Hey all of GAIA...I just started a new poetry trend @ my school called "Emotion Poetry" and I was wondering if u guys out there would review my latest Emotion Poetry? This one I wrote when I saw a couple kissing @ school and thought about my first kiss. So please, tell me what u think!!! P.S. The sea of JELL-O thing was better than "Sea of Love". "Sea of Love" thing is too original and it would probably hurt more if you fell into the sea than JELL-O...right?
This Feeling of Mine!!
What is this feeling, this feeling of mine?
So pure, so divine, it's no wonder your mine.
When you look at me w/ those crystal blue eyes,
My legs begin to shake and my heart melts for you.
Time ticks by slowly as I glance at the clock in my homeroom,
I fidget in my seat waiting for the bell to ring for my release.
The teacher's voice drones on till, at last, the lunch bell rins.
I race to meet your arms, to see your smiling face, to feel your warmth.
Holding hands for the world to see, to see a couple in love.
We go to our usual spot in the shade, where the sun is shining and there's never a black cloud looming over us.
Now that your here w/ me, in your arms, talking and smiling at me,
This feeling is more real than I realized, this feeling of mine.
I look at you as you look at me; both our eyes locked on each others face.
It came so sudden; it came so fast, this feeling of mine,
Now the universe has been intertwined around us as your lips touch mine.
I feel like I'm in heaven, soaring above the clouds, or like time has stood still and everything, but us, is melting like that painting that looks like time's melting.
This feeling of mine, so breathtaking, so heavenly, I feel like I'm falling fast into a sea of some type of "LOVE JELL-O".
My mind has gone, I see your face w/ blurs all around you and your lips are moving, but there's no sound for I'am lost in this feeling of mine.
I snap out of it just in time for you to kiss me one last time before the bell rings again, and then I'll have to wait.
Until 4:05 that is, when we'll be together when the last school bell rings and we'll walk home together.
Holding hands and having this feeling of mine return to us, so the two of us can experience this feeling of mine, TOGETHER!!!!
![]() Silva_the_Werewolf _Chick Community Member ![]() |