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Title: Young Artist Score: 7.5900 Total Ratings: 1368 Total Comments: 53 Rank: 160 Comments you received miccru Very cute
[GunnerYuna] :3
Demin_Kitty Snazzy Avii Dudie~ ^___^ 10/10
[Manju_tea] awww...it's cute. I like it.
misssarahble looks cute n a bit old fashioned...original 4 me 10/10
Xiaoyu girl naz Cute avi! 10/10
minnie1350 cool 100/100!
Rorensu Uh-door-uh-buhl! Ten. :3
CherryRubbers nice xd
mcrxz0mbie :]
Dear Augustine I extremely dislike the hair, eyes and mouth.. but everything else is pretty good! You get a rare high rating of 6/10.
sportygirl527 2 much brown!!!!!!!!!!
snicketylemons adorable
sweet_10 i dont really like it..
Ankh I really like it ^^
Sapphire Moon Fox that's a lot like me! :3nod 1o/1o I heart the neuteral colors, the artist part and she's blonde! LIKE ME wow I'm stunned by the resembence of me and this avi! XD
Whispered_Name I like it.Its different from all the pure white or black avi that we see everyday. 10/10 Rate me back if you want <3
Lycan of Death That smile makes me laugh. It's like she's thinking. OMFG I'MMA PAINT TODAY!
chicky hot nice idea
Ardilla Demonio What's with the mouth? I don't know any artists that look THAT happy. 5/10
King Henry It makes me happy when I look at it ^_^
Kiwi_Kyra hah! reminds me of oliver twist! i like it!
xx-asianbabe-xx oh wicked an artisit hehehe u look cute
wingsoflife Adorable, love the not-flashy look. I hate to say it, but alot of people are going to be too thick to see the simple beauty in it. 10.
crazygirl879 Its good but you need to changed the mouth.
FlowerPixie original....likable....its cool...
vcfm22 .:: Nice Job ::.
LiL~Dymond very good!!!! 10/10 plzz rate back
yuna gun smoke forget it i changed my mine 10/10
cool_beans92 reminds me of oliver twist
hansome-man its cute 10/10 and i love the discrption!10/10~pleas vote back!
rukawagf VERY NICE 10 from me!
Azn.Dudette ahaha very cute~! 9/10
Alix_dark_angel Aww! </3 sweet... 9/10
We_only_come_out_at_night I like this look. I like your use of color.
Antauri Damn it's cute X3 1o/1o
babygurl718 it looks cute! like it!
Gold dog The greatest colors! I wish I could give you 100/100 but I can't. So you get 10/10!!!!!!!
kevinvan381 sorry but not goin with he dark colors try to be more realalistic like adding the bunny ears to make it look cute but in this action u look like a generl painter which has too much bout the night or something 5/10 or 40/100
[~Zoso~] xD!
onigi its so cute! the big mouth makes her look like a little girl <333
[ w o o d y] Really nice avatar! Put together well. Rate back, please?
serenahehe6 awesome10
Suicide Lollies Love the brown colour used in this. :]
carribeankitty artist= 1o/1o
setunin 10/10
havefaithinme11 8'd
Cold.Summer cute it matches alot 10/10
Electra Cheez save the brown hair that looks just like mah alias 'kinku'..... so cute! >w< 9'd.
SirEddjo really cute
goth.cinderella ahhhh hes gunna eat me!!!
goth.cinderella 9 but u are cute