Easter time and it snows outside! It SNOWS! The flowers were freaking out like "What the heck is this?!" Last week it was 80 degrees out and when I say it's snowing I mean the stuff is actually staying on the ground whee
Tachik · Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 01:21am · 0 Comments |
I seriously need a place of my own... its impossible to get any amount of piece and quiet around here... even when my mother isn't saying anything she makes noise... and its not often she doesn't say anything, talks in movie theaters talks when I study, talks with no point... .she talks just to hear herself.. .drives me mad, and the sounds she makes when she isn't talking... I swear she can't eat quietly, she must have a water park in her mouth, all the sloshing and smacking ... it over powers the crunching... I don't mind the sound of crunching food, its the smacking and the other noises that drive me mad, she doesn't always keep her mouth closed which makes it worse and this isn't to mention the bleaching which would make any man proud and the farting which would kill a cow.... ARGH how am I suppose to get my hw done or any studying.... let alone get the grades she expects of me, plus getting all the work done around the house she expects of me... like the nagging really helps any... I swear if I could figure out a way to mute her I would be the happiest person in the world
Tachik · Sun Dec 02, 2007 @ 12:08am · 0 Comments |
when all is plain and all is dark nothings the same so where do you start How do you sleep and how do you wake when no light changes its all the same
Tachik · Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 03:28pm · 0 Comments |
Stupid people piss me off (a rant) |
I hate stupid people, I really really do. Lazy stupid no good loafers who think they can do nothing and get eveything handed to them. Who when they are in a group think they can have their group mates do all the work and still get an A. Who do they think they are? Why wont they listen to reason? Why won't they put in effort?
It's true what they say "If you want something to get done, give it to the busy man."
It pisses me off when I have to do all the work, my ideas are ignored my suggestions tossed aside, and they lie in the reports so it looks like we all did equal work so we all get A's. Where is the truth in that? Why should I bother... I should have left group... fired them all and worked on my own... would have gotten just as far... I can't stand it... I can't handle it... I want to scream and should, to lash out and shove in their face what stupid lazy idiots they are!! What is their problem? Why don't they get it... are they really that dence... are they really that stupid? What is their problem?
I've run out of words to express my frustration and anger thought it still rages through me, what is to be done... what grades will we get? WHY ARE THERE IDIOTS IN THE WORLD?!
I hate stupid people....
Tachik · Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 04:00pm · 0 Comments |
Important to all who know me! |
My hotmail account got hacked today and an email was sent out to slander me. Please delete it and block that account I can not access it and can't find a way to shut it down. So please please please don't believe what it says. I have a new hotmail account under taytame, if you see a request to allow me to have you on my account just know it's me and lets try to put this behind us
Tachik · Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 02:25am · 0 Comments |
After one year one month and two days my boyfriend and I broke up. Not some horrible fight, but a quiet talk about how eachother was feeling about the relationship, and though I did not desire it to end, he never wanted a lasting relationship because he wasn't ready to settle down yet and having a relationship last so long started to feel as though he were and it was starting to freak him out. So he felt that he would be happier if we ended it now on good terms rather than waiting for a fight to happen. He was very afraid of hurting me and so was a little reluctant to say what he wanted, knowing I want a lasting relationship.
It does hurt, I wish we could stay together, but I can not change him so I guess its time. I told him that I would understand and he just needs to tell me what he really wants, and though he wasn't able to flat out say "I want to break up with you" even in his round about way of saying what he felt it was clear.
He feels bad for hurting me and I think it almost brought him to tears, he huged me several time to comfort me through out the night as I attempted to gather all of my stuff to be moved out. So I can only hope leaving will have him realize how he truely feels and have him reconsider... but even if that were to happen, which I doubt... I don't know if I could... I want to.... but it would only end the same way... and I'm not ready for that.
Tachik · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 03:23pm · 2 Comments |
I was talking with a friend today about what i want in life, and it was very simple... just not so simple to get
I want a family of my own, to be settled down, have everything in order (financial wise), have 2 kids, a dog, a house with a garage, 2 cars (husbands and mine), a yard, a steady job, to have a husband that loves me absolutely, and to love him the same. I dont need a happily ever after... just a happy most of the time ever after.
Why must that be so hard these days? I think its becoming harder and harder as women come into their own and hold full time jobs as welll as be a full time mom...everything circles around money now sadly, and the price of everything is on the rise. There is no security in job or family anymore. The more we try to make life easier the harder it gets... so why do we keep trying? I just want to be able to support myself and my family and to be happy.
But with the debt of going to college, the uncertainty of getting a job with my major, and many other things, this dream seems far from possible... perhaps in 10 years it will be possible or achieved... but it seems so far off and so hard to see that it seems imposible... and that very thought shadows my heart and darkens my mind.
If i had a loft and a husband who loved me absolutely and I felt the same and we were financially stable that for me would be good. I'd be happy... but that too seems so far and near impossible that my will is wavering. What had once been stubborly strong has been wavering progressively more as time moves on and threatens to soon crumble.
Why must we be so obsessed with money as a society that we destroy ourselves, hate ourselves, make ourselves ill in body and mind? I hate money, I hate it all but it is so ingrained into society that I need it and am forced into the same never ending loop as those who desire it. Why are we forcing ourselves to be more and more isolated from society, what happened to the communities and tribes that once were, where everyone would help everyone to survive and none were left to want? Why do we hate eachother so?? Why must life be like this? Why do we keep it this what? Is there any way to change it? Questions I ask myself with no answer found.
But I have drifted from the topic... my dreams and desires... so let me end it with this. Hearts desire is not always found where you look, nore is it always what you seek, but when you find it you will know, and that is a promise you can keep. Please God let me find my hearts desire.
Tachik · Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 04:32am · 1 Comments |