the marks are so u can comment ur mark and get back to it later like little chapters ok?? heart enjoy and yush the one with indy in it hurts me to read ... if you want i can tell u what its about
if you're asking if i need you, the anser is forever...
If you're asking if ill leave you, the anser is never...
if you're asking what i value, the answer is you... i
f you're asking if i love you, the answer is i do.
your smile
your look
your laugh
your hair
your sent
your clothes
your sarcasm
DEATH to the b***h that touches MY MAN
Whatever you do, don't fall for me. Someone will get hurt.
Too often we lose sight of lifes simple pleasures.
I want a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch me sleep. The boy who kisses you foehead. Who wants to show you off to the world who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you’re just as pretty with out makeup on. The one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you
mark 2
Too often, we lose sight of life’s simple pleasures. Remember, when some annoys you it takes 42 muscules in your face to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to estend your arm and b***h-slap the mother@#?!&!
DON’T HIT KIDS no seriously. They have guns now
some people are like slinkies, they don’t really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
The hardest thing on earth is to see the one u love loving someone else
Friendships come from the heart someone who accepts you for being the person you are the person who is always there whenever you need them most the person who gives you the strength when you feel that your strength has gone a friend is someone who loves you just because you are you.
mark 3
***You Are An Attention Seeker***
You're only human, so you can't help but want a little attention every now and then.
You love the spotlight, but only when it's well deserved. You'd hate to be known for the wrong thing.
And you also don't mind sharing the spotlight. You can easily give someone else credit or a complement.
You know there's enough attention to go around, and it makes you happy when your friends shine.
You come across as: Friendly and interesting
People may wrongly think you're: A little more modest than you actually are!
Are You An Attention Whore?
mark 4
***You Are 24% Sociopath***
From time to time, you may be a bit troubled and a bit too charming for your own good.
It's likely that you're not a sociopath... just quite smart and a bit out of the mainstream!
the things that lurk in mi eyes that u cannot see
a sad and tourchered sould never to die only to cry a life of a girl who wishes to be a turtle to hide like how i tide retreats and only to come out when means the words the come from her heep, deep withn her soul who feels like a toll takes to long to get there so y bother?
mark 5
u walk down the street and u see this tall dark man who seems to be sad with a hint of hate he is not an ugly man in fact u think he is kinda cute. so u walk up to him and ask "is there any thing wrong err hi mi name is isabelle. and u r??"
with a dark gloomy look in his eye he starts to speak in a dark voice as if he'd just witness somthing gory beyond all reconition he says "mi name is casey, i had just lost every thing inclueding mi life, can i trust u??" in this sereous face.
"sure if u can trust me ill tell u somthing i bet u think im crazey for saying this but im a witch. i cant beleave i told u that i mean i just met u hehe"
"k i understand" he paused and his face lighten up just a wee bit as he continued "a bank rupet was the beging of it then mi wife left me i had a little boy and a older teen age girl but mi wife took the girl then i was driving mi boy to school and a car scraped the side now i had been agrueing for him to put his seat belt on but he never did any way the car scraped the side of the car and opened his door and he feel out as he did the car ran over his head. when i thought it couldnt get any worse witch came in a put a curse on me and it was that i never beable to find mi one true love." his face darkend again.
wait whated she look like u asked
"she was tall dark a blue and black and blue makeup dark blue young and ful of youth or so she appered. peircing green eyes, and a bunch of daggers and swords a giant spell book she said you will not find ur love but only she may find u. and placed some curse on me" now im left with nothing but i got mi money back and mi house and stuff infact im rich, thank you isabelle u actully listen to me and mi problems i need a helping hand like you around how bout we meet back up heres mi card" as he handed her this card he winked and walked off
you holler "your welcome and thank you casey and im glade u dont think im crazy!" you joked as u turn in the direction u were going and stalked off
days before the meeting cpt 3.
when u get home u study some more magic u try to create a poition that demoitish's demons. ur put way to much bat #@*^ in it and it explodes in ur face. but whats weird is that when u where studying u acidently pierced ur finger and bled into the pot and a small spot of purple smoke appered from it now u look at what seems to be a merroir but whats this its no merroir its a replica of u! then poof, alicazam she turns into this dark witch with blue all over her. poof la switch let me be here to stay
and u be far away
she mummbled as a cloud helped her dissoper
i hope u like it this is gonna be good know u no!
mark 6
wow what a drity lttle secreate
you pull him in closer and closer then finally smother his lips with yours. and the kiss of love would stop the world and melt forever into history! you are his arch enime and he is a noble warrior come from some strange and far away destnation and then bam in the middle of the kiss this comes back to you, you wrap your leg around him. and pull out a secret knife held tight in ur sock! you feel this feeling you never felt before and you feel as if your lower then the fisrt drop of a wild storm to begin you want to kill him for your people but you also wish for this kiss to never end you new this is your only chance you grip the knife tight in your hand he was the one who murdred your life, by that i mean every thing your life was like as you without thinking plunge the knife into his back after this you your self will die you feel his bodygo numb in your arms and your lips you wisper in his ear to the prince "good night mi sweet you left me no choice and i had to leave you to this concluetion you and i were ment to be but yet were never aloud. and with this very knife i lie you to your final slumber in to the next world when you die mi soul perpose is fulfeid and i will join you in the next world!"
you pull your backup knife from your bra and plunge it in to your heart, pain be gan to over come you at the same time you began to feel free and like you have done a good deed in your life time. your life began to flash as you see your mother and father and husband whom seem to be guiding you into a light that never darkens that is how it ends from there no one knows the truth that happened after that and we say i desationaly good bye
tell me if you like mi little story i worked hard on it and it took an hour for me to think of this and type it im sorry i no its ful of speing errors but plz comment
He be mine,
Don’t care,
If he be fine,
He is oh so kind,
He is here,
Even though,
He live clear over there,
I see him,
I feel me race,
My heart soars,
And urns to be,
Right next to him,
I could feel mi body over him just go limb,
I trust that guy,
That one man,
That I love,
His soul,
Matches mine,
I do as he says,
We have some things,
That we do not like,
But just like meh,
We do not back down,
Even if we,
Wanted each other to,
If I was mad,
Or just plane sad,
Just hearing him make me glad,
He’d fix me,
And hurt the one’s,
Who oppose me,
As I the same,
I swear its not just a fools game,
Reading this might sound lame,
But I swear he’s the one who can make me tame,
I was sad until he came,
I think it don’t mater if im sain,
Love is him,
Love is he,
Moving so perfectly,
I tell him,
I love you more than anything,
I wonder if he know’s cant stop thinking bout him,
My heart I no is worn,
And shattered,
But to you,
I give,
Wuts left of it,
What you do with me,
Is up to you,
But I will,
Love you,
Even when im in the sky!
Dont get meh wrong i luv mi bf! but this is mi truth!
I look over the skies,
What is it I see?
Its me,
The one time I was happy,
Look how I explore,
I never know,
Whats going on,
I loved him
But never new,
I always new I,
Loved him,
But not like this,
I used to think,
He was so perfect,
But now,
I know its,
I love you as mi friend,
A brother,
I love now another,
Too sweet he be,
Just like thy,
I remember,
Yes you,
You were,
Always that cowboy,
I greave over you so,
For I no,
Know no’s you,
You were alone,
And you were mi,
Mi smile,
Now you are,
Mi tears,
You are the red,
In mi wrist,
You are the softness,
In my lips,
You will always be remembered,
As that cow boy,
To me,
Lookin up,
I wonder,
Are you looking down at me,
Do you know,
You are what makes,
It hard for me to breath,
No one new who,
You were,
You were homeschooled,
We were always friends,
I had my first moments,
To share with you,
Like berry,
Do you remember,
That day,
My first time to ride her,
My first time to ride alone,
On a horse,
You were with me,
That one time,
When we were in the,
Do you remember that snake,
I told you I felt something brush against mi leg,
You just said the water current,
I was just glad,
No one got hurt,
Remember when berry,
Ran and bucked,
When I was riding,
Remember when we sun dried,
I do,
These are,
Things that,
I would die if I forgot,
You ment them,
When you were here,
Its true,
We will always,
Love one another,
But not love,
But brother,
Sister thing,
Indy I love you,
Know that!
This is my last good bye,
And my beging,
Of a tear,
I will always think,
Hello cowboy!
this is for the one and only person I ily more than the world its self
i walk, but dream of him,
i ask wuts he thinkin of,
is he think the same as i?
does he no i couldnt live without him?
this world may not be so new to me,
hell dating may not either but,
this is somthing new to me!
he is the world for me to see!
ily!!!!!! u no who you r!!
mark 10
A story I am Creating
She sat, while thoughts raced fast through her mind. Then with the same second leaping through the air she nearly yelped out "were have you been!?" in this demanding voice as she continued "ive been waiting for a whole 2 hours!" then she was about to say more but she smelt it. She knew were he was! before he could even replie she said "I was thinking agian bout what you had said two weeks back, but then agian what I say to you right now you would not remember any how whould you?!" she said softly but with a killer tone, and a threat in her eyes.
"what do you mea..." he tried to spit out but she interuped him before he could even finish
"i smell it! dont act like you didnt go out for a smoke agian!" her eyes started to swell " I thought you under stood me when I said i couldnt see you like this, every time you do, you get into a fight and it kills me!" she paused in a horrified little girl look she continued sounded as if she had been smack down to the ground " baby i dont... i cant... why do you do this to me??? I hurt every time you do, I love you and you get your self into a fight! its like torcher on my soul! I know you will never back down... you have proved that when you tried to kill Kalina... cuse she called you a filthy drug abused @$$hole..." her eyes fell to the floor for she had been staring so hard at him "well I dont know if she was wrong to call you that!" then with the same motion he lifted his hand and swipted it agiand her cheeck... the suddence of it all had surpised her and she feel and hit staight to the floor
"SHUT UP! DO YOU KNOW HOW SICK I AM OF HEARING IM SOME KINDA OF A a** HOLE?! DO YOU KNOW THAT IS WHY I HAVE THIS PROBLEM! IF YOU WOULD ONLY TAKE TIME TO LISTEN I WOULD NEVER HAVE TO DO THIS!!!!!!!" he scretched so loud that she could barley under stand him. then he raised her by her neck and swung her around to the wall lifting her feet a whole two feet off the ground!
in a muffeld voice she said "err i amm gronnra cwall za cwoaps on loo! wpen loo gwoe tro jbrail i wrill be over loo! nd frind some broody else!" she kicked him right smack in his gut and he lowerd her to the floor but did not lossen his grip, so she kicked him agian this time in the nuts! he let go falling to the floor!
"take your f**king ring back and if you ever come to me agian i will kill you!" she said droping the ring on his head then she ran away as fast as she could to the nearest phone and called the cop on him!
Mi Poems Oo i wrote a while back-_-" i no its bad i was sad
She kisses him in the rain
She kisses him at night
She kisses him in pure day light
But she never kisses him for just a sight
Watch she loves him
He loves her
Somting is wrong
And they just don’t under stand
One onthers feelings
So well
All I know is
I love him so
I watch her kiss him in my hell
NeXt PoEm!
There she stands so perfectly
There she stands just like me
There she says the words that never leave
There she goes
As she holds out her hand to help him to his feet
There she goes into his thoughts the place ive tried to be
But its like he never see’s me
His Heart does flutter
But not for me
His heart does flutter oh so perfectly
There she goes again and never leaves
Back into his mind and thoughts for his life
Watch as he passes me
He will never no
I love him so
NeXt PoEm!
mark 13
Tears rolled down my face,
As I waited there for you,
I saw a person or two,
But none could or would for me koo,
You said,
You promised,
But now I no,
I should just let out my breath
Cuse when I fall,
You will be the one,
Who laughs @ me,
Look now @me,
I will harm my,
Wrist until,
My eyes light up,
The glee that you,
Stole from me,
Is replaced by my,
Look now but im nothing but a stranger,
I here none of your crys,
But you watch,
As you let me die,
My heart now tanted black,
It was as if my heart was being hacked,
And now all we do is stand back,
I thought we made a pack,
Look @ me,
What is it that you see,
Were did you put my glee,
Listen I can not here,
The same I fear,
Watch as I let out mi bloodest tear,
I just stood here as you rip me to shreads,
I hope that someone will learn how to thread,
But as for now I wanna over dose on some meds,
NeXt PoEm!!
My angel is gone
My soul follows her
As she flys
All I do is die
Watch me sink
To a place so low
Were I will be forgoten and all they will say is so
My angle why wont you help
All you do is watch as I yelp
Angel angel you hurt me so
Watch as I sink so low
NeXt PoEm!
Wilting tree above a lake of dark,
Hills and hills of love and trust,
Broken down to layers of dirt and dust ,
Listen do you not here them bark,
Even if so what can you do, the girl left her body under those trees in that lake,
And if you try, you can still here how her heart aches,
Urns for love,
So down from above,
Comes this beautiful dove,
To Wisk her away to the life she deserves,
Leaving nothing of who she was, but her preserves.
makr 16
nExT pOeM!!
A Dream of Hell
Hi my name is melissa, but just call me Mel.
I had always thought but now I live in Hell.
Its worse then living in some jail Cel.
Can I trust u , mean u cant tell?
I am the thing that reprecents undead Hell.
This is a girl who never leaves this is a girl crys.
This is a girl who died and still is ready to die!
Watch as she looks alive but it is all lies.
She feels everyones eyes
They always look all she can do is a simple of two, let out hers sighs.
And watch as she says her last good byes!
mark 17
Poets name Death_darkens_all
theese i just found liked and saved
You Is My homie
You Mad, I'm Mad
You Fight, I Fight
You Hurt, Im Hurt
You Cry, I Cry
You Smile, I Smile
You Jump Off A Bridge...
I'm gonna Follow your stupid dumbass
mark 18
mark 19
stuff to hate...
when u go to the bathroom and atfer u get done no tolit paperO.o
when u have a crapy school food (u luv the stuff u aleric to) and thats the only good thing they suver...T.T
when u get caught chewing gum and u bite ur self
If darkness had an Emo Poem, The Words to be Writen down, would be named after me.
![]() XxSasuke the EmoxX Community Member ![]() |