Chapter 2: China…where the sun sets
Let’s just go back a few years before 1939. Let’s go back to 1937 in Asia. After WW1, Japan had realized that the only way to win a war was to have natural resources. Japan didn’t have many natural resources but noticed that China did. Japan decided to invade one part of China that had many natural resources. China, you could imagine, wasn’t very happy about this. Japan then had the idea to invade the rest of China. China was not happy at all. China tried to fight Japan off, but Japan retaliated with severe bombing. The bombings left China in very had condition. Also it’s said that Japanese soldiers would attack, rape, and even murder Chinese citizens. Worst part was that both Japan and China were in the League of Nations but nobody would help China. This was mainly because the League didn’t have an army and one the strongest countries and creator of the League, America, wasn’t a part of it. Also there was the fact that most of the countries were struggling with the Great Depression. But none of the countries were very happy with Japan and started to criticize him. Japan was offended and decided to leave the League.
“You must stop him!” China yelled. The League of Nation stared at China silently and with looks of guilt and pity. “Parts of my country are in ruins! My people are scared! Many have been killed, raped, and even tortured! Please! I’m begging you! Please help me!” The countries couldn’t bear looking at China, especially after that small speech. “We’re in an economic crisis.” Britain said very softly. China looked around the room full of countries; some were big powerful countries, and some were small countries. China’s eyes filled with tears. Me…my people…we can barely survive as it is. We need help! Please! Please, help us! China fell to his knees, covering his face with his oversized sleeves and wept. “Please…PLEASE!” he constantly cried. All the countries looked at each other. They felt useless and felt horrible for China. This powerful country was now in front of them in tears and begging on his knees for help. “China…” France said softly. China got up on his feet and sternly stared at the countries. He then walked out of the room upset and angry.
The countries of the League of Nations had a meeting with Japan about the China fiasco. “You must stop attacking China.” The countries commanded. Japan smirked, Sure I will. “Don’t just ignore us!” Britain yelled. Japan stared at him harshly, “Who are you to tell me what to do?” he replied cruelly. Britain bounced back into his seat; Japan has never acted in this cruel manner before. Britain could feel the dissolving of the friendship. Other countries started to shout at Japan, expressing their displeasure. Japan became annoyed. “I don’t need any this from you! I’m leaving and I will do whatever I want!” he yelled. The countries went silent while staring at this, usually calm, country. “s**t…” France said under his breath to the stunned and uncomfortable Britain, “we can’t even stop him from leaving.” Britain sat in his seat with his arms crossed. “Fine.” A British voice said, echoing throughout the dead quiet room. Japan turned his attention to Britain who now looked somewhat displeased with him. “Huh?” Japan said faintly. “Leave if you really want to. Just go already.” Britain said increasing in volume and anger. Japan spun around and faced the large oak doors of the conference room. He stamped out leaving everyone staring at Britain. Britain continued to look forward and ignored the stares and slight whispering. “I hope this isn’t going to turn out bad.” France said with worry.
Japan and America started to become close. They started to trade with each other. Then on December 7, 1941, things changed. The neutral country, America, who wanted nothing to do with the war, joined the allies after a surprise attack by Japan.
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