Username: [.Black.Kitten]
Character name: Amrielle-Naprilana Oberon
Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Alliance: Neutral
Appearance: [ x ]
Personality: Being an Elf, Amrielle is naturally calm. She's quite shrewd, and Talos help you if you end up on her bad side, because she holds a grudge like nobody's business. She has a soft spot for bastards and broken beings.
Biography: Amrielle was orphaned at a young age, the daughter of a pair of foolish Thalmor supporters. After their death, she was sent to live with her kind grandfather, a smithy and weapons master. They travelled from province to province, plying their trade. She witnessed his death at the hands of a band of thieves, when she was 15. Having no where to go, she used all her energy forcing herself to look far older than she was an became a mercenary for hire, a master of the bow, and a force to reckon with.
Other: Being a Bosmer, Amrielle is most at home in the woods with a well crafted bow in her hands. She has the Gift of Speech, when she talks people listen, and Amrielle relishes her ability to manipulate people.
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