FAQ About Velvet.
Hi ^^ Welcome to my FAQ, thanks for reading this biggrin
Anyways since my profile is featured a lot of people will have questions they will want to pm me right away. Since im super lazy and I dont want to reply to every single pm and profile comment heres a lil FAQ I decided to set up to give everyone involve in this profile the credit they deserve.
Q: Wow you profile is awesome, did you make it?
A: No, I did not. The coding for this profile is from Seiorai. She is a super sweet girl and an amazing artist. As you can imagine im very happy with the final results heart 4laugh
Q: I love the art, did you make it?
A: I did not. The art featured in my profile is from Raijin Loraine. Please DO NOT pm her for art. Her commissions are on hold and you will have to wait till end-august. Here's her Price info and Samples of her work.
Q: Who did the art for your gallery?
A: I featured my favorite artists there. I honeslty dont remember every name, but I know Nagon, xXEnd of all HopeXx, Lollipop of doom and Xaitoh are there. I dont want to disclose some of the artists cause I know they dont want 9287592875 pms regarding art, so just be happy with the names I gave you wink
Q: Can you donate/be my friend?
A: I only donate or befriends people that are introduced to me by friends or that I meet at the GGP (my favorite thread hangout). Please dont send me trades or random pms about the profile cause I will more than likely ignore them. Its not that Im a b***h or anything, I just dont have time in real life to reply to everyone. Sorry.
Q: Do I know you from somewhere?
A: Maybe from The Hoarding Guild?
Im current head of The Hoarding Guild, which helps gaians learn about the economy and investments. We help old and new gaians to learn how our economy works and what are good items to hoard to maximize profits and be able to conquer all your gaia dreams, check us out wink
Q: Can I patch you?
A: Sure I would looove that <3 Here's my patch.

Q: Would you patch me?
A: I dont have an area for patches set up yet but once im not featured anymore I will set one up in my journal, so make sure you post your code HERE in the FAQ and I will patch everyone later
Q: Who is the guy in your pics?
A: My gaia boyfriend B R A I N whom I love heart heart heart heart
Q: Is the halo you wear yours?
A: Its Brain's and mine, yes. But I dont keep it on this account, simply because I get scam attempts all the time and I dont trust it. The halo is kept on a secret account that only Brian and I know about. ninja
Q: Whats the name of the song you have on your profile?
A The song is Orenji No Taiyou from Hyde and Gackt. This is my favorite song ever and the lyrics are just amazing, google it up biggrin
Q: Do you buy art?
A OH YES, if you are a good artist and you want your art to be featured in my flash gallery pm me your samples and if I end up commissioning you I will feature your art there as well. If you pm me to offer me art please write in the title of the pm ART OFFER so I dont look over and ignore it. Im very interested in spending millions on good art, so dont hesitate to contact me there.
Will add more as questions come up heart Thanks for reading and comment away if you have to heart 3nodding