So glad I'm almost through with being sick. Will update again proper soon, I promise.
Squall_the_Stampede · Fri Oct 03, 2008 @ 11:08pm · 0 Comments |
I hate being sick. Hate it more than the devil himself, hate it more than idiot politicians, hate it more than devil may cry 3 on dante must die mode. But here I am, third day of coughing up horrifying looking things that would make a flan toss its cookies. So, if anyone has any helpful ideas for how to get rid of the fall hack and cough, let me know.
On a lighter note, I've been busy doing some alteration work to my personal electronics and have come up with some cool stuff, including utilizing lightrope to make theater lighting for my home theatre. Now all I need is a remote dimmer...
Squall_the_Stampede · Thu Oct 02, 2008 @ 05:31pm · 0 Comments |
The secret to a good relationship |
This is not a joke, please do try to take me seriously when I say that establishing a few ground rules is a very useful in helping to establish a long-term relationship. 1. Never get a bed larger than a queen, preferably a full. The closer you are, the more it promotes cuddling, sleeping close together, and overall well-being in the bedroom. 2. Don't argue over piddly things. Don't get your knickers in a twist about a decoration for the living room, and don't argue about the living room television. 3. Don't claim a space in the house as a no-spouse zone. Having a man-cave or a private office is one thing, but don't try to push your significant other out all the time. Spending time together in your partner's safety zone will give you a keener insight into their personality. 4. Find someone that you can respect and love for all of their qualities, both good and bad. If you get into a relationship to try to fix someone, you'll only end up either pushing them away, or getting hurt yourself. 5. For the love of God, sex isn't everything. You have to have more in common than compatible genitalia. Having a shared hobby is always a good thing. For example, my girlfriend and I play games together, mostly RPGs. She gets story and drama, I get fanservice. Ok, that's a lie. I cried when Aeris died, too. 6. Compromise is key. Find a good balance on major decisions, and don't be afraid to speak your mind. This way, everyone can get what they want. No harm, no foul, no sleeping on the couch. Honestly, that's all I can think of now, folks. Later.
Squall_the_Stampede · Thu Aug 14, 2008 @ 01:41am · 0 Comments |
As life had become incredibly hectic for me as soon as I returned home from school, and remained as such throughout the summer, my blog was left by the wayside. As such, I felt the need to catch folks up on what's going on in my life.
Just quit my job at Big Lots today, so that I can begin to pull everything together for my big move into my apartment (pics tomorrow). That was the major source of my lack of bloggery. I've watched a few movies over the summer, and will be putting up reviews over the next few days. I'll be seeing Death Race on Saturday, so expect a review for that as well. I've also been watching quite a few good animes, and one of them, even though I've not finished it yet, I feel the need to talk to you folks about it.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is the manliest, slickest, most balls-to-the-wall thing I've ever seen in anime. The smooth, visceral art is incredibly high-quality(as expected from Gainax, the same studio that brought us the unmatchable FLCL), and the characters are highly engaging. The story, though a touch generic, is given extra power by the flinging away of excessive drama in exchange for self-belief, willpower, and manliness. Though the series takes a dramatic turn around episode 9, it's fairly quickly replaced by more badassery. The series follows the exploits of Simon, a young driller living in a small underground village, in a world where no one lives on the surface for fear of Ganmen, hulking, brutal mechanical monsters. When a Ganmen falls into the village, Simon and his aniki(big brother figure) Kamina, activate a small Ganmen they found that wields a drill, which Kamina says truly suits Simon. Together with Yoko, a surface dwelling girl with a high-powered rifle, they take on the far larger opponent and win. Leaving the village behind, the trio sets out on the surface world to chart out their destiny and pierce the heavens. Their journey is slowed by more Ganmen, which they soon discover are not simply machines, but weapons piloted by a race known as the beastmen, ruled by one known only as Lord Genome, the Spiral King.
Watch it, you won't regret it.
Until next time.
Squall_the_Stampede · Fri Aug 08, 2008 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |
The new Zunes have dropped, along with a fresh fnew software and firware update. The software has to be pulled from the Zune site, but what all has changed. Is the Zune software effective for people who don't have the zune but want a different media player besides iTunes or Windows Media Player? I'll tell you all in good time, I promise.
1. The firmware. The new zune firmware(that being the software that drives the zune device) is very nicely streamlined and zmoothed down for over all sleekness and ease of use. But Squall, you ask, what if I was one of those so-called stupid early adopters? My friends tell me the iPods way better! Wah! Don't fret, my brave little adventurer. The firmware is not just for the new model zunes. Yes, that's right, the old modl 30 GB zunes will have the same firmware as the new zunes, as well as the removal of DRM tagging and the 3-day system, though you are still limited to three trial plays. Another nice new feature of the firmware is the ability to sync wirelessly if you have a wireless network on your syncing system. So sure, leave that Zune in the car. Get in range of your system, click on wireless, and the software will auto-sync to your zune. Nifty, yes? Also the wireless discovery range has been greatly extended in the new models thanks to a more powerful wi-fi antenna. Speaking of which, I suppose I shoulkd talk about the new models now. 2. New is coo. The new large model zune isn't quite so big, really. It weight less than the iPod video(the newest model), with a massive 3.2" LCD screen. Sporting video out, a glass screen(a lot tougher and harder to scratch than the plastic screens of the previous model) and a newly revamped control system. Using the play/pause and back button of the previous model, this new system also employs the squircle. What's a squircle, you ask? It's basically a square with rounded corners, but this new control is both tactile and push button, meaning that in addition to being touch sensitive this time round, it also has the d-pad functionality as well. The touch controlls are easy to use. Flick control seems to emulate the same basic type of functionality as the iPod touch or the iPhone. You simply slide up and down on the control pad to go up and down the list, or lightly press and hold up or down to speed scroll with more precision. Flicks right and left will switch between various menus. The 4 and 8 GB flash versions are also amazing to look at, coming in red, green, pink, and black. Ordering online through zuneoriginals.net gives you the option to customize the back of your flash zune (the 80 GB will be made available in December for customization) with a variety of laser-engraved artwork, a message up to four lines long, or a combination of art and text. Did I mention the improved battery life, as well as video functionality on the flash version? Oh, and that video and piuctures display in landscape mode? How abut prices that match the iPod's? Or a built in FM tuner on all models? It gets better when we move onto... 3. Software The new Zune software is easily summable in one word: Supa-freakin-awesome. Please hold arguments until after i'm done ranting. Starting with a stylized interface with completely customizable design which includes such items as background and organization. The interface is easy to use and won't require any reformatting of your Zune. It'll run a scan if you're upgrading to make sure all the files are okay, which takes a few minutes. Once you're done, feel free to toy around with the new clean interface. The equalizer bars that pop up next to the controls whenever you start playing a song? Click them to go into album art mode, where the music keeps playing with the current song info in the foreground, and all of your other album arts slowly transitioning through in the background, making up a wild-looking mosaic effect. The playlist, burning, and sync features have been simplified as well to where it's all drag and drop. 3 icons are now in the lower left-hand corner. One's your Zune, the next is a disc, and the third, a page. Drag to Zune to quick-sync a single or group of files. Drag to Cd to start building a burn list, or drag the CD to a playlist to sync all songs from the album to that playlist. Drag and drop to the page to add to a playlist. But what good is a music program with a... 4. Music Store. Luckily, the Zune Marketplace has also undergone a major rework, with over 3 million songs available for download, zunecasts(just like podcasts), songs for .79 cents each, and get this! An unlimited download option for only 14.99 a month. And this is enhanced further by the conrnerstone of the Zune system... 5. Welcome to the social. From sharing music to sharing pics, the Zune has made some considerable steps forward for bringing people together. With the new Zune Social site, it just got better. Give your Live ID or a hotmail address and you can access the Zune Card system. This little flash gadget also acts as a gathering point for people interested in what you're rocking out to at the moment, and if the song is in the Zune marketplace, it can even give the option to people to go and buy the song, add it to their own faves list, sens a link to a friend to come check out the track, and even stream the track for anyone's listening enjoyment! In addition to that, there's a rather impressive number of websites committed to the keeping the social alive, with a rather impressive majority of them being intelligent and highly helpful. I won't tell you that the iPod is the worst idea ever, seeing as how it's made many advances in the field of portable electronics. However, after seeing so many problems with the iPods, particularly among people who use Windows, I have to ask: Are you ready to come to the social? Peace.
Squall_the_Stampede · Tue Nov 13, 2007 @ 09:49pm · 0 Comments |
Wassup peeps? Countdown to school is initiating in my neck of the woods, so I thought I might give you playas some insight into my life. 19 years old, 6'0", blue-green eyes, mussed brown hair, and lightly tanned skin, though I am sort of pale. I'm a tech savvy hard rocker with a love for the music of the 80's and for anything that's high tech and cool looking. I build computers as a side job, and worked for a grocery store until I quit to pursue my higher education. I am a certified computer technician who sidelines as an dj technician under the pseudonym MC HARDdrive (Note for Amira K: MC is short for Master of ceremonies, meaning usually the announcer or spokesperson for the event. In this case, I freestyle on the turntables occasionally and mostly just rock all over the place, though the term has also been used as part of rapper's names, such as MC hammer, and MC frontalot). Between the parties, crappy day job, and generalized mayhem, I'm really looking forward to a normalized schedule with classes and a job and homework. Mayhem must be structured, you know. Peace out.
Squall_the_Stampede · Mon Jul 30, 2007 @ 07:30pm · 0 Comments |
Yippie kai yay, motherF******* |
Life's been pretty messed up since I last posted, though I can't believe it's already been over a year. I'll go on ahead and bring everyone up to speed on everything that's happened since that last post. Dumped girl from last post, turned out to be a cash leech. Got smashes after breakup due to remorse, first and last time I've done it so far. Dated 2 exes and 3 new girls, none of which lasted longer than a month. Got a bitchin' new sound system for christmas to go in my shiny shiny car. Graduated from high school. Got upgraded to being a produce clerk at my lousy job. Got a great new girlfriend who actually is into me for who I am, and doesn't treat me like a f***ing purse, some sort of accessory or fashion statement. Gained, lost, then regained 10 pounds, in fat, fat, and muscle, respectively. Broke a guy's face in front of a Starbuck's for slapping my current girl's backside(that's my job, asswipe.) Nearly got arrested for face breakage, then got away since he was on probation for a previous sexual assault charge. We got broken into. They took my PC, my mom's monitor, and a system I'd been building for a client, along with my brand new laptop. Also took lots of jewelry, and my dad's cologne. Got accepted at Ole Miss. Best friend got accepted at a Florida college. Putting in my 2 weeks' notice today. So yeah, I'll actually start posting again, now.
Free at last from the imprisoning gray-walled confines of DCHS, I am finally free to pursue my Gaia-related endeavors again. I suppose I should update you folks on what's happened in the last few months. 1. lost girlfriend of two years, ended up with a girl who had a crush on me for the last three. We're still going out and very happy together.
 That's us at the school prom. 2. Quit smoking. 3. Passed my IC3 certification tests, making me a fully certified computer technician. 4. Cried about the pricetag on the PS3. So I've had some ups and downs, but now I'm back and ready to rock and roll and whatever the heck it is we do around here.
Squall_the_Stampede · Tue May 30, 2006 @ 03:35pm · 1 Comments |