Dr. Scalpel
Cutie Mark: Scalpel with a purple/green swoosh with sparkles
Talent: plastic surgery
Age: 32 years
Traits/Personality: Dr. Scalpel has a pretty decent personality, and very good doctor - but - He has a very peculiar obsession of cutting things...
He's one of those "Mare's Stallion" type of pony and a good sweet talker. He loves to doing what he does - making beautiful ponies, more beautiful... or not-so-beautiful to beautiful - .... but he loves more than anything to cut into skin [or cut out] and sculpt skin to make it more appealing and beautiful.
He doesn't like when anypony interferes with a surgery [like either a pony tries to stop another pony from getting plastic surgery, or a pony gets in the way while in surgery]... if there's a possibility that he will do a any type of surgery, Dr. Scalpel will do anything to make it possible.
Background Story:
Dr. Scalpel was a very odd colt, he would always tear, cut, or whatever he can -with whatever he can find- to take things apart, especially his toys and stuffed animals. Later, he would put them back together to make something beautiful [to his eyes]. His father -Dr. Heart Throb, a very renowned hear surgeon- noticed his techniques (despite lil Scalpel made a mess of things) and took him under his 'wing' to teach him all about surgery. Lil Scalpel was very interested and excited to learn everything about surgery. Also, on the side his father would teach all about mares and how to talk to them - Dr. Heart Throb is also known for his way with the mares.
When he was older, he was sent to medical school. As soon as "plastic surgery" was mentioned, something clicked in his mind and made him more interested in the subject. Under his internship he experienced his first surgery, he loved the smell, the sites, and the excitement of the operation room. Young Dr. Scalpel continued his internship and enjoying each surgery he observes - really enjoying it.
About a year or so, he graduated from medical school and for the first time - exercised in a surgery. It was a correction surgery, some pony's nose had been completely clipped off. Older doctors where skeptical about putting him in this surgery, but his scores in this type surgery were high and they decided he was right for this. The first cut, the first spill of blood made him smile and giggle inside. The doctors where amazed with his techniques - which they have never seen before. When Dr. Scalpel was done, the pony's nose was better than before! It healed nicely and perfectly - it didn't leave any scars! Dr. Scalpel felt the adrenaline of the surgery, he knew this was is special talent. He knew his talent was to cut into ponies and transform them into something new... something ... beautiful.