On the outskirts of the Oasis laid a small village of Hagi. In this small village a young, lonely Shakaiyo female was in labor with a pup. She was having so many problems trying to give birth to this miracle of a child. Earlier that year her mate went off to war and when the other males came back, he was nowhere to be found for he was killed. They say he ended fighting and killed many Shakaiyos as he took his last breath, but never got the change to know he was going to be a dad. She always blamed herself saying, “If only I told him, then maybe he would been more carful.” But even if she did tell him, she was sure it would have ended the same. So here was this female pregnant with his baby all alone trying to get birth to him. Finally in one last push her newborn came out but to only end her life. The newborn laid at his dead mothers feet cry his lungs out to the new world. The first few hours of his life, he was alone and starving and with out love.
The leader of the village happened to be running by for his wife was having pups of her own, when he heard crying. This noise flung him to a stop and turned his head to the crying echo. His ears perked up as he quickly fallowed the newborn’s cries until he could see him and his dead mother. The leader had to turn his head for it was such a sad sight seeing the pup trying to wake his mother. The light green pup with brown and white markings pawed at his mother trying to get his mom to turn over so he could drink her milk, but there was no way she could.
“Poor thing, come here.” She leader spoke gently as he walked over to the baby. He gently looked at the newborn and pawed his head softly. With the touch of the leader the boy looked up at him with his bright green eyes that pierced his soul. Once the leader saw those eyes he knew he had to take him, it was love at first sight. He bent down slowly and picked of the boy in his mouth, trying not to hurt him. The leader then carefully trotted off with the baby hanging from his mouth, swinging back and forth. The movement for being carried quickly casted a sleeping spell on the boy that let him sleep peacefully.
“Chiyo, Chiyo”, the leader mumbled trying to call his mate with the baby in his mouth.”
“What is it, Shiro?” Chiyo asked as she totted over to him. Then she saw the baby hanging from his mouth and a snarl left her lips. “What is that?” she asked irritated.
He gently laid the boy down and looked up at his mate, Chiyo. “It is a baby, can’t you tell? I fond him alone” Shiro paused for a second, and then continued. “Well, his mother was there but she was dead.” He said sadly.
“Oh, I see” she said trying to sound concerned. “Why did you bring him here though? You know we are having a child of our own.” She added.
“I know that, that’s the reason why brought him. We are already prepared for a baby so one more wont hurt. Plus what was I supposed to do? Leave him there to die?” he snarled.
“You right, I am sorry” she said noticing her mate getting mad. “Well, what are we going to call him?” she added
“I was thinking of Kazumi,” he said smiling down at the newborn.
That night the three of them slept soundly now with the new member, Kazumi who sleeping by Shiro’s side. The next morning before the sun had a chance to wake up both Shiro and Kazumi where waken by Chiyo’s screams. Chiyo was starting a give birth to her newborn and was yelling in pain. Shiro ran around is a daze trying to get things she needed and Kazumi as well. Lucky, the midwife came running when she heard Chiyo’s screams. She quickly rushed Shiro out of the room as she began helping his mate. Shiro held Kazumi in his mouth and rocked him back and forth so he could fall back asleep, but with Chiyo yelling it was impossible. Kazumi lay in his fathers paw crying his lungs out which didn’t help Shiro any but finely Kuzumi feel asleep from tiring himself out from the crying. The lack of crying for the other room did make Shiro worry though. He hoped that their first-born child would be ok as he rocked his paws nervously.
Hours gone by with nothing but screams from Chiyo, then suddenly just as it started it grew quit. Shiro could hear faint sounds of crying but it wasn’t from the newborn but from his mate. Shiro stood up quickly and was about to run into to the room when Chiyo ran past him, knocking him other. All he could see was a lifeless baby dangling from her mouth as she ran out of sight. The midwife ran out of the room but it was to late she was gone.
Shiro turned angrily to her “What happened? Tell me how!” he shouted.
“Th-th-the baby was born dead and she couldn’t except it. She went crazy and took the baby girl and ran away.” She said sadly.
“How, how can this be?” He said stunned with the pain of the dead of his young one. He held Kuzumi close as his paw, which shook with pain.
Chiyo ran as fast she could with her dead pup in her moth, she was determined to somehow bring her back to life. On the outskirts of the village Hagi was a giant mountain where they say a demon lived. She knew that demons could bring back the dead and she prayed he would. Rumors had it that this demon was very mean but had a soft spot of beautiful things and Chiyo hoped to use that. She finally stood in front of the entrance to his den and took a long deep breath before entering. She slowly walked down the long shaft; the smell of mildew tickled her nose the further she walked in. Chiyo started to think it was hopeless until she could hear a deep rough voice. “That one step closer and I will kill you.” Is said coldly. She knew she has found the great demon, Rio and it was now or never.
“Hello, my name is Chiyo and this on is Ima” she started as she laid down the lifeless pup. “She hadn’t even been able to start any part of her life yet, so I beg you. Please bring her back to me, let her live her life.” Chiyo said as she started to cry.
The demon would have killed her right here and there but Chiyo was beautiful and the lifeless pup did break his heart. Rio just sighed and spoke. “I will bring her back to life but when she turns into adult I will come to take her as my bride. “
Chiyo would of said anything to get her pup back and she fingered he would forget by then so she finally agreed to Rio’s terms.
Suddenly Rio appeared in front of her. Even with his giant wings and horns he looked quite handsome. He had black fur with orange tribal markings all over him but his bright baby blue eye is what stood out the most. They seemed to be able to see the afterlife as well as this one, as they looked upon her. With his right claw he dug into his chest to pull out his demon heart. Rio then cut it in two and placed half of it back into his chest and the other into the young baby. Once his craw was removed from the female pup called Ima, life was brought into her. Her eyes shout open and she stared to cry for her mother. Rio gently placed her next to her mother and spoke one last time. “The night she becomes an adult I will come for her.” And with that he vanished as fast as he appeared.
Chiyo ‘s tears started to flow even more as she laid her eyes on her now alive pup crying for her. She nuzzled Ima so loving and gently before picking her up and returned home. Shiro waited for her anxiously, walking back and forth by there home. Suddenly he could see her walking back to the house with Ima in her mouth. Shiro rushed over and by surprised there baby was alive and well. Being a bit confused he looked up at his mate and spoke, “what happened I thought she was dead and where did you go?”
Chiyo put the pup down which was now asleep and responded “She is alive and always been alive. I took her to the rive so I could clean her up.”
Shiro eagerly wanting to believe his mate so he just nodded and picked up his baby girl and took her inside to meet her brother Kazumi.
A few years gone by and the two pup grew up as brother and sister and where really close to each other. This of course angered Chiyo who wanted her daughter to have nothing to do with Kazumi. She hated how he belonged to a lower class female and found him being called Ima’s brother an insult. If it was up to her, Kazumi wouldn’t be under her roof but her mate loved him so there was nothing she could do. One time Kazumi called Chiyo mom and she almost killed him for that remark. Luckily Shiro was there and was able to saved his life once again. But what made Chiyo even angrier was how the villagers would always crowed around Kazumi saying how beautiful he was, a true miracle. Everyone envied over his bright green eyes that no one as ever seen before. They went with his mint green fur and the brown and white markings just accented it even more, a true beauty he was.
While his sister was made up of darker colors, Ima’s fur was black and had purple markings along with purple eyes. She was beautiful as well but with Kazumi always by her side, she just looked like a plain Jain. Ima didn’t get much attention but that was fine with her since she mainly wanted to do was play. Even though Kazumi was beautiful not everyone loved him. A lot of the boy pups from the village would always pick on him for looking so girly. But during this time Ima would stand up for him and end up getting in fights over it. Kazumi rather be picked on then fight, he just wasn’t a violent type. But if they placed a paw on Ima, Kazumi would tackle them, biting hard. He didn’t care if it was him who got hurt as long it wasn’t his sister, he really did love her. They even would joke around saying when they where older they would get married and of course this made Chiyo grow with hatred. She started to plot to get them apart from one another, but little did she know she didn’t need to plot for that part.
More years have gone by and Kazumi was finally a teenager. If you thought he was beautiful as a child you should see him now, he was gorgeous. With his almost adult build, it just added to his pale green fur and make him stand out even more. With every good comes bad to counteract it, Ima and Kazumi had grown apart and where no long close. Ima grew very jealous of Kazumi from the attention he got. It seem he was all the villagers could talk about and she had just fated in the background. She wasn’t known as Ima but as Kazumi’s sister. If that wasn’t bad enough Shiro was growing old and sick, many thought he wouldn’t make it much longer. Chiyo was worried over losing her mate but even more so, who he was going to name as the next leader. She knew he would pick Kazumi over Ima and it angry her. She couldn’t understand why he would pick a lower class male then his own blood daughter. Chiyo was right though, Shiro was planning to name Kazumi as the new leader due to his kind gentle heart. Ima on the other hand had darkness and hatred in her heart, due to her jealousy and the origin of her heart. Shiro knew that Kazumi would be a great leader, but it is funny how things never work out as plan.
On the night where the moon was the fullest Shiro planed on naming the next leader so the whole village would know. Before the ceremony started he called for Chiyo to tell her first before everyone else. Once the words Kazumi came from his lips she went mead. In her mind there was only one thing she could do, kill Shiro. She gave him a death kiss, where she wraps her mouth around Shiro’s muzzle perverting him to breath. He went down so easily to, even with out a fight. Tears starting to flow from Chiyo’s eyes due do what she just did; she murdered her one true love. Her heart seemed to even grow darken without Shiro to purify it. When Ima and Kazumi heard Chiyo’s crying they rushed in to see her holding Shiro. They both bust into tears as they saw him lying there dead.
The next day Chiyo announced to everyone that before Shiro died he told her who was named the next leader. That night Ima was named the new leader by her mother but she wasn’t allowed to start her ruling until she became an adult. Until that time Chiyo would be the temporary leader. The village celebrated and even Kazumi was happy for his sister but that didn’t last long. Chiyo’s first order she did as leader was make Kazumi Ima’s personal servant. She wanted to humiliate him and return him to back to his rightful class. Ima was pleased with this too, so now she will be know for being her and not Kazumi’s sister. He now had to live in a small shake near Ima’s room but never in the house it’s self. Kazumi had to do what every Ima said no matter what, if he didn’t Chiyo would sentence him to death. Even with these new horrors happening to him he never once blamed them and still loved them unconditionally.
Ima gladly took this for granted and would always made him do embarrassing things, like caring her on his back threw the village. Everyone would point and laugh at him and even threw rocks. The beauty of the village now was turned into the outcast. But one day Ima fell in love, he was a hansom Shakaiyo with white and blue colors. It was love at first sight on her part. On the day of a Solar Eclipse she grew enough strength to tell him how she felt. She slowly walked up to him and said “Hajime, I am in love with you. Please be with me”
This indeed came to a surprised to him, he was honored but he couldn’t accept her feelings. “I am sorry but I am in love with someone else” he explain.
“What? Who is it?” Ami demanded
He signed softly and looked into her eyes, “It is Kazumi”
Her mouth dropped when he spoke the name of her ex brother. “Kazumi, why him?” She demanded, “He is nothing but a servant while I will be leader. So tell me why”
“His eyes, I feel in love once I saw those amazing eyes” he told her
“O-oh I see, I am sorry to bother you.” She managed to say as he ran away crying. As Ima ran to her home the Solar Eclipse started to begin with the earths shadow seeming to fallow her. Kazumi was waiting in his shack where he called home, waiting for Ima’s return. In the distance he could see her and knew something was wrong. He rushed over to her side only to see her crying. “What happened Ima? Are you hurt?” he asked worried as he nuzzled and hugged her.
Little did he know his present around her just made her pain even worst. She hated him so much and wanted him to suffer for taking away her love. As she sat there crying and plotting to get her revenge the earth’s shadow engulfed them, that’s when it hit her. “Kazumi, I know what you can do to make me feel better.” She said gently trying to hide her true plans.
“What tell me? I will do anything just tell me and it will be done” He said eagerly.
“I want you to look up at the Eclipse. I heard that it is the most beautiful sight anyone could see. Look at it and tell me if it is true.” She asked knowing it would forever blind him.
Kazumi would do anything she asked not because he is her servant but because he loved his sister. So with her wish he was well happy to grand not knowing the consequences. His bright green eyes looked up at the Eclipse, which’s beauty mind blown him. Suddenly sharp pain started to grow in her eyes and he quickly looked away screaming in pain. He held on to his face tightly crying and suffering for the overwhelming pain. Ima started to laugh at the fact her plan worked so perfectly. She then leaned down to the suffering Kazumi and spoke “That’s what you get for taking my love, Kazumi” she said giggling. He quickly lifted his head and looked over at her. Where his once bright green eyes where now laid faded milky white eyes. He would be blind for the rest of his life.
Five years had pass from the time Kazumi went blind and today of all days was his birthday. He was officially an adult but no one really cared or remembered. Everyone in the village was to busy getting ready for Lady Ima’s birthday. The next day Ima would be an adult and the villager’s new leader, they where even hold festivals to celebrate it. Kazumi was in charge or getting Lady Ima ready for it and had to go and gather things she had requested. You would think since he was blind they would relive him of being a servant but that was far from true. In fact Chiyo and Ima found it funny watching he try to do thinks and even more so when they got mad at him for going it wrong. They loved it that he was humiliating to him. Earlier that day Lady Ima order Kazumi to bring her back purple berries and if he brought back a different color she would punish him. Knowing very well he wouldn’t be able to know the color and even if he did get luck she would punish him anyways, since he had no way of knowing the real color.
Kazumi was wondering in a field next to the village looking for the berries just like Lady Ima asked. Just like she planed he was having a really hard time finding the berries all he could go by was smell. Then suddenly he smelled someone unfamiliar and could hear rumbling in the grass. “Who’s there?” he asked not knowing what kind of response he would get. “Do you know a Chiyo or a Ima?” a deep seductive voiced asked.
“Yes, I do I am a servant of theirs.” he answered back.
“Good, please give this to them.” He was asking while handing him a letter.
“Can I ask for your name?” Kazumi ask as he took the letter.
“Rio” he said
As soon as he appeared Rio vanished with no sent to fallow. Kazumi gave up the search for the berries and went to take the letter back like was asked of him. When he reached the house he called for Chiyo. When she appeared Kazumi handed her the letter.
“Dear Chiryo,
I will come for Ima tonight”
Her eyes widen when she read it and turned to Kazumi, “who sent this?” she demanded.
“He said his name was Rio,” He answered.
Those where the words she didn’t want to hear and now she had no idea what to do. She didn’t want to give away her daughter even more so now that she is going to be the leader, which would mean Kazumi would become the leader. That’s when she got the idea to dress Kazumi as Ami and send him to the demon. Chiyo chucked for she thought her plan was perfect. “Kazumi that man s going to be you’re new owned, I am selling you.” She told him as she walked off.
Later that night the Demon Rio did come and Chiyo gave him Kazumi, who was dressed up as Ami. If it wasn’t for his eyes they could have been twins. Rio was fooled and gladly took Kazumi think he was the female. Kazumi stayed quite the whole time not knowing what to do and in no time they reached Rio’s den. “Your home Ima” Rio said softly. When Kazumi hear his sister name he finally spoke. “Ima? I am Kazumi. Ant I’m your new servant?” He asked confused.
Rio’s eyes widen knowing he was tricked and let out a loud roar. How could a great demon like him be so easily fooled? He took a better look at Kazumi and started thinking to himself. “Well he does look famine, I am sure others would of made the same mistake. “ he convened himself. He really isn’t bad looking and Rio knew that even though it was hard to tell then the black dirt all over him. So he grabbed a near by bucket oh water and poured it on Kazumi. When the dirt washed away he could see his true peel green color. Rio feel head over heals in love with him and decided to forgive Chiyo since he rather have Kazumi now.
Months gone by and Kazumi felt home sick and begged Rio to let go back just for a week. Of course Rio didn’t want him to go after learning everything they did to him but he could never say no to him. Rio eventually agreed and gave him a special ring that would guide him there. Once Kazumi reached the village Ami saw him and rushed home to tell her mother. Chiyo was scared that he ran away and now the demon would be angry. She knew she had to kill him.
Just like how she killed Shiro, she killed Kazumi by giving him a death kiss. His body laid there stiffen, just like his mothers when Shiro first found him. Weeks gone by and Rio still haven’t heard from Kazumi, getting worried he decided to go look for him. Once close to the village he could smell his sent and started to fallow it. Then he saw it, Kazumi’s dead helpless body. Rio rushed over and started to cry with rage filling his eyes. He knew Chiyo killed him due to the faint sent of her on his corpus. He was going to get he revenge.
He placed Kazum’s body on his back and headed to the village. Rio made sure to destroy every build in sight leaving no mercy to anyone. Finally he reached the house where Chiyo an Ima lived and tore it down. They where huddled in the corning and where begging for there life’s but Rio wanted revenge for everything. He grabbed Ima by the throat and ripped her heart out of her chest. Her blood feel all over Chiyo who start to cry as Rio tore up Ima’s body and tossed it aside like it was nothing. With his heart in his hand he gently placed it in Kazumi’s body and just like Ima, once he removed his claw he brought life to Kazumi one more time. Rio slowly turned to Chiyo and ripped out her eyes and said, “Now you can walk the earth as a fool” as coldly he could. He left her there to life with a dead daughter, which was the last thing she ever saw. Rio picked up Kazumi and carried him back to his den where they lived for the rest of their lives.
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