you know how parents always tell kids not to sit too close to the televion screen?
damn parents getting smart n s**t.
look how bored you are. spirit of tvs that take the souls of children that sit too close to the screen.
you got no souls to take.
the parents are learning.
just sit there and play your little handhelds and smoke a cigarette
it's going to be a hard eternity.
hey at least you have the few souls you got over the years.
it was a short run but it was a good one.
damn parents getting smart n s**t.
look how bored you are. spirit of tvs that take the souls of children that sit too close to the screen.
you got no souls to take.
the parents are learning.
just sit there and play your little handhelds and smoke a cigarette
it's going to be a hard eternity.
hey at least you have the few souls you got over the years.
it was a short run but it was a good one.