Nora, as much as I want you to be safe within the village; I know that your heart will lead you to where you truly need to go. I will not stand up against it.” The echo faded and Vern was out of her head.
“What is the matter Nora? Are you alright?” The large wolf saw her smile and tears flowing down her cheeks. “We are going Fenrik; it is finally time for us to leave.” Nora sniffed and wiped her tears away with a laugh.
“Go where, cub?”
“... To hell.”
Chapter 4: In Secret **new**
The wind had picked up immensely since Nora had finished talking with the master a few hours back. She was now in her secret place. Atop the jagged mountain behind the village, the face could only be climbed by the most skilled at rock climbing. Nora’s father had taught her a little when she was little, after Aldred took her in; he continued to teach her more strenuous methods, advancing her skills within the mountains as well as survival in the forests.
Nora stood up after resting her sore arms from the climb up. Gazing over the land that could be seen from this incredible height. The mountains seemed like a rippling ocean in the distance, the tree’s like water droplets. The wind pulled the mist along the distant mountains acting like waves of mystery engulfing all that it touched.
This was her favourite spot that she has found. High above the world, she could see everything for miles and miles around her. She felt free here. She unraveled her arms from around her and stretched out, opening herself to the powerful breeze and the world before her. Fenrik stepped up beside her and let out a long echoing howl as the two stood there in harmony.
“Look at the world, Fenrik. How could this not make you want to see what lies beyond.” Her eyes twinkled as the wind pulled a tear from her cheek.
“I see it human cub, but I do not see what lies within it. I do want to go with you child but I fear what may happen to you, I fear the both of us splitting up, I fear you being taken away from me.” Fenrik unlocked eyes with Nora and stared back at the world.
“Come on Fenrik; let’s not riddle ourselves with this negative thinking. We are high up atop the world like kings. Let us train! There are many things that Kael had helped me with the ‘special training’.” Nora raced to the center of the mountain-top which was laced with vines and moss. Fenrik was always curious about the strange symbols that lie beneath them carved into the stone. He had spotted those years back when they had come to this place for the first time.
Catching up to Nora he saw the excitement on her face and his intrigue grew. “Okay you have me interested, let’s see what you have learned.” The wolf sat on the stone ground and watched her intently.
“Okay, here it goes” She had her palms curved and angled to each other as if she was holding an invisible sphere. Closing her eyes silence became them both. She was focusing on reaching deep into her inner being to find her true conscience. Kael had told her that every being has their ‘true self’. The part of someone where their true will, emotions and judgement lies; covered up over time by outer influence and corruption.
“Nora!” Echoed a soft voice in her head. She opened her eyes to see Fenrik looking at her in amazement. Looking down she saw the thin layer of blue flame caress around her forearms.
The flame was dim and moved so slow it was as if time broke off from its course. Looking up and realizing time was moving fine, she closed her eyes once again and meditated stationary. There in the blackness of her mind she could feel her real emotions start to flow like a waterfall over her body. How she always loved the idea of adventure, seeing her father return from his expeditions and giving him the warmest of greetings, the want to be held by a man while looking into each others eyes and feeling true love, as well as playing with her older broth…
“NORA!!!” An echoing cry seemed to come from all around her. As she opened her eyes she saw nothing but darkness. Whipping herself around, nothing changed. She was trapped in a world of blackness.
“I know you can hear me Nora, I have been watching you and now you have finally accepted me.” The voice continued to echo in sync from all directions. She felt a hot spur of air at the back of her neck and whipped blindly around to face it.
In front of her projected four enormous eyes, two rows of vertically parallel red eyes stared her down. She had felt utterly insane as she launched herself backwards and landed on nothingness staring hopelessly at the figure before her. “Won’t you let me play?” An enormous grin fed across the blackness showing dozens of jagged teeth.
Nora knew what this was that projected in front of her. Kael had said that there was also darkness inside every being that manifested their weaknesses, their fears, pain and haunted memories. He had told her that it was the ‘darkness’ that was the true enemy of nen. Nen is the energy that connects everything together, as well as the darkness itself. Wherever there is light, darkness will try to grow inside of it and attempt to consume it.
“Your memories are filled with pain and tragedy princess, let me play! I can eat all of it away and make us a new past.” The voice echoed once again. The eyes and grin enlarged as an enormous tongue unfolded from the jagged abyss licking its lips.
“I know what you are darkness! And I know what you are trying to do. Try all you want you will not be able to make me insane. I have haunted memories, I know, but they have not made me weak. I have accepted my past and will move on to the great adventures of the future.” Nora paused at a phase that the voice used.
“Why did you call me princess?” She hoped there was more meaning behind this than just a phrase, hoping it was connected to her destiny somehow.
The eyes suddenly glared furiously at her, closed, and when they opened again there were thousands surrounding her from all around. “I am not darkness princess, I AM PUPPET! And Puppet is YOUR DARKNESS!” The mouth in the blackness opened wide and let out a screech so loud and terrifying it shook her bones from the inside.
“I call you PRINCESS! Because I am your KING! You are my predecessor and when I am through with you, you shall be PUPPET!” The enormous mouth opened again showing its saw blade teeth and wide tongue. Reaching forward, it bellowed ferociously and swallowed Nora whole.
Nora instantly shot her eyes open to see that the flame she had created before had engulfed her whole body and flowed across the stone beneath her. The flame was now bright blue and at the stage of a roaring inferno. Panicking she glanced around and saw Fenrik in the middle of her blaze.
“What is going on Nora? What kind of flame is this? He raised his paws and saw that no harm was coming upon him from this flurry.
“I… I don’t know Fenrik, I just had a dream that…” Nora suddenly felt as if she was going to collapse, catching herself off balance she fell to the stone. She law there for only a second as she left herself beginning to rise.
She was levitating above the stone, still in the middle of an enormous bright blue flurry of flames licking the air and the stone. Looking down at her arms again, she noticed that the flames were eating away the vines that were below her. “Fenrik look!” She pointed and gazed in amazement as the ashes of the vines blew away, revealing a magical seal carved in the stone below her. She was floating right above its center. The circle began to light up, neon blue light crept along the ring until it was all completely lit. As the entire seal was lit; the diameter of the circle exploded upwards with blue light encasing Nora in its center, the blue energy shot straight up into the sky as far as the stars.
All Nora could see around her was bright blue light as she felt overpowered with tremendous energy. The feeling of a god, as if she was able to move continents by just looking them down. Thoughts of greatness and fear mixed together she had no idea what to do: she could not even move her limbs.
“Nora.” A voice so familiar and calming grasped her soul, she felt much more relaxed and at peace to hear a voice that was so long forgotten. It has been so long that she had forgotten what her brother’s voice sounded like. It made her extremely happy to hear it again… even if it was just a memory.
“Nora, can you hear me?” Nora jumped when she heard it a second time, much more clear this time. Whipping around with her tired head she could see nothing but blue buzzing around her head.
“Vern…” Nora questioned softly. And then everything went black.
Chapter 3: Power of Soul
The courtyard was soon filled with students of the academy. All of them eager to learn what was spoken of higher than all the subjects combined. “Is everyone here to start the lesson?” The master finished his body count, pulling his hands from his coat he turned around to the stone wall at his rear.
This stone wall was about twelve feet wide and eighteen feet tall, a waterfall running right down its center. With the master’s hand raised to the waterfall; a yellow magic circle began to write itself upon the wet stone, revealing what was beyond. Behind the waterfall was a staircase leading underground. “Follow me everyone. And do not forget to watch yourselves; Giants and Behlisans! Some student chuckled as they started making their way into the wide entrance and descent into darkness.
Torches were held by a few students down the ranks of the line. The staircase seemed to go on forever. Anxiety in the group started to grow as a few needed to stop and give their sore legs a rest. Not too long after that the few in front including Nora reached the bottom of the tunnel and into an enormous ruin temple. The size of a small valley on its own filled with light, forests, animals, lakes and hills. “And this is supposed to be a ruined temple?” A Kelkian gazed in awe.
“If you all thought the front door was nice…” A Minotaur threw his arm around his girlfriend and they all stared at the beauty before them in this mysterious new world.
The whole class was now at the base of the tunnel. Before they could all take in what was around them. A voice shattered the silence. “This temple was the very birthplace of ‘The Court of Mountain Born’; the court may have been established in Adelaar, our capital. But here underneath the village of Cheveyo is where the forefathers of our court first gathered and agreed on the contract. They later on created Adelaar as the capital, building the enormous stone eagle that towers over the whole city. The village of Cheveyo; meaning the bear, used to be the symbol of ‘The Court of Mountain Born’.” The master turned to the luscious vision before him, refilled with the memories of this sacred place.
“It was the eagle they had chosen to represent because of its nature. Soaring high above our people with eyes filled with protection, and with the infliction of fear to all that oppose us. Untouchable in our mountain height. The guardian that flies above any other.” Turning back again to the students he gave a satisfactory and proud grin.
“What I am going to teach you all is something that is completely different from anything that any of you have learned here at the academy before. Some of you have probably heard of it and a few of you have learned a thing or two outside here.” The master pulled over his hood and with outstretched arms he yelled. “Harume”.
As the echo of the word travelled within the ruin; a blue crest began to illuminate on his breast as threads of blue whisked along and off his body. When the threads stood static; blue energy illuminated between them creating an ethereal armor around the Ancient’s body. “This is the power of Nen my students.” He cried over the loud thundering of its massive power.
“Nen comes from the energy that lies within us, encircles us and connects life itself as it does the elements. Nen is something that is not gained through skill and practice alone, but from learning, understanding and accepting about oneself as well as overcoming ones limitations.” The master put his hands together and slowly separated them. Forging a spinning sphere between his palms, growing larger the farther he had them apart.
“The ethereal armor around my body is a reinforcement type nen ability. There are six different categories of nen; reinforcement, emission, materialization, manipulation, transformation and specialization.” The master took the time to show the students an example of each, leaving the students in awe by summoning ethereal beasts before them and creating water out of nothing.
“The reinforcement category is the focus of nen to increase ones aura strength for greater physical and ethereal capabilities. One can increase the size of the aura around their fist making their attack a much larger one. As well as increasing their defense like I had done with armor. Emission is the separation of aura from ones own. A projectile category that ‘emits’ and separates energy from the aura.” The ancient looked pleased by the excited faces surrounding him.
“The creation of an object out of nothing is a perfect example of materialization. Manipulation involves manipulating objects with ones conscious, reading ones thoughts and other telekinetic styles. Transformation is a unique one of its own; this is the shape shifting of ones aura. The components of ones aura can represent that of an element or etc., as well as transform ones aura in the shape of an ethereal dragon with themselves protected at the center.” The ancient stretched his hand high and called another word in an ancient language as his aura stretched and exploded into an ethereal dragon, surrounding him with outrageous thundering power.
The dragon’s mind and actions seemed to be connected to the master’s, this was the reason why Nora did not fear it. Never in her life had she seen anything quite like this and she could feel her body start to numb. “There is power like this in the world? I would have never imagined anything like this.” Nora pushed through the students standing rigid in amazement to reach the front.
“So, you are going to teach us this magic?” Cried one of the centaurs in the back. Everyone stopped and listened for the master’s reply hoping it was true.
“There is very little I can teach you my students. The nen courses through all things with life. For you to gain access to its power, you all first need to gain access to yourselves. Search deep for who you are, understand yourself and accept your faults with means to do better in the future. Those are things that I can not teach you. But I shall do my best to help guide the ones who need it.” The master looked at his watch, sighing.
“That is all the time for today. Academy dismissed.” The students followed the ancient back up the staircase and out into the courtyard.
“Man, the walk down the tunnel took up most of the lesson time.” A few students were grumbling as they walked by the master, sitting on a bench underneath a gazebo coated with aged vines.
Nora had so many questions she wanted to ask him. How would she overcome the restrictions she has put on herself over time as well as find who she really is. It did not sound as easy as it did in the ruins. Walking over to the master he noticed Nora and invited her to sit.
“I have questions for you master. I know you have explained already, but…” Nora turned her head away embarrassed, she sounded ridiculous to ask something that he already put so simply.
“Please, call my Kael.” He looked up at her frustrated by being taken away from his book. Realizing right away how rude he had just been, he too felt embarrassed.
“Do not turn your head away from me Nora I am sorry, there are no bad questions. Here let us take a walk I will try to help as much as I can.” The two smiled at each other, stood up and they walked in deep conversion with the enormous stone bear towering the village watching over them.
Chapter 2: The Present
“VERN!” Throwing herself up out of bed knocking her forehead on the wood bunk above her’s. “Another dream about that night?” Nora mumbled to herself tiredly as she rubbed her sore spot.
“Aldred! Are you still here?” She slipped pulled on a shirt and slipped into her sweats fumbling for her hair ties. “Aldred?” Calling again while fumbling with her hair. She walked down the staircase and into the kitchen. On the fridge a knife was plunged into the note left for her.
Pulling the knife out she read: “Nora, I have left for the shop early this morning to finish the chief’s last three orders on time… I don’t see how I am going to manage this. I will see you at eight tonight late again… I am hoping to expect dinner by then my dear. PS: Don’t forget your classes at the academy. Sincerely: Aldred.” Putting down the note with an irritable sigh she reached into the fridge pulling out condiments to prepare for dinner early, for extra practice time after her classes.
She held the knife with her fingertips and flipped it around her thumb, catching it with a grasp. Feeling as though she was being watched, she warily looking around her and soon realized who it was and laughed.
“We are going to the secret place today Fenrik, you know what that means don’t you?” Turning her head to the black wolf kneeling atop the counter behind her. It looked deep into her eyes, growled, wound up its hind legs and pounced.
The black wolf tackled the young woman to the ground. “Stop, stop it Fenrik.” She laughed as the wolf began to lick her face, still pinning her to the ground. She suddenly pushed up with all her might and grasping the wolf around the waist, with her arms she overthrew the powerful animal and turned it onto its back. The wolf looked up at her and laughed.
“You are growing stronger human cub, this village and my teachings will make you a warrior yet.” Pushing up with all fours; the large wolf shook himself off and looked out the window. Nora looked up at Fenrik with great pride. Fenrik had befriended her after the Redemplars had rushed and burned the village thirteen years ago. She had been eight at the time and Fenrik only five months. After her and her brother’s father had fallen that night; Nora was under an overhang in their meeting spot by the gorge soaked in blood and tears. When out of no where a young and shy black wolf came out of no where and lay down next to her keeping her warm. Their relationship has only grown since then.
“Don’t you think we should be heading to the academy Nora? It is almost time for the game of the omega’s what you humans call ‘combat’.” He smiled up at her and she knew, but loved her friend’s sarcasm. “You’re right Fenrik! Let’s go ‘play’.” They both laughed and raced out the door.
Grabbing her coat she turned realising she had forgotten her knife. Running back into the kitchen she grasped the knife and smiled to herself. “As long as Aldred doesn’t find out I have been ‘to the secret spot’ I wont have to put up with his fiery tongue. An anger issue no one wants to sit and bore to.” She thought as she hurried after Fenrik.
Because Fenrik is not part of the W.A.A. (The Warriors and Adventurers Academy) he sits outside and waits for Nora to finish lessons. Fenrik could have joined because the academy is for anyone who has a beating heart… not counting undead (they are still permitted) the point is: Anyone is free to join the W.A.A. as long as they have no intentions to misuse the rules of the academy, harm classmates or usage of the abilities and/ or knowledge learned inside the academy outside academy grounds, unless allowed to do so.
Nora was an exceeding student of the academy but had a tendency to misuse the rules. Not majorly but enough to get on the board of directors nerves. “Take a seat fellow warriors and adventurers.” The voice echoed along the large walls of the stone and wood finish room.
Not everyone sat down on cue but the master has been teaching for many years and knew that nothing could be done to change a child from who they are. The academy was not just full of children and teenagers; there were filled with races of all kinds and races of all sizes and ages. Giants and Behlisans usually sat in the back with the most height, when the Amoebaean, the Yumi and the Dwarves sat in the front.
The Centaurs could not sit in chairs so they lay before the stage or in the walking aisles. Having so much variety in the academies are sometimes difficult because of the oppositions and wars between the eleven courts within Faede.
Each court owning extremely large landmass acting like countries or provinces within a continent. There are the courts that are allied, and then there are the courts that are opposing each other. Some of the students take those oppositions between themselves and their ‘ancestors’ courts. You see, each court has its forefathers that initially created the court.
The first generations of a few different races came together and created a unity and a pact that they would never war with each other. They created a court that signified not the area that they were within, but a symbolic meaning. The Court of the Endless Plains par-say was the first court to ever be created and was created by the first generations of the; Giants, Dwarves, Ou Harums, Druids, Minotaurs and Hawklytes. They united into a court but when generations passed; the races of the forefathers that created the courts chose to join other courts.
Allied and Opposing courts of the ones that their forefathers created. But time moves on. Now, the courts still belong to the ancients (forefathers) that created the courts themselves. But other races previously belonging to others joined and fought beside different courts, and then a new world was created.
One that did not matter what race you were, you could fight beside and under any court of your choice. The world grew to accept this and now there is barely any who stand against it. The master finished reading his book and looked up at the class. Nora’s head was leaned forward and laying on her hands. Thinking about when they are going to start the new combat training that the masters have been speaking so highly about. A loud crack was heard and all the students raised their heads.
The master’s book was now closed and he was looking straight at Nora. Suddenly as if he had read her mind, his voice boomed through the room. “I have been reading over in my mind the new subject us masters have been speaking about. And I believe it is about time we move right into it, today!” The whole room was filled with chatter of excitement as the master winked and grinned at Nora.
“Let us break for lunch class, when the bell tolls we will all meet in the court yard.” The master turned and tottled away. “Dismissed”.
“Fenrik!” Nora came running towards her friend, awakening him from his nap. “What is it human cub, are you out already?” Nora dropped to her knees beside him excited like a child. “The master of our class is going to teach us the new subject Fenrik, like he said he would before. I was starting to doubt it because of the negative discussions about it between all the masters. It was strange though… it was like he took the words right out of my head.” The girl sat in deep thought.
“Well, he is an ‘Ancient’, child, he has learned a lot through his lifetime. He is said to have lived five-hundred years, since an Ancient’s blood and organs can not falter over old age he has probably overcome telekinesis." She looked with even greater excitement and a smile crept over her face in wonder about the mysterious race of the Ancients.
“I wonder if I will ever meet another Ancient on my travels across the country Fenrik?” The wolf turned to her and laughed. “Are you still thinking about that? What would make you want to travel so far, what would you be looking for? Such a large world out there of death, mystery and war… it isn’t a place for a human cub like you.” Fenrik turned his head to the village eyeing Aldred’s smithing shop.
“You should listen to Aldred… for once and take over the shop when he’s gone.” He smirked and Nora grabbed him by the neck and rubbed his head with her fist. “Me? Blacksmithing? I don’t think so my good friend. Do you really think I could possibly do something without adventure and mystery? Besides it’s the world that I want to see.” She turned away and looked down.
“Fenrik, if I one day decide to finally go… you would come with me wouldn’t you?” The strong wolf turned to her with a smile.
“Of course I would Nora, I am nothing without you!” The large bell started to toll above the academy and Nora turned to Fenrik and smiled at him.
“I know you would.” Fenrik smiled back and watched her run up the steps to the academy. He lay his head upon his paws and chuckled.
“Of course I will human cub, it is up to time when you will be called.” He looked up to the sky with a feeling burning in his chest.
“Destiny will pick you up and carry you along the wind when you are ready.” The wolf lowered his head again and fell back into his sleep.
Chapter 1: The Past
The sun began to set in the high mountains distantly in the cool evening air. Shadows began to rise and dance in the light of the fire set before the camp upon the jagged rock height overlooking the distant fields and forests of the beautiful mountain lands. A dark figure loomed over the coalescent flames as they rose, beating on the night sky. Reaching for his goblet he watched his soldiers bodies sprawled across the cold stone ground watching the sky lights shine.
Tonight was the night of “the changing”, the time of the month where the Redemplars of ‘The Court of Infinite Darkness’ plunge their legions of fallen, traitorous Templars into villages and cities all around the country of Faede to force others to betray and to increase their armies even greater.
Templars which had fallen after betraying their faith or their loved ones. This is what makes a Redemplar, a being filled full of the will to redeem themselves for their traitorous actions when they were alive. But a Templar who becomes a Redemplar can never turn back for they are cursed by their own will, forcing them selves to live under the rules in hope to one day redeem themselves.
The dark figure turned to a chained man on his knees in the dancing shadows of the great flame. Coated in blood from wrists down, his cold stare disrupted his captor’s focus on plans at hand. A loud crack echoed through the night and the chained man fell forward with a jolt, now, lying in his own blood. A man with a straight thick closed helmet wielding a bloodied whip circled him, whispering to himself, planning. “Why don’t you just kill me?” Said the hostage sitting back up on his knees. “There has been no reason given for my head still being attached to my own neck. Nor why I am here in the first place.” There was a stir in the sleeping men as they began to arise from their sleep, awakened by one circling the fire chanting a melodic tune. The man by the fire stood up, towering high above the rest of them. Leaving his rifle and sword he stepped over to the bloody man and knelt his own eyes to his. “We are the Redemplars child.” A grin crept up the man’s face, glorified by the name his ancestors had given them all.
“You know who we are, don’t you? The stories told to children and men alike around fires. Fairy tales that creep in the shadows and sing through the forests.” A flickering red light landed upon the shoulder of the man, staring it down for a long period he looked back at the prisoner. “My seeker has told me about you child as well as your village. I know that in this village there are many of our old brothers, Templars. You are going to tell us where they sleep, child.” The prisoner’s eyes escaped the man’s; in fear that his seeker may know that he himself is of Templar blood. “I will never sell out my soul to you”. The prisoner spat at the man’s face. A solid strike landed the prisoner on his back as the redemplar struck his head with his boot and laid it upon the bloody man bolting him to the cold stone ground. “Listen boy, you will lead us to the Templars. Your father Dryll and little sister Nora will be even bloodier than you are now if you do not.” The Redemplar captain reached out and held the floating red light above his shoulder as the cold breath in his lungs released, making the cold air fear him of his power.
Dropping his palm to the prisoner’s face: when his eyes had met with the light, magic and life exploded inside of its form. “You see child, I hear all that is and what is to happen, but to where and when it happens I am blind. You tell me where your insignificant putrid incandescent village is and by my word I will not harm your family and the single Templar that stands before me.” The redemplar eyes stared into the man’s soul like a trance of ice and the prisoner sat staring back at him, both in fear and anger.
After a well pronounced period of time the man got up on his feet, staring down at the ground in sheer pain. “I will.” Was all he said lifting his wrists to the large grinning figure in front of him. “Of course you will child, what else are you to do under a moon tainted with our ancestor’s pain. The man turned arms outstretched towards the moon illuminated in the cold night sky. “Move men, we leave now!” Left and right soldiers threw on their thick tattered armor and held their weapons high. The prisoner was unshackled and hurled towards a horse. “Now lead my child, lead us into battle my dear, dear Templar”.
The roar of horses, rhino’s and wolves trampling over the cold earth could be heard louder and louder in the village as the man who was just held by their pursuers returned. “The redemplars are here! Run, everyone grab your families and run to the forests!” The man burst into his home grabbing his armor from the dresser. He turned to see his little sister curled to the railing of the spiraling staircase, tears flowing down her face like rivers. “Nora, quickly wake up your father!” He demanded as he struggled his armor on to himself.
Placing his helmet upon his head he thundered up the stairs past his father and sister. “What is happening out there my son? What is that hellish noise?” The man’s little sister grasped her fathers side wiping her tears.
“What is going to happen to us Vern? Are you alright?” She was scanning his bruised and bloodied body from head to toe as she gripped her father’s side harder. Her father was looking out the window to the hills where hundreds of torches suddenly appeared. The old man looked back at his son. With sad eyes he knew what he was thinking and gave a nod. “We must go Nora, your brother needs to fight for his people. They are here for the Templars, not us.” The old man looked back at his son with strong eyes.
“Do not even think about letting your people down. The Templar blood comes from your mother’s side and that will give you strength, fight for your fellow Templars my son. We will meet you under the gorge in two days time. If you do not come…” The father’s eyes began to tear as his son embraced his father with his strong arms.
Sadness had filled the young man's eyes, not just with the thought of leaving his family but also with what his father said about letting his fellow Templars down. Releasing his father he knelt down and hugged Nora. “I love you Nora. Everything is going to be alright.” He smiled at his little sister.
“When I see you again we are going to play like old times, just like I promised before. As well as teach you the sword. He looked up at his father and they smiled at each other.
“You better be coming back you hear.” His father wiped his eyes and the two ran into the dark hallway. Nora turned back to look at her big brother as he pulled his big, heavy sword from the wall hang. He turned back to her smiling and fell his helmet’s visor and whispered something almost faint to her ears. “We are family not by blood but by heart my sister. Never turn to the darkness that tells you everything is bonded by rules and what you see.” And he was gone… just as their attackers were upon them.