Colours that Apply to myself
(Take the test, and see what you will get! )
You feel burdened by personal problems that are not easy to solve. Your biggest problem, however, is the one you create through your belief that the source of your problems lies outside yourself. In truth, it is your conscious mind with its convictions, desires and fears which generates the problems and conflicts and what is more, claims it can't do anything about this, but is nonetheless willing to solve them. The thing you prefer not to admit to is your heavy burden of problems.
Your unconscious advises you to:
It would be better if you didn't try to hide your fear and anger behind an inscrutable poker face. In doing so, you make it harder for other people to treat you appropriately because they cannot see what is going on inside you and don't know what you are really thinking. Furthermore, as time goes on, the repressed emotions can have an unpleasant way of making their presence felt in the form of physical complaints.
Difficult circumstances limit your opportunities for experience and your freedom of action. You feel deprived because you have to do without some of the things that would make life pleasant. You expect far too much understanding for your needs from other people, and as a result, you often feel disappointed. You might ask yourself how much understanding and empathy you extend to others. You would like to be free of your inhibiting limitations.
Your unconscious advises you to:
Don't immediately become impatient when your needs and wishes are not fulfilled as you expect them to be. Limitations can also have their good side: they could be an invitation to you to take a breather and a pause for thought or provide you with an opportunity to concentrate on the essentials. They could also spur you on to make a shift to other possible sources of satisfaction.
Due to the fact that you are stuck in a genuinely unpleasant situation, you seek contact with helpful people you hope will show you understanding and provide you with moral support. It could be that you receive the necessary encouragement, but in the end, you have to solve your personal problems yourself. Your common sense will help you in this. You believe that right now two things can help: your intelligence and nurturing useful relationships.

The behavior of certain other people is a thorn in your side. You don't feel like putting up with just anything without objection, and because of this, you can give no guarantee you won't end up in an argument with the person in question. Your stubborn attitude could easily provoke confrontations. At the moment, your mood is somewhat gloomy due to your...unpleasant contentiousness.

Whatever you perceive – people, things or information – you analyze it, both critically and with a certain amount of skepticism, because you want to be certain whether it is beneficial to you or not. You are not easily misled, and in line with the motto “once bitten, twice shy”, you keep your distance from everything that could damage your wallet, your reputation, your wellbeing or your peace of mind. One thing is utterly clear to you: your present situation requires...objective assessment of the situation.
(Take the test, and see what you will get! )

Your unconscious advises you to:
It would be better if you didn't try to hide your fear and anger behind an inscrutable poker face. In doing so, you make it harder for other people to treat you appropriately because they cannot see what is going on inside you and don't know what you are really thinking. Furthermore, as time goes on, the repressed emotions can have an unpleasant way of making their presence felt in the form of physical complaints.

Your unconscious advises you to:
Don't immediately become impatient when your needs and wishes are not fulfilled as you expect them to be. Limitations can also have their good side: they could be an invitation to you to take a breather and a pause for thought or provide you with an opportunity to concentrate on the essentials. They could also spur you on to make a shift to other possible sources of satisfaction.

The behavior of certain other people is a thorn in your side. You don't feel like putting up with just anything without objection, and because of this, you can give no guarantee you won't end up in an argument with the person in question. Your stubborn attitude could easily provoke confrontations. At the moment, your mood is somewhat gloomy due to your...unpleasant contentiousness.

Whatever you perceive – people, things or information – you analyze it, both critically and with a certain amount of skepticism, because you want to be certain whether it is beneficial to you or not. You are not easily misled, and in line with the motto “once bitten, twice shy”, you keep your distance from everything that could damage your wallet, your reputation, your wellbeing or your peace of mind. One thing is utterly clear to you: your present situation requires...objective assessment of the situation.