You're there for me no matter what. If I'm down and in need of someone, you're there because you care about me. I miss you so much and I know that you know that but I say it anyways. I love you and I know you still love me. There are some days where I wish you were here and some where I just wish I was with you and not some other girl. I'm not going to say anything bad about her because I know how much you love her...in some part of my mind, I think you love her more than you ever loved me. I wish I could contact you somehow besides facebook and myyearbook. I don't have your new number and I don't have a phone that I can text you on (yet) which sucks and I don't know if you'd wanna text me anyways. If I ever come to New York then I'll make sure that I drop in and say hi to you and I would hope that you would do the same if you ever came to Ohio. I love you Brandon and don't you ever forget it because my feelings for you will never change, ever.