After thoroughly exploring and meeting a vast number of people, I found much dedication within. I'm fascinated by how much effort and time some people have to offer to this online community. Creating artwork, putting together guides and even designing profile layouts. I truly appreciate their hard work. Bellow are a few examples of such masterpieces I find useful;
~ Avatar Making Guide ~ by sdrawkcab. This guide looks, like, it took a while to put together. It's clean, fancy and very explanatory with all the advice and tips you won't find anywhere else.
Pie's Guide to Sets and Builds by Pie. This guide is pretty handy if you've just started playing zOMG!. Personally, I love the Gaia's MMO. But, without Pie's help, I doubt I'd get far in game.
• rose colored designs • chickie's profile themes by c h i c k i e. Basically, the best designer for your Gaia profile layout. I wouldn't look anywhere else, or bother decorating my profile by myself, 'cause Christina is a real artist when it comes to creating a profile theme. So, come by her website or thread and drop a few suggestions as to what themes you'd love to see coming.
I won't bother writing a wall of text about the Artist's Corner, just go and check it out for yourself. Magnificent work by the brightest minds on Gaia.
All I can say about it is, it's worth the effort.
![]() Dreary September Community Member ![]() |