I can be deep at times though oddly enough those brief moments of enlightenment when suddenly everything in the world makes sense come at times when I am at my personal lows. Thus these are the thoughts from a creature seeped in darkness.
My Avi [Art]
Basically, where I'm storing all avi art I've ever received. Most of these were freebies, and some are drawn by me.
This is also a good way to go back and see how my avi's changed over time. 3nodding
1st - Long red hair smile By others:[x][x] By me:[x]
2nd -Similar, but with short red hair By others:[x][x] By me:[x]
I'm using this as a place to store the links to all the avi art samples I have, just to make organizing an art shop in the future easier, if I ever decide to start one up.